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Extra Life 2021


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Administrator · Posted

Extra Life!

It's been a hectic year with lots of real life work going on, and in just the last week I quit my current job after lining up a new one, and I started going to the gym, and I just flew in and boy are my arms tired!

Excuses aside, we're just a WEEK out from Extra Life 2021!

This year November 6th is the day to mark on your calendar; I'll be playing games for as long as my tired old body will allow me to, starting from when I wake up early in the morning. The exact time will depend partially on the goings-on of the day prior (my last day at my current job), but I'll be sure to post in here when I know exactly what the plan is.

What the heck is "Extra Life", though?

Extra Life is a charity fundraiser where gamers like you and me can play games (generally live on Twitch or similar) to raise money for children's hospitals all over the world. Generally speaking a participant will play in support of their local children's hospital, as I am doing here (Sick Kids in Toronto in my case). The basic format is that all participants are given a shared Game Day on which most people will play games for 24 hours straight as a feat of willpower and show of support. I've done the full 24 hours in the past and I'll do it again, however after 9 years of this I'd be a liar if I said things always go to plan - what matters though is that we get out there and do our best, for the kids.


It's the same link as it has been for the last 9 years! Here it is:


All proceeds go to Sick Kids here in Toronto! As with every year my goal is the amount I raised the year prior, which means that this years goal is an intimidating $3,375! You can track my progress at the link above, and/or join me on Twitch the day of!

Last year I was able to get some prizing going, such as some art from our resident savant Casual Cart which was auctioned off. If you'd like to donate an item like a game or something rather than donating funds, that can help a lot too! Get in touch with me via PM and let me know!


Like Goku before me with his mighty Spirit Bomb, I am empowered by your presence. Join me on Twitch, come say hi, stick around and chat, stay awhile and listen! I'll be happy to take game requests for the systems I have available to stream (TBD; generally NES, SNES, Genesis, PC), especially if you've made a donation.

Twitch link: https://www.twitch.tv/glovesoffgames


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Administrator · Posted
1 minute ago, FireHazard51 said:

Man....I wanted to be the that guy who donated first well before the start of the actual fundraising event. 


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You'll need to work for the rest though...




Pro tip: The URL is the same every year cuz I reserve it. You could technically donate in like, February. 😛

And bb you know I'll work for that cash.

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Administrator · Posted
On 11/3/2021 at 9:38 PM, DoctorEncore said:

Sick kids get all the love! What's in it for me?

Also, I'm sure I can scrounge up a few games as prizes if you have a way to give them away.

I'd be happy to do some auctions, or a raffle. PM me if you wanna hook something up, I appreciate it! 

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Administrator · Posted

HEY HEY! It's about time I get my butt to bed. I'm going to do my best to be up bright and early, aiming for a 9am EST start time. Please do come by and say hi, I'll be on all day long and for as long as I can go! I can't guarantee a 24 hour stream due to external forces impacting my exhaustion levels of late, but I will work to stay up as long as possible.

I've got a few game requests on the board, and some stuff I plan to play CUZ I WANT TO DAMN IT! You can look forward to these popping up at some point:

  • Slow Mole (NES)
  • Chrono Trigger (SNES)
  • Astyanax (NES)
  • Ice Hockey (NES)
  • TMNT Turtles in Time (SNES)

Please look forward to it! Hopefully I'll see some of you tomorrow, and I'm sure I'll have an auction or something pop up through the day as well so keep your eyes peeled! 😄

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