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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. Let me in, let me in by the hair of my chinny chin chin! https://visdeurbel.nl/en/about-the-fish-doorbell/
  2. If there any antique/collectible auction houses in your area you might contact them about putting it up for auction - if they show interest it would be worth at least talking to them to get info - you don't have to go through them to sell it but it might be the easiest way to move them along.
  3. Another mystery (sorta) solved at Playasia. I did not know this - but playasia has a favorites and a wish list. I haven't figured out how to add to the wish list but the favorites you can add to by clicking on the heart symbol (below the coin balance symbol to the right of the item description). You can access the favorites (and wish if you can figure it out) via the first screen of the shopping cart (makes no sense to me for it to be there but whatever). Particularly useful since a lot of times I see stuff that for various reasons I am not ready to order. And I often forget about unless I scroll through all 16 pages or so of the pre-order list.
  4. A long time ago (in the glory days of half.com) I bought some game (it has been so long that I don't remember the title) that was complete but a bit overpriced - but it had a hard to find guide with it so it was a pretty good (but not great) deal. The listing had a photo with everything included. Shortly after buying it I got a message from the seller showing a different picture of what I was supposed to get - he said he was double checking (?), Of course the new picture did not include the guide that I wanted. Let's see - now I am buying a somewhat overpriced game that was not terribly rare. What a putz - he couldn't come out and say that the best part was now mysteriously not available. Like I wouldn't frickin' notice that it was missing??? I may have been born at night but I wasn't born yesterday, Guy had the ethics of a snake - which I told him when I cancelled the order.
  5. You really need to try the shipwreck stew,,,,,,with free coconut pie for dessert.
  6. I was thinking of being on the menu rather than clientele. ^______^
  7. A lot of times nostalgia finds you rather than the reverse.
  8. They could call it "The Long Pig" - with the tagline "serving all races and ethnicities".
  9. There was a wide variety of those available - from cheap utilitarian models to more elaborate ones with pictures on them. If you had the rack that would hold the trays (generally 4 trays) they could be tucked away in various places close to (or in) the TV room (often the living room) until needed. They were generally pretty small and not particularly stable so they really only easily fit one need.
  10. The TV dinners back in the mid-fifties thru mid-seventies were very much a reflection of the influence of television on US society. (There were people who argued that tv dinners were a negative influence since families no longer had dinner at the dinner table where they could discuss things and actually communicate- now they met in the living room where whatever was on the screen was the central focus,) They fit an economic niche where companies such as Swanson could produce fairly elaborate meals at a relatively cheap price. The nascent fast food industry was not in a state where they could provide much competition in variety and while a bit cheaper not nearly as satisfying (for a long time McDonald's, White Castle etc offered only hamburgers, cheeseburgers, sodas and fries). The advent of microwaves and the shift away from the dominance of traditional television (with the introduction of recorded mediums the TV networks no longer dictated (in a sense) when a family would dine to watch popular only broadcast series at times not of the families choosing). For better or worse it was the end of an often unrecognized era.
  11. I had a late breakfast at one of my favorite restaurants (The Westwood) this morning. I ordered a new menu item - the "Jeffrey Dahmer Special". Quite tasty.
  12. Then there was this duplicitous bit of hand wringing legerdemain on the part of this group of NYC councilwomen. Amanda Farias has also objected to the citizenry defending themselves/others and then has the effrontery to ask where the men are (likely afraid of being arrested for helping), https://uk.news.yahoo.com/nyc-council-women-caucus-called-012128645.html
  13. Everyone loves to take a swipe at Gloves!
  14. This is just pathetic. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13250905/Woman-jaw-wired-shut-stranger-punches.html This walking piece of feces gets off with a misdemeanor despite the severe harm that was done. Not to mention his lengthy history of this stuff. Who the fuck decided to cut him loose and do you think it just might happen again?
  15. I've heard of cheeseheads ........ but legoheads? https://news.yahoo.com/lego-requests-california-police-department-185122495.html
  16. Guardian Tales is available for a free download at the eShop.
  17. Pretty much the whole movie of The Pawnbroker. Most depressing movie ever made IMHO. Midnight Express was no tea party either, The ending(s) of On the Beach as each character met their inescapable fate were also pretty powerful.
  18. The latest Premium Edition Games Direct was released today - contains info about a couple of new pre-orders and upcoming releases.
  19. Heh - I believe a certain cavalry officer did just that in 1876.
  20. if you haven't read it you might want to give this a go - similar in some ways to The Stand it puts a much different (and darker) spin on things. 0
  21. Can you ever get enough spam? https://news.yahoo.com/retail-theft-suspects-wheel-away-151135521.html
  22. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2557392/Man-allegedly-killed-journalist-sold-magic-cards-kept-container-WEEK-buried-container-concrete.html
  23. There was man in Florida who was murdered for his collection of MTG cards,
  24. There is a story (maybe true maybe not) about a British tar who ate an onion he found in a warehouse in Amsterdam during tulipmania. Turned out it was a rare tulip bulb and the sailor was thrown into the hoosegow until restitution was made.
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