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Dumbest Health Power-Ups?


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17 hours ago, Tabonga said:

On a slightly related topic I have often wondered why there was only one smurfette.

And here I thought she existed as a way to appeal to and sell Smurfs to little girls.

I can't think of "The Smurfs" without thinking of Family Guy Live In Vegas "All Cartoons are Fucking Dicks", and how Papa Smurf is actually a raging racist and homophobe. 😆

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I think the fully prepped meals found by destroying garbage cans and other types of barrels in beat 'em ups are pretty stupid. The player is literally eating garbage to regain health. As a whole, the food to regain health trope in video games is pretty silly. As if eating an entire loaf of bread somehow mended wounds.

On 6/23/2021 at 9:22 PM, MrWunderful said:

Joint herbs in resident evil. 

Smoking herbs makes me feel better, too!

I thought of that one immediately. If anyone has ever rolled a joint before playing Resident Evil they will always see the combined herbs a that.

On 6/25/2021 at 4:10 PM, DarkTone said:

Also, brunette = evil. Blonde = good. 

If blondes have more fun, then brunettes are more fun?

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2 hours ago, WhyNotZoidberg said:

I think the fully prepped meals found by destroying garbage cans and other types of barrels in beat 'em ups are pretty stupid.

This one isn't a power up (although it's used to purchase power ups), but all of the talk about food in garbage cans reminded me of this.  Why do you always find so much money in the trash cans in BioShock?  Why are the citizens of Rapture throwing their money away when it can be used to purchase ammo and health?  

Edited by TDIRunner
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On 6/23/2021 at 6:03 PM, darkchylde28 said:

My entry is going to be for the ketchup (I believe) jelly beans in A Boy and His Blob.  At least in the original release, you couldn't actually get the blob to eat them outright.  To do so, you'd have to throw some that he would eat at him then quickly machine gun a ketchup after the fact.  As I recall, it turned him into a brick wall that did literally nothing in the course of the game.  It wasn't able to block enemies, it's not used to facilitate any sort of movement, etc., so it's literally worthless.

The whole "wall meat" thing never made sense to me beyond the literal idea of someone finding meat that had been sealed up inside of a wall for potentially decades or centuries and being happy to chow down.  In that light, sure, it's silly, but within the game itself it's absolutely great, as it's basically the only way to heal yourself outside of completing a level.

I think it was a bug.  I think IIRC the Ketchup jellybean is to make him appear anywhere if he gets stuck somewhere and you cant whistle him back.  You can actually beat the game in like 5 minutes because if you throw a ketchup jellybean just right off screen, he will appear there and it'll warp to the 2nd half of the game with no enemies.  Still need one jellybean bag though for the apple jack IIRC.  


I like some of these entries but even though its a joke, I would say Edi.E's chewed gum in Final Fight.  In fact if you eat it with full health it gives you the most points in the game.

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3 hours ago, WhyNotZoidberg said:

The player is literally eating garbage to regain health.

Wow, I don't think even Oscar the Grouch would do that!  I don't think even Cookie Monster would do that...even though he practically will eat most anything not nailed down...observe:

Good on Cookie for not eating the tree, as that is good for the enviroment...though I suppose it would be rich in fiber! 😄   I bet that mailbox is rich in iron though, and we all know that iron helps us play! 😄 

Edited by Estil
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