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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. Here is something I would get since I like jigsaw puzzles.- except my cat Loki would help by batting pieces to the floor so my dog Jack could eat them. They are team players! https://www.amazon.com/1000-Piece-Interactive-Educational-Activities-Building/dp/B09NNGG1CN/ref=asc_df_B09NNGG1CN/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=642193414769&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5822092204663805003&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028780&hvtargid=pla-1949807592210&psc=1&mcid=7e4ea1c215e03cb29bb649d9046c9357
  2. You can make some simple ones by using glass blocks for supports and white pine painted with a high gloss paint - blue like the sega cd cases would look nice. So size is up to you. (You may have to cut some spacers painted to match (or maybe a complementary color - they look better if you cut them so the smooth side is to the front) to put under the blocks since most glass blocks are 8" on the long side which is just shy of what you need.)
  3. Working Designs was always closed mouthed about their production numbers. Unless I missed it they never even released how many of each variant was released (I went through an exchange of messages with someone there where they refused to give me numbers, dates of the runs or even rough ratios. And they wouldn't tell me why it was a state secret. Good products but miserable public relations.) y
  4. I just started watching this series about war production in the various countries in WW2. If one's mind runs to such things it is very interesting.
  5. The force is not strong with this one. https://www.kens5.com/article/news/local/police-working-to-identify-suspect-who-stole-city-owned-security-camera-del-rio-texas-thief-officers/273-cd5b3845-3159-4b58-bfc4-1374a186c1fb
  6. One of my brothers turned me on to this to use with my chromebook. https://www.walmart.com/cp/onn/3004279 it apparently can do a lot of stuff but for now i am happy with being able to wirelessly transmit what is on the chromebook screen to the tv. - and to do it pretty cheaply.
  7. I am currently playing the PS1 version of Brigandine. I am playing as Leonia and am trying something different. I am currently running a day camp wherein I am turning little pixies into little fairies (which are surprising useful as auxiliary units).
  8. Doesn't everyone keep these in their freezer? https://news.yahoo.com/human-head-hands-found-colorado-164519574.html
  9. There is also going to be an exclusive kickstarter edition for backers at a certain level - I just got an email that they are redoing that edition in light of the success of the game - I should get it before the Iam8bit ones ship. The kickstarter edition is being made by LRG. (I also should have a tombstone with my name on it in the crypt. I will have to go look for it.)
  10. The most excellent RPG "Sea of Stars" is available for a physical pre-order at Iam8bit. https://seaofstars.iam8bit.com/us/
  11. A modern day Leinigen!
  12. Just started Double-Booked - the 8th book in the Dan Shamble Zombie PI series - it is the usual romp (which is good) of an odd universe with wacky characters and in-your-face pretty dumb simplistic (deliberately so) humor.
  13. Heh - it wore out its welcome for me back in, oh say, 1971 - about a year after I graduated from high school. Back then people listened to a lot of radio - wasn't much else to do while tooling around in your car unless you had a tape player - which was ok (if somewhat uncommon) except that you soon got sick of hearing the same tapes over and over and usually went back to the radio anyway. They played the hell out of it and even in the college dormitory you couldn't get away from it since someone on your floor always seemed to have the platter going. Great song but just got constantly over played. Imagine by Lennon was a close runner up to it in terms of being everywhere. Daryl in The Walking Dead got off easy - he could have had to listen to Stairway to Heaven instead of this:
  14. This video is the first tv broadcast in the US - in 1928! RCA/NBC first tested their nifty experimental toy and they needed something to broadcast. One of the engineers' daughter had left a Felix the Cat doll in the backseat of the family car so they grabbed that and used it.
  15. I think they outsource the goodies in the collector's eofditions from different places and have to wait until they all get in to package up the collector editions. On the bright side they sent me an email letting me know that that the Shadowrun Collectors Edition had been delivered - so I was able to bring it in form the front door within a few minutes of the arrival. I am not aware of any porch pirate events on my block but I figure it is only a matter of time. Being retired has some advantages. Anyway the email about the delivery is a giant step forward IMHO. I have to say LRG is really stepping up their game (as it were).
  16. I just got an email from LRG that my copy of Shadowrun Collectors Edition is arriving today - which is a step up since before all I got was a pretty worthless DHL tracking link. This is a big step up since I like to get my stuff in as quickly as possible.
  17. It's 3 AM - do you know where your driveway is? https://www.autoblog.com/2024/01/09/scammers-steal-entire-driveway-from-florida-womans-house/
  18. When Big Bird goes bad! https://news.yahoo.com/blogs/oddnews/police--man-stole-costume--caught-wearing-it-at-bar-across-the-street-205637476.html
  19. Barry Lyndon is amazing IMHO. It should bore one to tears but there is so much going on both visually and plot wise that it can grab you if you are paying attention. I was pretty intrigued with the main character's constant ability to make lemonade from lemons and scam his way to ever better situations. My favorite bit of narration from the film: "This heart of Lischen's was like many a neighboring town that had been stormed and occupied many times before Barry came to invest it." After Barry Lyndon my favorite is Clockwork Orange.
  20. What the flock? https://news.yahoo.com/flock-birds-takes-over-texas-165545313.html
  21. I can't say that I find fault with the grand jury in this case: https://news.yahoo.com/houston-grand-jury-declines-charge-231759105.html
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