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Everything posted by babywuchki

  1. Sellin off the rest of my crap check it. Might sell a few things on here too repro a and stuff.
  2. I don’t know if anybody here is into early NES black box and non black box hang tabs but I’m selling some junk on eBay. I’ll probably be posting more stuff for the next couple weeks or so. I’m trying to space it out so I don’t have to try to ship too much at once. I’m pretty much going to auction everything from $1. I also have PS2 stuff I’ll be putting up. Probably do BINs/offer on some of the most desirable stuff and auction lots on the rest. I really hope this link works https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?isRefine=true&_pgn=1&sid=babywuchki
  3. I’m trying to get info on these but I’ll take whatever price ideas you have. I’m probably going to just put them up for auction on eBay. Only problem is I forgot who I got them from and don’t have the info/provenance to back them up and well, nintedoage is gone so I can’t go back and look at the threads or transactions. I don’t remember who made the Flappy Bird Too Many Games or what year of the convention he brought them to. I just know he had a handful left over and sold them on nintendoage. I also can’t remember if the game is just a label variant or if it says Too Many Games on the title screen but I’m like 90% sure I remember it having the words on the title screen. I just don’t have a system handy to pop it in. The black box Ice Hockey repro was done by the dude who used to make all the CIB work for the repros and home brews. I don’t remember his name either. It’s not number but I know it was pretty limited. Has an unused cart label and the poster bag has never even been opened. If anybody has more info for me or even screen shots of the threads and or an actual working link somehow I’d appreciate it.
  4. My uncle was in the navy and worked on a sub around the time it came out. When he got out of the service we would sit and play that game for hours. Honestly I loved that game. Still do. I also understand I am in the extreme minority though
  5. Wow nice. Just a ridiculous amount of info on that site that I assumed was lost forever. Edit: guess most of it is still lost?
  6. I usuallygo to this because i dont live very far away but i had to miss it this year. Got sick af and couldn't get my ass up out of bed. So disappointed because i was looking forward to it all year.
  7. Holy f that site is a nightmare. They should have hired Gloves to make it. Honestly, even if he sabotaged it, it couldn't have been worse than what they have now.
  8. I started Kingdom Come Deliverance last weekend. It's great. Good graphics, not amazing but still pretty good. Great story and storytelling/flow. Not nearly as many technical glitches as i had been lead to believe. I've been wanting to play this one for a while I was just waiting for the price to drop and baseball season to be over.
  9. I'm not knocking anybody that likes them. I get why some people would be into it im just not and I think they're terrible. There are some bands that I would knock people for liking don't get mw wrong (Knickelback...) but Green Day is not one.
  10. I liked them in 94 but by 97 I realized how terrible they actually were. It hasnt gotten better. If one of their songs come on the radio my ears literally start bleeding and I have to go to the ER. Definite 0/10.
  11. I know it's not important in the grand scheme of things but I love the Like button on here. I know we dont want to go down the rabbit hole of adding every imaginable emoji but I think a Wow emoji makes a lot of sense, especially when people finds and gaming scores. Just thought of thia as I was just looking to use it to react to a post.
  12. I would say for sure just to have it on record for the future amd to preserve it for the future. Especially if there's not a lot of them out there and ypu already have an opened copy.
  13. Was it the nintendo agw of Aquarius thread? I gave out a lot of prizes in that thread. It was fun. One of my favorite underrated threads. A NA gen 3 classic.
  14. Sites looking great but more importantly functioning very smoothly and it's really nice to browse on the phone. Good work gloves and anybody else that helped put it together. Home sweet home.
  15. No i havent picked it up yet. I only have the NES and SNES. The Genesis one will be my next buy. I almost bought it yesterday at Target but i figured i could do better on the price than full msrp.
  16. I'm sure nobody here knows me from nintendoage because i didn't post a lot but I'm babywuchki. I dont collect much anymore really but i still love vintage games and gaming and play mostly on hacked classic systems now like the NES mini. Nice new site. Congrats and keep up the good work. Onward and upward.
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