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Everything posted by ninjistar

  1. I do the same. And with that logic, I should win this week by a landslide! Just call me the crasher.
  2. Have you been able to consistently get the power up that lets you auto-fire near the end of Area A? It's quite helpful for when button mashing is problematic.
  3. Sounds like you had today off. I did as well! I slept in... so, so good.
  4. I guess you and I will slug it out this week I am currently maxing around your same score and progress. I keep dying in the same spots too. Haha. I must continue to study Uncle skinny's advice on shooters...
  5. I think you're doing a good thing here. We shouldn't just act like this is a typical scenario. If you're following whatever guidelines are being put out there and putting them into place. I say bravo! Thanks for being a caring member of society! I wish more people would follow suit.
  6. From the perspective of knowing someone who has contracted this, I think this is officially as close as I've been to COVID19 at this point. I hope he recovers without issue.
  7. I'm nipping at your heels with 120k'ish. WATCH OUT!
  8. First score from Sunday night. Haven't bested it yet... 179,900 (Area G) 156,900 (Area G) 123,600 (Area G)
  9. It looks to be shaping up for an unbalanced week, with @skinnygrinny and @Gloves slugging it out for first. I'm sure some others will chime in late, but I feel the thick of the pack will be between 100k - 300k this week. I'm hoping to do better than last time (though I forget the rules). I had just over 200k. Guess @mbd39 and I will be battling for whatever spot we can get I can't believe it's only Tuesday. I have certainly put in 3-4 days worth of work so far! WHERE'S THE WEEKEND?!
  10. I have not played this since 2017. Is it super obvious if you don't beat a boss? Meaning, will I realize it?
  11. Score updated, page 2. I almost caught you @mbd39. Just a few... more... moves! I'm not sure if I have another run in me or not. I'm also considering the fact that you may yet have another score in the hopper.
  12. Okay, the concept of what you're doing isn't hard to grasp. Now I've watched you do it. Awesome. But to be able to ACTUALLY do this puts you way ahead of basically everyone anywhere ever. This must be what it's like when I try to explain writing computer exploits using shell code by hand to a novice. GREAT FREAKING JOB!
  13. My life is crazy right now, but I will consider this (now and in the future). I played a fair amount of RISK as a kid, but not since. I always enjoyed it. @Richardhead was asking about collaborating on some games. I don't think this is exactly what he had in mind, but tagging him because he may want to play!
  14. It's a ghost town in here. Aren't you all stuck inside like me?!
  15. Score updated, page 2. I got this score on Wednesday. I haven't had a lot of time to play this week, but so far I haven't been able to top this one. I'm usually okay at puzzle games, but I'm not having much luck with the big combos yet. Still, it's a fun game.
  16. Maybe we can team up to combine scores to take on @0xDEAFC0DE??
  17. Oh, that sounds pretty great man! I think that's a pretty cool sounding format. I'm not sure how it is that I don't have an original Jimbo drawring?! "a made up story about gloves being a crime lord" - Made up???
  18. I am not following this at all, but that's probably because after the 2017 season, I fully stepped away from the contests (and many other things). I actually have no idea what happened in those two years, Hopefully, I didn't step on anyone's dingus. Thought I'd add some Commander Santa'esque writing to the thread! Plus, I felt it would be a relaxing activity for me. With all of this COVID19 stuff happening and affecting my work and personal life, things have been hellish. It was a nice escape to write!
  19. As another day of cookie matching MaDNeSS draws to a close, eleven competitors have submitted scores. Let's take a look at the events thus far! Active competitors this week: We have a new pastry chef in this mixing bowl of sugary fun: @0xDEAFC0DE! To date, he has come storming onto the scene, charging ahead of many veteran players! He has taken an early lead with his cookie-crushing score of 100k! Pastry popping veteran @mbd39 is cruising along nicely with his score of 50k+. Will he be able to bake his way to victory this week? Can he crush the other confectionist competitors in this crazy contest of cookie calamity? While tackling the task of besting his previous Yoshi's Cookie score, he has lamented that this week will be a grind. He is surely not alone there! Incognito veteran @MeganJoanne has arrived! So far, she has clawed her way up the leaderboard to take a position in the top 3 this week! Will she hang in there and continue to pound a plethora of pastries? Returning competitor @Gaia Gensouki has reached into the cookie jar, putting up a solid score! One has to wonder what the Colorado Crew is planning. A recent review of the leaderboard shows that @Murray, @SuperJimtendo, and @JamesRobot are all locked up, tied with a score of 6 each, revealing the mark of the beast! Are they forming a nefarious plot to burn the other bakers this week? Will they finally assemble like Voltron and slaughter the competition? Former champ @Richardhead has put in a solid first score, but has remained quiet. @SuperJimtendo has taken an early lead over his Colorado brethren. @JamesRobot has chimed in as well. But where is @Murray? The mysterious @ninjistar has returned to the competition after a long hiatus! He continues to grind away at the 2020 season! Veteran @ookii_risu has landed on the leaderboard with their first score of the season! Superstar administrator extraordinaire @Gloves even popped in with a surprise score! Long-time contest contributor and veteran @Reed Rothchild continues to dazzle us with his Verizon wireless "infinity phone" (tm), complete with cracked screen! One has to wonder how he is able to play games on this device, let alone use it. Kickle artist of the week: @JamesRobot!!! Resident artist @SuperJimtendo is well-known for his twisted and unsavory renditions of video game character, Kickle from the game Kickle Cubicle. Jimbo's "know no bounds" creations have lead to much conversation and discussion in the past. This week, @JamesRobot decided to contribute to the infinite recreations of Kickle with a Limp Bizkit-themed rendition! The Kickle-loving @ninjistar quickly adopted this artwork by using it as his profile picture. Perhaps a trend is forming... Everyone loves the competition! But some folks are missing... Where is @skinnygrinny? The Grinder, aka Kobra Kai, aka 40foottapeworm is not known for his love of puzzle games. So far, he has not submitted a score, but instead decided to reassure himself to hang in there! Will he come blasting in with a surprise score? Will he smash the competition much like he did with his last physical copy of Tetris? Or will he be smashed like raw cookie dough? Veteran @Krunch, reigning champion @8bitdontquit, and puzzle master @arnpoly have yet to be seen this week. Contest champ @Tablew/chairs has also been unusually quiet thus far this season. Legendary players @bertsampson, @Bearcat-Doug, and @TWarwick07 seem to be sitting this one out. The 2020 NES weekly NES competition has just begun!, but one question lingers in the air... Who will walk away as this weeks master baker?
  20. I'll give it hell, but this game is such a long grind. I'm not sure how many times I can play it. That seems to be a decent score to me, @MeganJoanne. But you know all too well how these contests go. I wish you luck! And myself too
  21. I like sharing my gamey game photos on the instagrams. It's fun to go back and look at it all later
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