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Everything posted by DeuceGamer

  1. Yea, there are a couple threads. When I posted this it wasn’t on the front page and since there was new activity I thought it would be best to ask those who were discussing issues between the Collection Tracker if they were even able to access it now. Magus did respond to my post on the other thread and confirm they are working on fixing it as well as updating the Switch database again.
  2. Ok. I’ll definitely wait if it’s being updated and as long as I can access it. With the changes I was actually concerned they weren’t going to continue offering it.
  3. Yep, I can’t get the Collection Tracker to work. On top of that then not updating PS4 and Switch games has me considering a switch to somewhere else. Since it’s modern it’s not too important, but it would be nice and now that I can’t even access the Collection Tracker probably means it’s time to switch. How is VideoGamePriceCharting’s tracker?
  4. Is anybody else having trouble getting the collection Tracker to load? It hasn’t loaded for me for 2 days now.
  5. It’s definitely not easy anymore to find good N64 boxes or manuals. The majority of those that did survive seem to have a decent amount of crushing or other wear. The smaller set size makes it easier, but I also think that attracts more set collectors which makes it harder to find certain games that otherwise people probably wouldn’t care about.
  6. Is there a database of Gameboy Advance Board pics anywhere? Even if it’s a work in progress? I’m hoping one exists, even if it’s not currently complete.
  7. I like the Atlantic Oskar 1080’s. They hold a lot, are adjustable, look nice, and are affordable.
  8. Has anybody tracked big box variants for 3DS?
  9. Yea, I’d say there is a consensus among hardcore collectors but we also have to remember that there are a ton of people that don’t frequent forums like this or collect with the same level of passion we do. Some people are willing to collect repro boxes, manuals, and carts and are fine with those. Obviously to us those are a waste, but there is a market for them and that’s probably the same buyers that wouldn’t mind a touched up box. I’m glad he resolved it but I do think he should make sure to be more open about those types of things in the future.
  10. For full disclosure I thought I should reply and provide an update. Apparently the seller had responded and I was looking under my messages but it went directly under the return so I hadn’t seen it. He stated he did not realize and had owned it for a long time and doesn’t have the best lighting. He did say that he didn’t necessarily agree that marker devalues it as there isn’t a consensus on the issue. He also pointed out that it sold at a price below some others that had more wear and that he would offer a 30% discount for me to keep it. 30% off seems fair and since he did quickly respond and was obviously wanting to resolve the issue in a manner that satisfied me I thought the thread should be updated and noted.
  11. Even tho it looked in better condition in the pictures than it would without the marker, I probably would have just kept it without any complaints if it didn’t have the marker on it. I guess that’s proof that at least I would personally attach a higher condition score to it without the marker being added.
  12. Yea, I don’t mind flattening boxes or manuals. Obviously I would prefer a mint box, but those things aren’t deal breakers to me. I think the distinction that crosses the line is probably altering the item by adding stuff to it. Especially since it wasn’t noted in the description. Sadly, the box may have been ok to a lot of buyers in the original condition without the marker. Possibly even including myself. Hard to say for certain, but it wouldn’t be the instant dealbreaker the marker was for me.
  13. Yea, I wondered the same but the shot from the top lid you can see some of the same wear on the edge so at least some of the pictures are of the same box. Talking to my wife I also pointed out that the dots missing from the letters are not in the listing, which we thought was a bit suspicious. I’ve never had to deal with a touched up box and guess I don’t know what to expect from eBay. Glad you seem to think they will side with me without an issue.
  14. Unfortunately the seller did not respond to my message. He doesn’t accept returns so I had to request one through the eBay Guarantee. For reference, here is the listing: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F223931233880 I tried to upload pictures to eBay but it’s hard to show black marker on a black box with a camera, especially to the untrained eye. Little worried they will look at the picture and be like “I don’t see any marker...”. I attached a picture that is similar to one I uploaded to eBay.
  15. If they offered a partial refund I may consider it since the maps and cartridge are really nice with the thought that I will have to upgrade the box at some point in the future. Otherwise it will definitely go back. It definitely was not disclosed in the listing or I wouldn’t have bothered. It even stated something along the lines that there was a little wear here and there but it retained its shape and boxes in this condition is rare.
  16. That’s why I normally avoid them. Not sure if I should just try and return it or what. I know it’s something that will always bother me and will eventually require an upgrade. Maybe I will see what the seller says and go from there. I sent them a message and simply asked if they were aware someone had touched it up with a picture. Wish whoever done it would have just left it alone as it would have been a solid copy without touching it up at all. Edit: To be clear, I realize it’s a decision I will have to make but I’m trying to gather as much information on how this effects it according to the community. Being more informed will hopefully help make the decision.
  17. I bought what I thought was a nice copy of Final Fantasy complete for NES and it arrived from eBay today. After opening it and showing a few of the imperfections on the box to my wife I noticed that the Box has been touched up with a black marker. Personally I would never touch up a box and wouldn’t knowingly buy one if at all possible. Since it is now here though I’m wondering how a touched up box would effect grading and value? I remember seeing some Wata games that were graded and it mentioned the box was touched up so I was wondering is there a set amount that is automatically deducted due to any touch ups? Does it depend on the amount of the box that was touched up? I hate to put a value on it, but I also want to make sure that I got fair value on my purchase. If there is any discussion or information available on how touching up a box with marker effects the grade or value please let me know.
  18. I got most of my GC games when they were relatively cheap but there are definitely a few that I didn’t find a nice copy of that blew up and now I’m probably going to have to get lucky finding them in the wild, or pay up for them. Even some of the lower end stuff is starting to see increases so even some of the stuff I wasn’t in a hurry to grab is going to cost more
  19. It’s had a couple spikes in the past but it’s finally starting to get to that point where kids who grew up with it are now nostalgic for it and collecting for it, on top of the normal Nintendo collectors. It’s not just those games you listed but a ton of games are currently seeing spikes. Edit: Looks like I was beaten but I agree with Silent Hill.
  20. According to the N64 Group I’m in on Facebook the original release does not have the text on it and the text was added later, possibly in an attempt to make it more appealing. No idea how accurate that is but wanted to share here what I found outside of the forum.
  21. I notice there are 2 different Mischief Makers boxes. One with the “Wacky Comic Style Adventure” and one without. Any other variants? Is there any other differences in the box, carts, or contents, and which one is the original print and which is the variant?
  22. Good to know there is no (-1) carts. The boxes I knew were different, but breaking them down by the Collectord Edition and Standard, each of those do not have any additional differences, correct? Sorry, that was really poorly worded upon re-reading it. Was the Collectors Edition the First Print or we’re both originally available?
  23. To make sure I understand, there are no Majoras Mask cartridge without the (-1) for either the Holo or regular release and there are no known differences in the boxes?
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