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Everything posted by captmorgandrinker

  1. Cinnamon Life. The themed cereals all tasted like fruity garbage. We'd get a box and then struggle to finish it. Fun fact- there were 4 kids in our house, so we had anywhere from 10-12 different boxes of cereal at a time for variety. My (single) uncle just couldn't wrap his head around why we had so many.
  2. The tricky thing was when it became a federal holiday. It had some way short run-up (like a week's notice maybe?) in 2021 so there was confusion when the banks and post offices were suddenly closed that year.
  3. I don't think that was a thing here. The grunge kid footwear was Doc Martens.
  4. It's not exactly widely advertised that the Panthers are in the Miami area, so if you don't normally follow the NHL you may not know where in Florida they are. At least people show up to your California hockey games. Tampa has no issue, but during the season the Panthers are about half full, with most being fans of the visiting team.
  5. Panthers are Miami area, whereas the Lightning is in Tampa. Refuse to call it Tampa Bay.
  6. I didn't finish III, Vice City, or San Andreas either. The nice thing with IV and V is it'll restart at checkpoints on the bigger missions.
  7. You owe it to yourself to beat IV and V. It's like a Choose Your Own Adventure book but in video game form!
  8. The one I snagged from Best Buy shipped in a perfectly sized box, so hopefully Amazon does the same. Amazon shipped my Ocarina amiibos in a box, so there is hope!
  9. That Amazon one was up for several hours. Anywhere else it popped up it went out of stock within minutes.
  10. That's gone, now Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Legend-Zelda-Kingdom-Collectors-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B0BV9NKGJ4/
  11. This is live (for now) at Best Buy https://www.bestbuy.com/site/the-legend-of-zelda-tears-of-the-kingdom-collectors-edition-nintendo-switch-nintendo-switch-oled-model-nintendo-switch-lite/6535550.p?acampID=0&ar=1808063736150091822&cmp=RMX&irclickid=Sh2U8wW7Hz%3A5UvQyCNybCzAzUkAXkPUfqXr4040&irgwc=1&loc=Narrativ&mpid=376373&nrtv_cid=c63acc42a10545e74d73df975747259923b59a86fb48ddaf7a98c6b5c7246528&ref=198&skuId=6535550&utm_source=narrativ
  12. I think there's a Red Meat book or two. I know there's definitely one as I bought it eons ago.
  13. Is it the same green as an Xbox 360 game or the green from Super Luigi U?
  14. You can google a list of those typical interview questions. I'd print them out, along with some answers (and don't be afraid to make shit up, especially the "have you missed a deadline" one if you haven't). I'm assuming you get those during the phone interviews? And I get it. I am fucking horrible at interviews; if I wasn't already a lock for any position I applied for, I would never get hired!
  15. Figured I'd give all you wannabe popos the chance at this before I list it on ebay (or try to anyway). This is the yellow K3vbot version. $250 shipped to the US, no trades at this time. Thanks!
  16. Because a really good TE will still be available in future rounds?
  17. I gave it an 8. This game is the entire reason I mailed my Playstation to a stranger in California with a $50 money order to install a mod chip. Then bought a burned copy of the Japanese release of Tekken 3 for 10 bucks from ebay. Good times!
  18. I remember Michael Phelps would eat 12 fried egg sandwiches for breakfast to help with his 10k calorie daily intake. It also blows my mind that Joe Thomas had to eat 8,000 calories a day to maintain his lineman weight, while most of us with the offensive lineman build are just naturally that size.
  19. Breakfast pot pies? I gotta look for these around here!
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