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Everything posted by ninjistar

  1. I've been meaning to come yak with you about the contests some more, but have been keeping fairly busy lately. @NESfiend I'm pretty sure I know the short clip you're talking about that shows this trick. It's 11 seconds long and the person seemed to have done it almost by accident. I used this short video to give me an idea of where to start and how it works. I really don't think that there's a video out there that captures the details on how to best do this. After some trial and error earlier this week, I was able to get this trick down pat on a few specific ladders.
  2. Donkey Kong the masta lova lova baby! Look at those nips!
  3. My game did not go well. I lost 4 - 2. D'oh. Time for DK
  4. Negative. The weekly contest always ends at 11pm Eastern time! You're safe
  5. I played against Japan most of the time, but for whatever reason, didn't have the same luck. I honestly believe my "bad luck" against them was a combination of the player configuration I had been selecting plus whatever RNG is used to determine if the computer will suck or not that game Okay, I think I need to give this another go with what I've learned and see how it turns out. Then on to Donkey Kong!
  6. You didn't have to worry about me too much on this one. I did decently IMHO, but I didn't put enough reps in to get really comfortable. My final score was the last game I played today and it went pretty well. I was happy that the other team wasn't able to score on me. It felt dirty beating team USA though haha. I'm not sure if I'll continue playing this one right now or move on to the next game. EDIT: Now that I see that Donkey Kong is the next game, I'm playing Donkey Kong!
  7. In my last decent game, I had the other team get red carded, a goal where I kicked 3 times; two of which bounced off the right goal post, and a shot attempt by me on my own goal!
  8. I've enjoyed the time I've put into this game, but it wasn't a lot. My overall feeling is that I like this one. I feel that 75% of this game is learning the automatic player switching as well as knowing your player configuration on the field. Still, it is a pretty neat game and I didn't expect to feel that way!
  9. It seems to let you pick who comes out of the game. I wasn't paying close attention, but it took me to the roster screen. Perhaps it only let me move the player positions around. Either way, I was surprised! It didn't seem to matter much though.
  10. I also just got my first red card issued against me
  11. Yellow card on the first play of the game. This is gonna be a good one
  12. For what it's worth, the Twin Galaxies record is a 10 point differential: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/goal-two I sense some new submissions against that record forthcoming
  13. I feel the fouls are called less than they should be, but I'm biased as they're not called against the other team and I'm face-first on the ground In one game, the opposing team was issued 5 yellow cards for fouls against me. That's crazy. They should simply get a red card after 3 yellows! haha.
  14. A little bit of soccer talk here... I'm certainly no soccer aficionado, but I don't recall that when being fouled by the opposing team (and a yellow card being issued) that you had to kick the ball from the spot of the foul? It feels like I should be able to dribble the ball from here. I can't think of how else it would work because inbounding the ball wouldn't make sense, since the ball was never out of play. But for whatever reason, it doesn't feel natural to me to be required to kick. Maybe because I'm not accustomed to professional soccer as much as casual sports. Or perhaps it's because I'd normally see a yellow card given on a run to the goal and closer to the opponents goal (and perhaps a shot on goal was then attempted)?
  15. We need a drawing of Kickle humping a soccer ball! I'm looking at you, @SuperJimtendo
  16. Does anyone else think it's interesting that a Canadian and a Brazilian (two countries where soccer is the #1 sport) served up a soccer game to a crowd of largely American players?
  17. It's more about using the limited play options in the game to your advantage. Not really a glitch.
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