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Beat every Sega Genesis/Mega Drive game - 250/757


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25 minutes ago, Nintegageo said:

@OptOut wait so you're just playing to enjoy the games?? 😉

As I am want to do, yes! Actually I had Toy Story as a kid, but it was one of those games that my mum gave away at some point.

I recently rebought it and played through it again, THEN I saw this thread and thought oh!

So here you go then, lol, you're welcome! 😉

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I did it! I beat Powerball! One game off the unbeaten list!


If anybody is curious, here are some more fotos in the spoiler:









At first I played this game on my Japanese Mega Drive Mini, which I had set to English. I played with the USA Boxers and eventually got pretty far. The later matches were very difficult and I had to try them over and over again, since they would often steamroll me. Luckily you get a password after every match and can try it again. After beating all other 7 teams there were bonus matches, which were even more difficult. On the second or third one I was on the edge of despair as the game got extremely difficult. Eventually I looked up online for help and noticed that I was actually playing the Japanese version and that this one was very different from the US version. So I gave up realizing that I had wasted my time grinding away at those matches for nothing.

But today I loaded the US rom and gave it another try, this time as the UK. And lo and behold, the US version played much better and was much fairer! Or maybe the UK in the US version was a better team than the USA in the Japanese version? But at least I can say that from the very first game I was able to score so much more points. It's even hard to explain how exactly it played differently, but I managed to score frequently something like 12-0, 10-0, 8-1 and so on. The only match I lost during this run was against the Canadian Mounties due to them being the strongest and toughest team in the whole game. With this version I finally really had fun with the game. But I would still say that it's quite a flawed game and you kinda have to earn the fun a bit.

Edited by Gaia Gensouki
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9 hours ago, Splain said:

 @OptOut first N64 and now Genesis? Now go beat Toy Story on SNES and Game Boy 😀

What can I say, I'm in a Toy Story kinda mood, lol! Unfortunately, these two are the only Toy Story games I own, so someone else is gonna have to do the "beyond" part of going to infinity, lol!

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Editorials Team · Posted

@Gorfcadet I don't know anything about Fatal Labyrinth, but I think we should generally avoid bugs and exploits if they allow bypassing/changing major parts of the game. But it depends on the exploit; if it's minor enough then it doesn't really matter. You know better than I do how much that axe-dropping trick changes the game. It looks like you get the damage of the dropped weapon but the accuracy of your fists, is that right?

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I beat Bio Hazard Battle. This was honestly a very tough one. During my first try on the Switch I had quite the problems and only managed to reach the last level on my final continue. I even got to the final boss, put up a valiant fight and killed him with only one life left. As I marveled at the glorious explosion a shot hit me that I hadn't see at all. So I already had the final boss killed, but still saw the game over screen. Needless to say I was furious! Anyway, today I tried it again on my PS4 and did much better. The Joycons are just absolutely atrocious for playing these old games, especially something like this that requires precision controls. Unless I carry a Pro Controller or something like that around, playing action-heavy games like this on the go is an awful experience.

Bio Hazard Battle.jpg

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2 hours ago, Splain said:

@Gorfcadet I don't know anything about Fatal Labyrinth, but I think we should generally avoid bugs and exploits if they allow bypassing/changing major parts of the game. But it depends on the exploit; if it's minor enough then it doesn't really matter. You know better than I do how much that axe-dropping trick changes the game. It looks like you get the damage of the dropped weapon but the accuracy of your fists, is that right?

That is basically how it works.  🙂  Its more useful in the early going.  Once you're at floor 10 it stops being a big deal.  I'll play through it again without doing that probably this weekend.  I was practicing Sonic Spinball; don't know if I'll ever get that in one go.  😞  

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Beat Steel Empire. I got a game over on my first try at the final boss. I had to look up that you have to go behind the rocks to avoid the fire. Great game! This was my first time playing it through. I live the aesthetics, story, music, and gameplay. Thank you Acclaim/Flying Edge for publishing this.


Edited by acromite53
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I beat Syd of Valis and Arrow Flash. Arrow Flash was, as I've described in another thread, the first shoot 'em up that I've ever beaten in my life, thanks to it being very forgiving and offering unlimited continues. It's also a decently fine Gradius clone with some trippy backgrounds. The fifth and six level were quite tough and took me a few continues. Compared to that the final boss was laughable. I only had the standard shot and took him down without even using a single arrow flash. His pattern was just that simple.

Syd of Valis is the black sheep of the Valis franchise, imho. It was originally known as Valis SD with SD meaning "super deformed". It's a term used for a certain visual style in Anime and Manga, where the bodies of the characters are very small and the heads huge. But they mistranslated it somehow and renamed Yuuko to Syd?! They didn't even bother to translate the credits. The game itself could have been good, but somehow Yuuko is way too fast and very difficult to control. She constantly controls as if you were playing an ice level and has an extremely floaty jump. To top it off, the screen scrolls only when you're at the edge of the screen. Combined with her insane speed this means that you're constantly running into enemies. Instead I had to carefully advance while fireing off my weapon all the time. Also, the later bosses are crazy hard and I could only beat them by finding some exploits, i.e. finding a certain spot where I could just crouch and shoot while they were unable to even hit me. Or another boss fired rockets on you from the top of the screen and there's so little room to evade, that I could never reliably evade them. Of course, they gave massive damage. So what I did was waiting until the first rocket came down, changed my outfit to the guardian outfit and run into the boss, because he gave only a fourth of the damage, that the rockets did. Too bad that I had to rely on cheap strategies like this, but I don't know how else to beat these bosses later in the game. If only this game had gotten a bit more polish, since it had some really good ideas. I liked the different costumes and weapons that you could unlock as they offered quite a bit of variety and allowed for different strategies. Your life bar increases as well as the game progresses giving this game almost a small RPG vibe. Unfortunately the mechanics are a bit too rough to fully enjoy these good ideas.

Syd of Valis.jpg

Arrow Flash.jpg

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  • The title was changed to Beat every Sega Genesis game - 35/693

I'll put this up to the judges. I beat Beavis and Butthead last night, as it's one of my favorite Genesis games. I will confess that I did use a turbo controller, but only during the couch fishing sections. It's a stupid button-mashing thing, but I can't hit the button fast or consistently enough so I used a turbo function only for those spots. It's a great game, with a few minor design flaws... such as the insane button-mashing expected for the couch fishing.

I've also started a season of Tecmo Super Bowl III. It'll be done soon. And I think I'll do Paperboy 2 soon. Those are three of my favorites on the Genesis.

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On 11/23/2019 at 4:04 AM, bronzeshield said:

Oh, wow! 😄 Congratulations! Would you be willing to register for Sega-16 to knock that one off there as well?

I tried registering there well over a week ago, but it seems like my account is still not activated. I will post though when I am able to.

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Editorials Team · Posted
On 11/28/2019 at 7:17 PM, nerdynebraskan said:

I'll put this up to the judges. I beat Beavis and Butthead last night, as it's one of my favorite Genesis games. I will confess that I did use a turbo controller, but only during the couch fishing sections. It's a stupid button-mashing thing, but I can't hit the button fast or consistently enough so I used a turbo function only for those spots. It's a great game, with a few minor design flaws... such as the insane button-mashing expected for the couch fishing.

I've also started a season of Tecmo Super Bowl III. It'll be done soon. And I think I'll do Paperboy 2 soon. Those are three of my favorites on the Genesis.

If anyone knows anything about this part of the game, please chime in. I'll try and look into this myself to see what I think of it. Of course the knee-jerk is to say "no turbo controllers" but there may be room for exceptions depending on the game.

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8 hours ago, Gaia Gensouki said:

I tried registering there well over a week ago, but it seems like my account is still not activated. I will post though when I am able to.

Is your username the same as here? Sega-16's registration system is notoriously awful, but I can post in the "Please activate this person" thread and ask them to expedite matters. Glad to do whatever I can to help.

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40 minutes ago, bronzeshield said:

Is your username the same as here? Sega-16's registration system is notoriously awful, but I can post in the "Please activate this person" thread and ask them to expedite matters. Glad to do whatever I can to help.

That would be nice! My username there is exactly the same as here.

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