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Everything posted by ninjistar

  1. Did you piss your pants and forget who you were again when Catherine revved up that microwave in the RV?
  2. Hey friends! Nice to see folks are still sharing their shelving solutions here! I've since completed my new NES cart setup and am pretty pleased (I documented it on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/ninjistar if you'd like to see it). I'm now on the hunt for a cart-only solution for N64. I'm still working on completing the set, but wondering what do you all recommend? I look forward to seeing what folks think!
  3. I agree. I gave it a go over the weekend and it didn't end well. I think this is a case of RTFM, at least for me. It simply can't be as hard as it seems... right??!
  4. *EVIL LAUGH* I did intend to stir the pot a bit with my 0 score but it was really meant for the old heads in here who've all played together over multiple seasons. They've seen my story too many times and don't even react much any more hahaha! @BeaIank was my real target! I do like to add a little spice to the threads (but usually no drama), mostly via obsurdity and ridiculousness. The contests are a fun distraction for many of us. I do plan to keep playing some Gradius and cross it off of my list soon. You did well and I think you should too. I will be looking into other games in the series more closely in the future.
  5. Score updated. To @DoctorEncore, @NESfiend, and @Kid Dracula: y'all can suck it for busting my balls. There is a strategy for long-term play here. You'll figure it out over time It turned out my efforts were fruitful this week. Hooray! Looks like @Kid Dracula is pulling out another crazy finish. Kudos to you, buddy!
  6. I was wondering what happened to you. I felt this would be your type of game.
  7. I seem to have a new challenger... What's his record in the ring? We can meet on the playground, near the swing sets (the blue one) for our throw-down! He is wise to run off. The fun part was over. New adventures are to be had.... RIGHT.... NOW!!!
  8. It seems my post and score have been taken way too seriously! I'll still get as many participation points as baby Max and Doc Jr. Carry on...
  9. I'll embrace the hall of shame hahaha. It's more interesting to me than posting another mediocre score that gets me no further than the 0-point effort I posted I obviously have a "real" score. Is it worth posting? Probably not. Meh.
  10. Damn it! @Reed Rothchild beat me to the bottom by posting a 0 score AFTER me! I have failed! Failed at failing! I wanted to be in LAST place by a MILE! Is there a way to get a negative score?!
  11. > > > GRAAAAAY DEEE OOOOOOOOHHHHSSS > > > I think I need a drink... and it's only Wednesday
  12. I feel like we're playing with local colloquialisms here. I hear no different between "gradius", "grah-de-us", or "grad-dius". (unless you're going with "gray-dius", which is not one of the 3 I listed). We're gonna need a video, @skinnygrinny: you pronouncing, you playing, and you blowing something up. This is now a contest requirement for all shmups.
  13. *waits for skinny to post his 800k one-loop score*
  14. I always interpreted "the Gradius effect" to be a reference to Gradius when playing another shooter. I felt that it meant the game difficultly builds in parallel to your power up ability. When you die, it becomes very difficult to build up to the power up level you were at while the game difficultly stays the same. That's a very wordy explanation, but hopefully I've nailed the gist of it
  15. These are hard lessons. I fear this will not be the last one...
  16. I lost my first life on the last level. At that point, the Gradius effect became very real. I gave it a hell of a shot though. I've only played this game very briefly in a previous contest year. This is the furthest I've made it in the game. I'll likely put some time into crossing this one off of my "to complete" list this week. 384,400 I did it! I got my participation score! I'm very happy to not be disappointing @BeaIank! 0,000,000
  17. I'm glad people are paying attention. However, this was intentional on my part. Since Kid Dracula's score didn't have a second picture with maxed score, per the rules: "If you reach Shredder with a score of 900,000 or more, take a picture before beating Shredder. If you beat him, take another picture with your score maxed. Your final score will be your score before the Shredder fight + the 100k bonus for beating him." I recorded this as it was posted, knowing that the mods would review. But also, there were so many posts by some folks that I may have missed one as well!
  18. I hope this helps out @BeaIank and @guillavoie. Before anyone asks me, I make no decisions about scores. The mods will determine final positions and placement. I reported what I can confirm . We had 26 participants this week! Woo! UNOFFICIAL SCOREBOARD POSITION PLAYER SCORE 1st Bearcat-Doug 1,017,100 2nd Kid Dracula 968,700 3rd skinnygrinny 896,800 4th armpoly 853,200 5th NESfiend 819,600 6th TWarwick07 816,400 7th Gaia Gensouki 740,200 8th 0xDEAFC0DE 654,600 9th ninjistar 488,000 10th Jeevan 466,500 11th 8bitdontquit 461,100 12th Scrobins 436,300 13th tablew/chairs 357,600 14th Richardhead 267,100 15th profholt82 246,900 16th Chuppa 243,600 17th bertsampson 242,700 18th JamesRobot 232,100 19th Megamanfan 161,200 20th mbd39 149,600 21st Kdiggz 140,700 22nd Ausden 117,200 23rd SuperJimtendo 115,400 24th Br81zad 98,300 25th Deadeye 95,500 26th MeganJoanne 35,000
  19. Another coulda, shoulda, woulda for me. I hold up 9th place quite well, eh? 488,000
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