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May movie nominations

May Movie  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one do you want? (pick two if you will watch both)

    • Streets of Fire
    • Planet of the Vampires
    • Faster Pussycat KILL KILL!
    • Nightmare City

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Posted (edited)

Hey there B-movie club!

@SilverspoonGaming@Reed Rothchild@Brickman@PII@JamesRobot@fox@Murray@Gloves

Lets pick the next movie... Past nominations will have to be reposted if you want them to be added to this month's poll... Poll will go up on Tuesday and close on Friday.

Because I was kind of intrigued by it, I'm going to include @PII's movie: Planet of the Vampires

On 4/16/2024 at 2:45 PM, PII said:

This reminds me of Ridley Scott and Dan O'bannon denying for years, or perhaps it was even decades; I'm uncertain, that they were inspired by the Mario Bava film "PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES" from 1965.  They claimed that they had never seen the film and did not relent for a long time, but then years or decades later finally admitted to having seen the film prior to making ALIEN.  I guess they didn't want to be accused of being rip-offs in the early days of ALIEN and then enough time passed that everyone could simply see it rather for the "heavy inspiration" that it really was.

PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES, too cerebral for a B movie club?? 


And I'll also toss in one of my own: Runaway (1984) Written and directed by Michael Crichton. Tom Selleck is sort of an "animal control" officer, but for malfunctioning robots. He has to stop Gene Simmons, who is developing killer robots, including these robot spiders that I shamelessly ripped off for my comic book, "Bug Hunt"


Edited by G-type
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Faster Pussycat KILL KILL! is my recommendation.

Should we make a rule that once you get a movie selection you have to wait until everyone has a go? That way we can get a good spread of movies and everyone feels included.



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1 hour ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Someone vote so I can piggyback on it and ensure we have a clear winner 😆

I didn’t realise I was the final vote and the decider between two, I voted my choice and now we’re even votes on two titles😂

Between the two, Streets of fire would be my pick if I could re vote.

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2 hours ago, Brickman said:

I didn’t realise I was the final vote and the decider between two, I voted my choice and now we’re even votes on two titles😂

Between the two, Streets of fire would be my pick if I could re vote.

click "show vote options" and you can change your vote

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Posted (edited)
On 5/9/2024 at 8:06 AM, JamesRobot said:

I'm sold.

On 5/8/2024 at 8:52 PM, Link said:


It's on the Roku channel (free) and something called The Horror Zone ($3.99/mo.); appears to be free on both.

Edited by Link
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Editorials Team · Posted

I'm like 90% sure I've seen Pussycat, but there's so many weird 60s movie of that ilk (all shot in Southern California) that they all kind of run together in my head.  But I'll check it out (again) either way.

I couldn't wait and watched Streets of Fire again last night because I love it too much.  I'll probably watch all the nominees each month 😆

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17 hours ago, Link said:

Faster Pussycat please. I've never seen it, it's legendary in my psychotronic taste factor all my life, and it's available on my streaming platforms.

I haven't seen Faster Pussycat Kill Kill, but I used to listen to the hair metal band named after the movie back in my high school / college years


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