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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. You should have made a documentary about the creation of this - you could have titled it "The Remains of the Day."
  2. Once you get a bad rep it is hard to get past it!
  3. Heh - sucks to be her! https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/police-arrest-porch-pirate-who-stole-packages-and-injured-officer-officials-say/3718906/
  4. Young bobcats are really cute - also really vicious. He probably had a medical problem and was treated for it. Then they sprung him.
  5. A good annotated edition is really helpful for these type of books. They will not only provide context but explain words that are no longer in vogue. And they sometimes will restore a lot of text - many early translations of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea for example not only mistranslated stuff but expurgated up to 25% of the book (mostly in objection to the anti-colonial message). Reading a complete copy is like reading a totally different book.
  6. Coco survived unharmed - his mom grounded (as it were) him - which he was not happy with. I suspect the rescuer goes up and down poles all the time.
  7. The Circus of Dr. Lao is pretty short - 170 pages or so. It was written in 1935 by Charles G. Finney who only wrote one other thing IIRC - a collection of short stories titled The Ghosts of Manacle - unfortunately not nearly as good (if you like Dr. Lao it might be worth reading though) as The Circus of Dr. Lao. It has been in and out of print quite a few times so finding a cheap used copy should be doable. I suggest watching the movie after reading the book - it makes the movie much more enjoyable. Yeah - Don Quixote takes a while to gain steam but gets really fun once it does. If you get into it pay particular attention to Sancho Panza who is actually a much more interesting character than Don Quixote. So interesting that I once wrote a paper on Sancho Panza's ass* in college - got an A on it too. *His ass was named Dapple.
  8. I have always read a lot - even back when I was in junior high relatively few people read much. We had to read a lot for school - but unlike a lot of my classmates I mostly enjoyed it. I liked things like The Scarlet Letter and the Leatherstocking Tales, We also got to read stuff like Brave New World, Animal Farm, 1984 and Lord of the Flies. I still read a fair amount - but video games are demanding time wise. It is a time investment but I recommend Don Quixote if you have not essayed into it as of yet. And a really bizarre fantasy called the Circus of Dr. Lao (the movie The 7 Faces of Dr. Lao is based on it - the movie is somewhat faithful to the novel but reading the novel is a trip).
  9. I am about 1/2 way through the first book of a trilogy (Pixie for Hire) by Cedar Sanderson - not a super deep read but it is very enjoyable.
  10. It's not Rocky the flying squirrel - it's Coco the flying cat!
  11. This crap is just getting ridiculous. https://news.yahoo.com/accused-porch-pirate-wanted-hitting-000258775.html The perp is apparently giving her children on the job training so they can follow in her career path. Pure trash.
  12. My dog Jack believes that his forefather Lassie would not approve of this at all. https://news.yahoo.com/japanese-man-spent-16-000-031055342.html
  13. This is just out and out pathetic. In addition to whatever meager punishment (in relation to the severity of the assault) is meted out this miscreant needs to have those bridge card benefits removed for a long time also. https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/video-shows-michigan-mom-punching-store-clerk-front-1-year-old-daughter-police
  14. "Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"
  15. Oh my gosh - who woulda thunk that actually enforcing a law might reduce a crime? https://www.ktvu.com/news/san-francisco-reports-big-drop-in-car-break-ins
  16. i suspect that the drawing was a dig at the airlines' constant efforts to squeeze more passengers in their airplanes at the expense of passenger comfort. So it probably is not terribly productive to read too much into it nor expect it to make any literal sense,
  17. Another really senseless crime: https://www.inquirer.com/news/philadelphia/macys-stabbing-philadelphia-center-city-20231204.html WTF - I am getting sick of the sense of entitlement some of these sickos have - he got caught stealing hats, they grab the hats and cut him loose. Lucky him. Then he comes back and does this - I guess he wanted to show them who they were dealing with. I know Pennsylvania has the death penalty (even if they rarely invoke it) - this case cries for it.
  18. That is where they try to seat the worst wing nuts........
  19. Roo resists arrest! https://news.yahoo.com/escaped-kangaroo-captured-punching-canadian-180414531.html
  20. @Link This bear's for you! For some reason no DNA tests have been done on the specimen.
  21. One of my brothers and I went to Cinzettis this morning - an Italian buffet that offers a marvelous brunch on weekends. https://www.cinzzettis.com/gallery A bit pricey but we did get the old fooks discount.
  22. This was a pleasant surprise - I got a copy of Super Mario 3D All Stars from Goodwill Books in the mail today. The Goodwill store vendors typically put either "Acceptable" or "Good" on pretty much everything for the condition description. This is sealed (it was listed as "Acceptable"). .
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