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Everything posted by Scrobins

  1. Unfortunately hacks do not count toward the homebrew charm.
  2. I’m sorry you’re having a tough time of it. Dealing with working from home, during a pandemic, while looking for a job is hard. I know several people struggling with exactly that. I think it defends on the industry you’re in, the day-to-day demands on your time, whether you’re more of an extrovert or introvert. I’m a government lawyer and my work tends to come in fits and starts. I call myself a high-functioning introvert, because people who know me say I’m cheerful and chatty, but I get my energy in my time alone. Working from home has been a mixed bag. Challenging at first, but I used to opportunity to try other things. I read more, I’ve chipped away at my movie and tv to-do list, I exercise more and try to have more control over my diet. I engage here on VGS more; around the time of the pandemic is when I ultimately joined the staff and used it as a chance to do more like my homebrew blog. It’s not that I enjoy working from home more, but I’ve found ways to make it work for me and I’m lucky that my job doesn’t demand my constant attention. The pandemic certainly hasn’t helped with feeling cabin fever at times, but the key is engagement. I struggled early on because my volunteer work stopped for awhile. I found some company digitally here, on the discord, and my reaching out to friends and organizing jackbox game nights over zoom. Reach out to friends, make use of LinkedIn and connect with people you know or who can connect you with others who have jobs that interest you. Find some activities to occupy your mind in between: some familiar and comforting, some new and curious. I hope that helps. When in doubt, there are many here to befriend and talk to about just about everything!
  3. @Glovesmaybe this is the connection you need: https://www.google.com/amp/s/ca.finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/canadas-american-cereal-grey-market-revealed-131033553.html
  4. Uh, best of luck to you Gloves
  5. Found mine! General Mills’ Hidden Treasures and Wheaties Dunk-a-Balls!
  6. You should ask @John Riggshe is the cereal guru and if anyone could track them down he can. There are a couple of cereals from my childhood I’ve been trying to find myself, but I don’t have much info. One was just a bunch of little orange/brown balls and the cereal was basketball themed. Another had crispy light brown squares with a sort of red “filling”. Pretty sure both went the way of Planters P.B. Crisps.
  7. Hmm I might have to look up a recipe and try this. I’ve made chocolate cakes that use vinegar instead of eggs and they taste pretty good. I guess it comes down to whether an ingredient is functioning as a chemical to make the final product (like eggs or flour) or as a flavor. Sometimes they perform as both, like vanilla, and thus what might make that ingredient unpalatable on its own actually very tasty when other ingredients take the edge off.
  8. Scrobins

    Roniu's Tale

    I mentioned this in the Homebrew on the Horizon thread, but since Mega Cat doesn't post here (yet), I figured I would start a thread for a game they launched on Kickstarter earlier this week: Roniu's Tale. In this instance, Mega Cat is serving as the publisher, assisting a team of Brazilian homebrewers (Kunjee Studio) in their development of this top-down action puzzler. Fans of Łukasz Kur & M-Tee’s Gruniożerca 3, Retroguru’s Xump 2 will enjoy this game where you must maneuver across levels and past monsters as tiles fall away behind you, though you have the aid of limited use special powers such as shooting fireballs and levitation to overcome obstacles. Keep an eye out for my next blog post, which will take a deeper dive into the game and share my interviews with the members of Kunjee Studio! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/megacatstudios/ronius-tale-for-the-nes?ref=f15wo3
  9. Because it hasn’t fulfilled orders yet, it’s still on the horizon, thus it’s still in this thread where it can be found in the OP.
  10. Infinity for Gameboy Color has launched on Kickstarter! (not sure if also Gameboy compatible)
  11. Added Bat Lizard Bonanza for NES.
  12. Roniu's Tale for NES has just launched on Kickstarter!
  13. Lots moved around today. Added to available games: -Fight for Vengeance (Genesis) -Museum on a Cart (Gameboy) -Pico Pico (Basse Def Adventures) (FC) Added to unavailable games (either unavailable, no new store has been indicated since a game's Kickstarter ended, or has been out of stock too long to hold out hope): -Beyond the Pins (The Assembly Line Game Jam 2021) (NES) -Dead Tomb (NES) -F-Θ (FC) -IndestructoTank! (Gameboy) -The Magnilo Case (NES) -Ploid (NES) -Uchūsen (NES) -Utakata Synopsis (FC)
  14. Moving a bunch of games to the Almanac, some still available, others not, specifics will be in the Almanac update.
  15. If you haven’t already, you should join the discord server, there’s a brewery sub there where you can have some great chats with other devs.
  16. Welcome! Always great to see more people interested in homebrew, especially on the creative end!
  17. The short answer is COVID. As best an answer I can give without being a part of the production team, I believe that supply chain issues in terms of physical production, as well as concerns regarding the delays inherent to international shipping related to the pandemic, and personal life stuff that can pile up, are ultimately at play. Strange Brew Games has a discord with subs dedicated to the compo, and you may get better answers there. https://discord.gg/nQTZxSzj
  18. Definitely a fun and addictive game, I loved fighting that damned kraken tentacle and giving it what for!
  19. I'm glad I was able to grab one! Only 5 left!
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