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it works like a book club... except for watching and talking b-movies
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Beast master sounds good but I’ve got to support my NZ brothers and vote Housebound. I haven’t seen it and I always enjoy the quirky takes NZ has on things.
  3. I’m ok either way. I’m finding the format is working well but I do have movies to recommend if we go back to a free for all. I normally only have time to do one movie, but if everyone else is watching them all then a free for all also works.
  4. The other option is to randomly turn on HBO at any time
  5. But then I'll never get a movie selected! Seriously though, the more (suggestions) the merrier. I'm watching everything regardless.
  6. I'm starting to feel like sitting out from nominating movies is missing out on part of the fun. I think maybe the "cool down" period should be just a couple months. I have a bunch of movie ideas that I'm eager to share.
  7. Voted Housebound, but I'll watch them all, especially my copy of Beastmaster as soon as it arrives. And I guess I'll finally watch Sharknado. Always been very resistant to that.
  8. PS I don't mind finding a link and writing a blurb, but if you want to include that with your nominations in the future, I'll use it.
  9. updated master list and added poll: Hundreds of Beavers (2024) @Murray selection A man tries to become the greatest fur trapper by defeating hundreds of beavers in this Looney Toons cartoon come to life. Beastmaster (1982) @Reed Rothchild selection One of the better of the sword & sandals flicks of the 80s. Dar can communicate with animals and seeks to avenge his father's killing. Exit Speed (2008) @Tabonga selection A group of people on a bus who run afoul with a biker gang - they wind up in a scrapyard under siege where they have to improvise weapons to defend themselves. Housebound (2014) @Tabonga selection Fans of Identity or Usual Suspects should dig this one. It will keep you guessing all the way through. Sharknado (2013) @SilverspoonGaming selection A freak tornado scoops up sharks out of the ocean and dumps them on Los Angeles.
  10. Ive always read that Sharknado is a B movie, and I actually enjoyed it when it was new so Id like to give it another watch. I really wanna like one of the movies that we choose!
  11. Profiteer! I have the four of them on laserdisc - the last two are going for quite a bit last time I checked.
  12. I sold my Deathstalker blu right as the pandemic kicked off for over $100
  13. That and Deathstalker were ones that generated way too many sequels (like more than zero) that were increasingly shoddy. Beastmaster also had a tv series - which somewhat surprisingly lasted 3 seasons.
  14. Haha yeah, it's literally a live action Loony Toons Cartoon. Cost only 150k to make, apparently.
  15. Yep, I watched it a lot too. Watching a lot of the '80s sword and sandal fantasy numbers is pretty tough for me nowadays,but this is one that remains very entertaining. I actually just dropped $40 last night to order the 4K, since it was of the big remaining gaps in my nostalgia movie collection.
  16. This was an early childhood favorite of mine. I used to try to imitate the sword twirling move with sticks.
  17. This movie rocks. I talked about it in the "What are you watching thread":
  18. It is one of the very rare movies that kept me guessing all along - and the guesses were invariably wrong. It is a real sleeper.
  19. I haven't seen that since it came out, but definitely liked it quite a bit. You got my vote.
  20. I have 2 possibles. Exit Speed - about a group of people on a bus who run afoul with a biker gang - they wind up in a scrapyard under siege where they have to improvise weapons to defend themselves. This is one heckuva a great movie - I can't go into it all since virtually anything said about it would be a spoiler. Fans of Identity or Usual Suspects should dig this one. Both are available free on Roku.
  21. Wanted to get the nominations in ahead of time, so we'll be ready to go for August: @SilverspoonGaming@Reed Rothchild@Brickman@PII@JamesRobot@fox@Murray@Gloves@Link@Astro Bot @Tabonga

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