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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. I wonder how they got the idea in the first place - pretty obvious they did not go to the gig. I particularly liked how one of them couldn't admit they were wrong when called out but maintained the dj must have have used something to look blacker in an online picture (wtf?). Dude - just admit you were a clown on this matter.
  2. I went to college with Nancy Lenehan - I didn't know her super well but we ran in pretty much the same circle of friends.
  3. Here is another gem - I think I managed to sit through 2 episodes before I moved on to something (which would have been anything) better. It had that teenage heartthrob Bobby Sherman in it - he made a pretty good annoying character.
  4. @mdb39 Those clips gave me a new appreciation for this art form:
  5. This takes bobbing for apples to a whole new level: https://www.autoblog.com/2022/04/18/ford-bronco-sunk-bar-harbor-maine/
  6. Another option is to contact the seller and see what he/she would charge for shipping (my guess is if the items are valuable enough he/she is going to be flexible. Once you get the number you can load the items in the basket and request a total for everything from the seller - you have committed to buy them at this point though. I doubt they would stiff you at this point since you will have the communication on prices to back you up.
  7. OOPS!!!! - Talk about egg on their faces: https://news.yahoo.com/arizona-diversity-leaders-slammed-falsely-180810171.html
  8. That reminds me of this show:
  9. There is a gas gauge on the instrument panel for a reason...... https://news.yahoo.com/woman-ran-gas-middle-traffic-202011409.html
  10. War of the worlds, anyone? https://historyradio.org/2017/01/21/the-war-of-the-worlds-in-ecuador/
  11. @Aguy You might like this mini-series if you haven't seen it:
  12. Here are a couple of short run super hero shows from 1967. (Despite the trailer Mr. Terrific was a "live" action show.)
  13. I am not using the term forgettable in any particular sense - in this case I would use it to describe a bit of essentially fluff that fewer and fewer people will know about as time goes on. One odd piece of trivia is that Edgar Buchanan ( a marvelous character actor) who played Uncle Joe was the only actor to appear in all 220 episodes. He went on to star in the 1974 movie Benji with Higgins (the dog from Petticoat Junction).
  14. I imagine it was just an off the cuff remark that the on air people didn't think through. Here is a more complete version: https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1994-04-08-1994098105-story.html
  15. There was a radio station (I think it was in California) that as a gag said they had hidden a fairly large amount of money in various denominations in books in a local library. Listeners descended on the library and threw pretty much all of the books on the floor looking for the non-existant money. Between the damage to books and having to reshelve everything the radio station got stuck with a really large bill.
  16. I am probably the only person here who saw this: It was supposed to compete with Laugh In and only ran for one episode. In some markets it was pulled early because program managers saw how bad it was and had to field complaints from irate viewers. A truly unique episode (as it were) in tv history.
  17. Just grab one blind and decide you don't want to play it. Repeat as needed until you get one you might want to play.
  18. I have that on DVD and actually enjoyed it quite a bit. A big problem with it was that cell phones were just coming into use and were never very adequately accounted for in the storyline. The island also usually didn't seem to have anyone on it (other than the principals) despite showing lots of signs of having a lot of people there. There were a lot of people at the bar scene - so maybe they just stayed there all of the time! If you have never seen it this is a marvelous movie sorta on the same lines.
  19. The only two I ever really liked only lasted a few episodes each : (The "guest stars" mentioned in the intros didn't actually appear on shows.)
  20. Fortunately that one was on the air at a time when I watched very little TV! Sitcoms are usually the pits.
  21. Actually both shows had a pretty good cast of older entertainment personalities (read up on Smiley Burnette who played an engineer on Petticoat Junction until his death - he had a really interesting career). The problem was that the scripts for both shows were pretty hopeless. The worst IMHO was this clunker/turkey:
  22. Especially when the real star was an out and out pig.....
  23. This show had a tie in to the famous "The Beverly Hillbillies" tv show. Petticoat Junction spawned yet another forgettable tie in to both shows called "Green Acres". I did like the buffoonish Uncle Joe* - who unbeknownst to all was way ahead of his time......... *Green Acres had the conniving Mr. Haney who was pretty funny too.
  24. Special Reserve Games is offering a second round of these:
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