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Everything posted by Scrobins

  1. Both places make sense to me, you can even link your FS thread in your promotional thread in the Share section so people know when it’s available for purchase from you.
  2. Gotta punch fast! It’s like the Mike Tyson version of Sanic (or on VGS, Snoic). Meke Toisan?
  3. Now now I’m sure all 3 of you have excellent finger blasting skills
  4. Bear with me as I use the words “my” and “your” definition as shorthand. I think there’s an argument to be made that what your definition literally says was once sufficient to encapsulate the meaning of my definition. However with time as white people and others in America began using/co-opting the word to place their experiences on the same level as those of the black community to potentially evade criticism of their privilege, behavior, lack of action, I imagine it became necessary for the black community to clarify the meaning as they understand it so its meaning would not become diluted.
  5. I suppose that depends on your experiences. I changed what my default understanding of the word means because most of the people I knew used the definition I provided, including my college professors who are experts in the field of African & African American studies. As for @cartman, I’m amused by your conclusions about me and any guilt you think I bear. I may have a light skin tone that causes me to pass, but I am mixed race and was raised in a predominantly black family. I feel no guilt for using a definition that I learned in a vigorous academic setting that also makes sense to me, and I don’t agree that I’m racist because I decline to abide by your notion that I must harbor guilt or dislike white people generally just because I don’t agree with you.
  6. And another definition would be: Racism is defined as a power structure that allows one group to put a system in place where they use their race to direct discrimination against people of different race based on the belief that their own race is superior.
  7. I don’t get the sense that you read what I wrote. A remark itself can be racist when underlying it is an institutional oppression that empowers the speaker to reinforce the powerlessness of the person he demeans. Your other paragraph is a complete non sequitur as I have not stated that institutional racism does not exist elsewhere, just that it is not present in Dave’s situation.
  8. Except that racism isn’t just a mean remark, racism is the social and institutional oppression of a group of people such that authority itself is bent to subordinate them and deny them the basic tools to protect themselves or advance in society. As much as many East Asian cultures may have xenophobic tendencies, they have not enslaved white people, manipulated the law to incarcerate them en made them force them to perform labor virtually without compensation, or denied them basic services such as access to restaurants and swimming pools. Dave may have been the subject of prejudice (and I’m sorry to hear that happened to you), but he was not the victim of racism.
  9. For some people I think this is too hard to have a solid answer, especially when the art has significant cultural value. We know now that Bill Cosby was a horrible predator. But he also was responsible for an important TV show that portrayed an upper middle class black family without a sort of minstrelsy that networks previously thought imposed on black-led shows and representation of black people that made the black community feel seen beyond gimmicky tokenism that has had a massive impact in black representation on TV. Cosby doesn’t get a pass for the horrible things he did just because he also did something good and important, and the show shouldn’t be relegated to the dumpster because the man behind it was a monster. Maybe the show gets a big fat asterisk, so it can still be appreciated for its value in spite of Cosby’s evils. But then again, I liked The Cosby Show. I look at Woody Allen movies and think they’re all the same movie, just dropping a neurotic man into a mildly different situation and not being particularly good.
  10. Same, except for me it was VH1’s Cardio Video at the crack of dawn when I was getting ready for school as a teenager.
  11. I think at one point not too long ago he posted that he had one for sale on his site for $9999
  12. Added Famimimidi and genMDM from Catskull Electronics.
  13. Added ASAP PLZ a crazy office-themed game being made for the Genesis.
  14. Added The Incident: Remastered I've also had a change of heart in how I document some game variants, while I will still not include limited editions that are essentially the same game (and what that means is still I'll determine on a rolling basis), I will provide separate entries for games with new graphics, added content, etc.
  15. That's a fine lookin gator, I gare-on-tee!
  16. They were bracing themselves for an adversary far worse than Shredder or Krang: Michael Bay.
  17. Here’s where I get my styrofoam blocks: https://www.ebay.com/itm/261381772920
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