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Everything posted by Californication

  1. Super Rare Games Archvale RPG/twin stick down to 32%
  2. That's the move I like to show the ladies.
  3. I don't follow the arguments, but there is a trans gamer/political commentator on YouTube Cyberdemon531 if you want to hear a trans person's opinion on the subject.
  4. I only have a conceptual understanding of the subject so your guess is as good as mine. I do believe people would argue that, that method is incomplete because people that were born as classical male/female can take treatments that fundamentally change their biology although their chromosomes remain unchanged.
  5. Some people are making the argument that the Republicans are focusing on trans/sports to recycle the way they activated voters using anti-gay arguments.
  6. Idk, but I believe there are historical references going way back, so this is part of the human condition.
  7. I think the arguments for mixing the genders for sports is are very left brain. Like they always name all the positive benefits for the trans community like being able to feel less ostracized etc., and that in effect the vast majority of trans athletes would have nearly no effect on the outcome of sports because the numbers are so small. While I agree we the sentiment, we have different sports for classically defined men and women because of the generally different potential abilities of classicaly defined men and women. It really is a fringe issue and the focus it gets as one of the conservative party's main issues is kind of silly.
  8. Every time I think about this argument I think about how when you go to the golf course they have different spots where you begin from. One is here, one is ten feet back, etc.
  9. I am not going to take sides in this debate, but just a point in fact there are more than two biological sexes. I'd leave that out of your argument. L
  10. I played the original a couple years ago for first time. It's good. Kind of reminded of Shenmue, but a little darker. Bought the PS2 and PS3 set, but haven't tried the next game yet.
  11. Pixel Heart has Andros Dunos ll Switch in stock. Where's PS4
  12. Nightmare Alley is good, I think Licorice Pizza may have been the best movie last year though. No Oscars for Licorice Pizza is a joke. The biggest weakness in both movies is Bradley Cooper's mediocrity - he's not terrible, but for having two excellent parts he just does okay.
  13. Cool. Based on the reviews I think you'll be happy. Rolling Gunner is on the Switch too btw.
  14. Would also recommend Rolling Gunner. I think it's probably close to a top 5 shmup on the PS4 for me
  15. Oh yeah, the Triple Pack with 2 Cotton games had issues. Fantasy/Rock N Roll is supposed to be a pretty solid new title. A little on the easier side, but there is a supposed to be a lot of characters/content. Reboot had a jntsc and western release so the prices should come down. I haven't picked one up yet either.
  16. First I am hearing of lag. Schmup junkie gave it a pretty solid review.
  17. Lolz - I ordered two. I actually want the jntsc one because I think Rock N' Roll is a better name.
  18. Ordered from rocket, was a little cheaper.
  19. Eastward getting western release through Iam8bit. Am still unclear on whether game is too easy. https://nintendoeverything.com/eastward-physical-release-revealed-for-the-west-including-collectors-edition/
  20. I've got to have it. Really hope this doesn't turn out like r-type final 2.
  21. At least after listening to Will Smith speech we know that he has a higher purpose and he is a vessel for love. What I was wondering is that Smith said Denzel Washington told him the devil comes when you are at you peak - was Washington just being friendly knowing Smith is crazy religious or does Washington believe that nonsense too.
  22. This is an LRG thread and you said you were leaving. If you changed your mind and want me to slowly point out why the things you're saying are ridiculous since your soft head doesn't understand, we can go to a political thread.
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