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Posts posted by fcgamer

  1. Well the price wasn't exactly a steal, especially for local standards, but it was more than fair. I do agree though that the quality of these really does shine, it's definitely one of the better parts of my collection and honestly something I couldn't pass up.

    One of my best finds though? Nah, the Sega protos were the best by far, I still feel tingly just thinking about it.

  2. Does anyone here collect Gamate games? Anyone have any for sale or trade? If so, I'd likely be interested.

    I've always been interested in the Gamate, an obscure handheld gaming machine that made its way around the world in the 90s. I had gathered a small collection of games locally, whatever I stumbled upon, but the games are quite hard to find in my area, and as a result, I only found about seven or eight of the 60 or 70 games released. This made the Gamate something I wanted to collect, but also something that was more passive for me.

    Whilst on holiday in Florida a few weeks back, I received a message from a local guy that @OptOut and I personally know. He messaged me saying he found 35 Gamate games, all CIB, and asked if I wanted them. Of course I did!

    After opening with a terrible price of $1000 USD, I managed to get him to drastically cut that price, and last night I was finally able to drive over to pick these up from the guy.

    I'm stoked about the quality and condition of these, and am really excited to add more to the collection. I hope I can get this set mostly complete by the end of the year 🙂


    • Like 3
    • Wow! 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, CodysGameRoom said:

    Have it your way man. I asked a serious question but no worries about trying to legitimately answer it. No one says you have to. I was just curious.

    I certainly will. I'll be voting against hate.

    Voting against hate? Come on bro, never once did you guys give Trump a chance, spewing all sorts of hate towards him since he became president. I guess that somehow doesn't count though?

    You told me earlier I should look at the big picture and not just think of myself and my own benefits, or those of one nation. Let's just take a brief look at the situation.

    Trump has brought much closer ties between Taiwan, a democracy, and the USA. Likewise his stance with mainland China has hurt it.

    So what? Just look at Hong Kong. Better yet, look at Xingjiang. I personally cannot stand behind such actions, and much prefer to support the free country of Taiwan, over a power such as China that abuses its people via reeducation camps, organ harvesting, censorship, lack of freedom, etc. Stop looking at trendy "problems", and expand your view to look at real issues.

  4. 15 minutes ago, CodysGameRoom said:

    You are cherry picking one instance and one example. That's nice but you have to look at the picture as a whole. And Trump is not helping every other American as a whole. And he's greatly hurting people from other nations as well. How is it noble to "help" one nation but hurt another? That's not a good leader. 

    You wanted me to ask myself my own questions. I'm not sure the point you are trying to make so I'll do it.

    I greatly care about other people. I have compassion for others. I try to put my own best interests aside and think holistically about society in my daily life and when choosing my ideals, and especially when it comes time to vote. So, there's my answers. I'm still not sure what you were getting at. 

    Hahaha, need to look at the overall picture bro. For the record, I greatly care about other people. I have compassion for others. I try to put my own best interests aside and think holistically about society in my daily life and when choosing my ideals, and especially when it comes time to vote.

    I hope you can do so as well, and look at the big picture when you vote.

    • Confused 1
  5. 1 minute ago, CodysGameRoom said:

    I understand your take here. His actions and policies have personally benefited you. It makes sense to enjoy that. 

    Other people have not benefited from his actions and policies. As a matter of fact other people on the planet have been greatly hurt by them. 

    So my question is, how do you weigh it? Do you not care about those other people? Or do you care, but not as much as you care about yourself and your own best interests?

    I'm not trying to be snarky. It just seems like a really selfish take on things and I'm honestly interested in your opinion on it.

    You ask many questions, but I think you should self-reflect and ask yourself these very same questions, and then post your answers.

    Take a look at the coronavirus going on right now. Taiwan is excluded from WHO, how does that affect the Taiwanese people? Already, Taiwanese cannot fly to Italy or Philippines due to this. Some Taiwanese were bullied in Russia because of the virus. Yet for all intents and purposes, Taiwan is not the same as mainland China, and while China has hundreds or thousands of virus cases and deaths, Taiwan has had maybe 17 cases thus far.

    What does this have to do with Trump? Simple. His stances on Taiwan have been helping the island nation as a whole, not just me personally. The situation with China is a large one, and although its not at your doorstep yet, it could easily spiral out of control in a negative way. Trust me, Trump's stance on this I'd also helping you and every other American, whether you know it or not 

  6. Chicken testicles, chicken feet, duck blood, duck heads, pig blood, stinky tofu, snake soup, snake bile mixed with alcohol, fish eyeball, pig gums, bone marrow (forget which animal the bones were from), fried crickets, mouse meat. This is just a quick summary of some of the delicious foods I've tried locally. 🙂

    • Wow! 2
  7. 21 hours ago, Estil said:

    Wow, there's actually a pro-Trump person here?  I'm impressed. 

    I live in Taiwan. Trump has definitely helped Taiwan and it's relationship with the USA more than any other USA president has, since 1979 or whatever the date was.

    Yeah, Trump isn't presidential in the way he acts. Yeah, he's an ass. Sure, he's corrupt. But what about the rest of the lot? They're just as corrupt, and also a bunch of wankers too. At least Trump is doing things.

  8. 14 hours ago, Link said:

    blah blah screaming “Raise Taxes Bad!!”


    We can guarantee higher education as a right for all and cancel all student debt for an estimated $2.2 trillion. To pay for this, we will impose a tax of a fraction of a percent on Wall Street speculators who nearly destroyed the economy a decade ago. This Wall Street speculation tax will raise $2.4 trillion over the next ten years. It works by placing a 0.5 percent tax on stock trades – 50 cents on every $100 of stock – a 0.1 percent fee on bond trades, and a 0.005 percent fee on derivative trades.

    If Wall Street can be bailed out for several trillion dollars, 45 million Americans can and will be bailed out of the $1.6 trillion burden of student loan debt and we can provide free college for all. Some 40 countries throughout the world have imposed a similar tax, including Britain, South Korea, Hong Kong, Brazil, Germany, France, Switzerland and China.

    No thanks. There's plenty of people out there who wanted to go to a better university, or for more schooling, who didn't due to not being able to afford it. Those who were in that position and went ahead with it anyways should have made a wiser decision at the time. If we start forgiving student debt, we are just slapping those in the face who made sacrifices and wiser choices, and rewarding those who didn't.

  9. @Bubbapauls very cool! I showed that to my brother, getting closer.

    @Tyree_Cooper Wow!!!

    We actually have the car, but it plugged into a thingy with a traffic light attached. You pulled a lever and the car would rev up and the traffic light would change, pull it again to send the car shooting across the room.

    My brother and I both really liked this toy as a kid, though it technically was mine, gotten for Christmas one year from an uncle iirc. I was hoping to possibly find a new one.

  10. On 2/7/2020 at 7:32 AM, Archon 1981 said:

    HI All,

    Due to some people taking advantage of my willingness to share this collection, I will no longer be posting new images of acquisitions. Items will, for the time being, only be shown at live events. Thank you.

    Care to elaborate? Badgering you about items, trying to steal your connections, scooping you? 

    Thanks for sharing what you have thus far, hopefully for history's sake you'll eventually change your most recent stance.

  11. That's awesome! Your boss is cool indeed, but he's also wise and realises that showing his appreciation will keep you on his side 🙂

    I honestly wish my boss would learn to be like this. I buy her cookies or something when I go on holiday, she threatens to fire me when I ask to take holiday.

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