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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. This definitely sounds like it would be a good idea if possible, yeah. It wouldn't help the problem of bots signing up in and of itself, but it would at least limit the spam to only one post at a time rather than spreading it all across the site when they do sign up.
  2. Oh yeah, 100% you gotta play it at some point if you enjoyed 1, as well as Episodes 1 and 2. Black Mesa is also really good, and these days is my preferred way to experience the first game, personally. https://store.steampowered.com/app/362890/Black_Mesa/
  3. I mean, pretty undeniably a masterpiece. I would say it's just BARELY under my absolute favorite games of all time list, but it's very very close. I went with a 9/10, but I would probably go 9.5 if it was more granular. Absolutely spectacular and groundbreaking game, especially for its time. Still holds up incredibly well to this day, by this point I'd feel pretty comfortable calling it timeless honestly.
  4. @Game Night Participant (If any of you would like to be removed from this ping for future game nights, please let me know and we'll take your name off the list! Or, likewise, if you'd like to be added to the list, let me know as well!) Project Winter (Basically Everything, Supports Crossplay) https://projectwinter.co/ GTFO (PC) https://store.steampowered.com/app/493520/GTFO/ Golf With Your Friends (PC) https://store.steampowered.com/app/431240/Golf_With_Your_Friends/ Super Tilt Bro. (PC) https://sgadrat.itch.io/super-tilt-bro Mario Strikers: Battle League (Switch) https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/mario-strikers-battle-league-switch/ Splatoon 3 (Switch) https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/splatoon-3-switch/ Let's try this again, shall we?
  5. That's good, you're gonna want to make sure everyone has time to sign up if you're trying to at least get close to that 25 player mark. Sometimes it takes a couple weeks.
  6. They're second to none in terms of the story/fluff posts, which I really enjoy. They're also generally great in terms of balancing, though I did have some critiques about some of the roles in his last game, so we'll see how this one goes, haha. ...I've also had a couple ideas for WW 'trilogies" brewing in my head for awhile now, so good to know I wasn't the only crazy bastard who thought of that, haha. I'm thinking I'll do The Thing pt. 2 next, but after that maybe I'll start up one of them trilogies once it's my turn to host. I hope Harvey Bullock makes an appearance as an actual character this time around, that was the fakeclaim I came up with as a wolf last time, would be cool to see him actually appear in this game. Could do some interesting stuff with him in terms of roles I feel. Kokiri's first game in this trilogy was the very first game of WW ever hosted on the site, so this one's definitely gonna be a good'un. Especially since this is one of the few games of WW where I actually am gonna be very invested in the story, haha.
  7. Looks like I'm already on the list but yup, I'm in as well.
  8. @Game Night Participant Heya folks, just so you all know, we decided we're going to go ahead and just postpone this game night to the 27th of May, since Tears of the Kingdom is out so I'm sure a lot of you guys will be busy with that, it's Mother's Day weekend, both me and Spacepup are gonna be out of town for a bit, AND nobody voted in the poll which I take to mean we probably weren't gonna have much participation this time around anyway, haha. Of course, if anyone still wants to hang out and/or play something tomorrow night despite that then feel free, we just figured we'd postpone this one since it didn't seem to us like anyone was gonna show up this time around. I'll probably repost the poll on the 20th, and we'll see if we get some better luck with votes then.
  9. Let me know how Castlevania is, I've never played any of the 3D ones so would be curious to know, I've heard mixed opinions on the 3D entries.
  10. Yeah before I was just trying to grind through it, working on something else every once in awhile probably would help rather than just trying to tank through the whole thing at once.
  11. Nah you're already suffering through Starcraft, I wouldn't put that on you as well. You're right that I don't want to play it, but someone's gotta do it and I'm fine with carrying that burden, plus I'm a fair bit in to the game anyway so I wouldn't want that to go to waste by this point.
  12. Oh we're beatin' this fuckin' library make no mistake, once I get past Ogre Battle I'll be able to start working on games that I actually enjoy and are a reasonable length which should give us another little kick to get things moving along. Plus I'm on antidepressants now so I have more motivation and energy to actually do stuff which'll help, hahaha.
  13. I'll admit I haven't touched the game in like a couple months now, got pretty burnt out with it pretty fast despite taking my time with it, since it's not the type of game I generally enjoy. I'm gonna take a trip to Texas later this month, and after I get back from that I'll pick it back up. But yes, I am still working on it, it's just been on pause for awhile.
  14. @Game Night Participant (If any of you would like to be removed from this ping for future game nights, please let me know and we'll take your name off the list! Or, likewise, if you'd like to be added to the list, let me know as well!) Project Winter (Basically Everything, Supports Crossplay) https://projectwinter.co/ GTFO (PC) https://store.steampowered.com/app/493520/GTFO/ Golf With Your Friends (PC) https://store.steampowered.com/app/431240/Golf_With_Your_Friends/ Super Tilt Bro. (PC) https://sgadrat.itch.io/super-tilt-bro Mario Strikers: Battle League (Switch) https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/mario-strikers-battle-league-switch/ Splatoon 3 (Switch) https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/splatoon-3-switch/
  15. My personal favorite Daft Punk song is actually an instrumental
  16. @Game Night Participant (If any of you would like to be removed from this ping for future game nights, please let me know and we'll take your name off the list! Or, likewise, if you'd like to be added to the list, let me know as well!) Among Us (Basically Everything, Supports Crossplay) https://www.innersloth.com/games/among-us/ Rocket League (Basically Everything, Supports Crossplay) https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/rocket-league Jackbox (Basically Everything) https://www.jackboxgames.com/ Phasmophobia (PC) https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/ Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Switch) https://mariokart8.nintendo.com/ Mario Party Superstars (Switch) https://marioparty.nintendo.com/
  17. @Game Night Participant (If any of you would like to be removed from this ping for future game nights, please let me know and we'll take your name off the list! Or, likewise, if you'd like to be added to the list, let me know as well!) Project Winter (Basically Everything, Supports Crossplay) https://projectwinter.co/ Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II [2022] (PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Supports Crossplay) https://www.callofduty.com/modernwarfare2 Golf With Your Friends (PC) https://store.steampowered.com/app/431240/Golf_With_Your_Friends/ Super Tilt Bro. (PC) https://sgadrat.itch.io/super-tilt-bro Mario Strikers: Battle League (Switch) https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/mario-strikers-battle-league-switch/ Splatoon 3 (Switch) https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/splatoon-3-switch/
  18. @spacepup@AverageOliver98@chair@Mega Tank@FireHazard51@SNESNESCUBE64 Thanks everyone for showing up to this game night! Was nice getting to actually host one again, even if I was working on zero hours of sleep and I was starting to lose it a little by the end, haha. Also, @SNESNESCUBE64 finally got to actually participate in a game besides Mario Kart! Never thought I'd see the day!
  19. Seems like AVGN has secured a pretty comfortable first place position on the leaderboard, but we'll see if anyone else comes in with any surprise last minute scores. And being in first doesn't necessarily mean you're guaranteed to win the prize, of course! Quick reminder that the contest will end at midnight tonight, so get those scores in while you can!
  20. Something tells me you're gonna really like this game, haha. It's gonna test you in a different way than WW though; We know you're good at getting on people's bad side in WW, but how good are you at getting on people's good side?
  21. Doing great so far guys, keep it up! Remember that even if you can't get a score that places you in the top 3, there's still a chance you could win the prize anyway so it's worth it just to get your name on the leaderboard! Only a couple days left to do so!
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