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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. There are relatively weak fan theories about a few SH games claiming that the protag was killing people in SH the whole time, hallucinating or what have you. However, as I say they are weak. SH3 is well know for the line from Vincent - "they look like monsters to you?". But dude has evil intent - what Heather is seeing in REAL in Silent Hill, and he sees the same. My take in that while they are clearly grotesque creatures, he doesn't see them as "monsters" in a negative sense as the term implies. Many cult members in the series see them as saviours or similar, actively praying to them.
  2. The thread is clear - given a set of criterium on objective and (at least relatively) measurable statistics, which NES/Famicom game is best? There CAN be an objective best to typically subjective matters when guidelines for measurement are provided. Simple science.
  3. And I'm gonna just assume that infinite point pressing is not allowed, despite it not being in the rules.
  4. I hadn't realized I had any competition in this - I'll go toss 'er on.
  5. Forces you to consider whether you want safety, or points. I like!
  6. @ThePhleo Fix how exactly? They display as tables, and you can scroll through the content. A forum isn't the place for big tabular data like that. In fact it lags my computer to quote you (and crashes the browser on my phone) because of all of the styling associated with the HTML that it translates to. It's not ideal to be posting stuff like that here. It'd be far more ideal to share a Google sheet link or something to that effect, and let that software handle the display of the data.
  7. It'd need to hit the other marks, including being a good game. Alas!
  8. How dare you imply that compromise is possible!
  9. No, people need to stop accepting their business practices and sending them games and money.
  10. I picked up everything cuz I'm a keener. The points are in the diamonds, and I'm pretty sure only taking damage resets their value, or getting enough for a free life. I don't get hit much and I pick up all the diamonds, so whether taking damage or not impacts the points I'm not sure. But that's the best advice I can give. There's three tiers to this game, really. 1) be generally good at dodging things 2) pick up the diamonds, and don't get hit 3) learn where the hidden power up's are, especially flight and Macho Riki You can get by with 1. You can get a big score with 1 and 2. Do all 3 and you're laughin.
  11. Fyi @tbone3969 your personal email is listed on that PDF.
  12. I played it once, long ago. *staring into the sky*
  13. I know I've seen it, but I can't for the life of me remember the actual story beats. So there surely must have been none. 5.
  14. Learn where the flight tokens are and you'll never worry about jumping ever again.
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