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Everything posted by spacepup

  1. Still playing Super Mario Picross. So....many....levels....omg! hah Don't get me wrong, I love Picross, so it's plenty of them to play, but it also feels like I'll never "beat" this game hah!
  2. Yea, I remembered about Indigo and didn't include that in my OP. But I did remove Munch. The goal with this thread was to curate a list of "true" exclusives for Xbox (not all of them, but basically recommended games). Like if there are games you can only play on Original Xbox, or where the experience is *significantly* better than a port of it later on, that's what I'm really looking for here. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions!
  3. Thanks! I'm looking for these examples too! Where it was rereleased or something, but if Original is still better, that's good to know! Jade Empire is high on my list as I haven't played it yet (I know... ), and there is a special edition rerelease that I already have. I haven't read yet any *need* to play on original Xbox instead, but you never know. Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the recommendations wongojack! I didn't realize there was an exclusive Dino Crisis for Xbox. Same for Buffy - I know there is a PS2 / multi-system release but I believe that is the sequel. Thanks!
  5. Thank you for the recommendations. Indigo Prophecy is also on PS2, but the others are exclusive to Xbox unless they had later releases. I know some of the older xbox titles are now on PC, but I can't recall for these in particular. Either way - thanks!
  6. Thanks! This is exactly why I started the thread - this game wasn't really anywhere on my radar. I vaguely remember it just because it was a *very* early game IIRC, but I never did actually play it!
  7. Hello all! As the Title implies, I'm looking for Original Xbox (exclusives) recommendations! Particularly, if you have recommendations for games that have not been ported / re-released to other platforms such as PC. Or, if it has been ported, if the original is significantly better for any reason. I'm familiar with a lot of the big ones (many have been rereleased), like Halo, Jade Empire, Fable, KOTOR, Blinx etc. But if you have any favorite Original Xbox exclusive titles (outside the box/quirky is fine too!), please share! Admittedly, I haven't really explored the Xbox library all that much. My friend is currently re-capping my system, and when I get it back, I'd like to test it out some more and give it some love, so I'm looking for any and all recommendations. I'm pretty flexible in terms of what I like, but I don't usually play many sports/fighters/strict FPS games. I like puzzle, action adventure, RPG, etc. I appreciate your time and any suggestions you might have! ------ My own starter list: Blinx / Blinx 2 KOTOR / KOTOR II [Though available on PC] Jade Empire [Though available on PC] Fable [Though available on PC] Updated List of Recommendations from the thread: Voodoo Vince (Platformer, Psychonauts vibes (though Psychonauts is better)) Otogi: Myth of Demons (Action game, kinda souls-y, kinda Ninja Gaiden-y, made by FROM) Otogi 2 Fuzion Frenzy (multiplayer party game) Dino Crisis 3 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Metal Wolf Chaos (JP) Raze's Hell Panzer Dragoon Orta Bloody Roar Extreme (actually a renamed port of the GameCube’s Bloody Roar) Crimson Skies
  8. Twin Snakes or Control! hmmmm.... tough calls, both are great! Maybe Danganronpa is fine too, I just never really got into that series. Having just finished Control including all the DLC, I'd definitely recommend it!
  9. I enjoyed Metal Gear and Snake’s Revenge in particular. However, despite appreciating the roots, MGS is just in a whole other league (at least for me).
  10. Unfortunately we’ll never really know. And to be clear, despite everything I said above, I obviously would hope for improvements to the processes to at least minimizing damage of people’s personal items. I’m sure I’d be upset too if something of mine was destroyed. I just happened to build a greater appreciation for what they are really doing is all. I do think this kind of thing is relatively uncommon at least. I have shipped literally hundreds of packages from overseas and have never had this happen. Granted, I don’t buy graded games, but still.
  11. If the story shared is true, I do feel bad for the person just because no one wants their stuff destroyed, regardless of WATA controversy or anything else. Having said that, if you actually check US Customs and Border Protection Drug Seizure Statistics, they seize hundreds of *thousands* of pounds of drugs every year, through various means. That's not including weapons, other illegal products, cash, unsafe food products, counterfeit goods, and much much more. That isn't to say that I want anyone's stuff destroyed, but, they do have a big job to do and are seizing a LOT of drugs in the process, including more significant cases that lead to investigations that actually do result in criminal proceedings and other actions. I've researched this issue quite a bit in the past, and I formed a new perspective about customs and what they do to protect us, and unfortunately, that involves destroying some materials. And unfortunately, criminals are *extremely* creative in the means with which they will use to hide drugs and other illegal items. It is not at all shocking to the people who do this on a daily basis, to find that stuff inside of toys, boxes, games, bottles, and all sorts of other things. They process SO much cargo, that they couldn't possibly analyze everything of course, but for the stuff they do inspect (which really is a relatively small percentage), unfortunately some items get damaged in the process and they don't have the time to really open everything extremely carefully (and it's not always safe to do so given potential drugs in question). Just a few extra things to think about is all.
  12. Sorry to disappoint ya Murray, I'm not really into P games. Some people are really into that, and hey, I'm not judging, everyone has their interest/fetish/whatever you wanna call it. But not for me.
  13. Metroidvania is just one of those things that came to be and I've just accepted it. And despite some comments I've seen earlier in here, I do unironically use the term and I don't feel bad or have shame about it. Most people into gaming or that style of game, know exactly what it means. Someone literally just asked today, in discord, about recommendations for PC Metroidvania games. By that, I knew EXACTLY what types of games they were looking for. Whoever coined it, however it became popular, I don't really know. But however it developed, it's just a term that explains a particular genre / style that is beloved by many people, including myself. I don't know why it upsets people so much. Shmup is one that I don't really say "shmup" in person, but I don't have any negative reaction to seeing it on screen or people chatting about it. Honestly, I think people really do just get way too riled up about some of this stuff. Also, I think it's fine if someone doesn't like "ness" or "sness" or whatever, but some people are so dismissive of others who talk like that to the point they ridicule and demean them, which just seems silly to me. As for the abbreviations, not everything needs to be so technical. For example, maybe PS would be a more appropriate abbreviation, but for me, after so many iterations of PlayStation, when I'm talking with people I say "PS1" and everyone knows exactly what I'm talking about. They know I'm talking about original PlayStation games. If I say "PlayStation games" as opposed to "PS1 games" then they don't know what I'm talking about, depending on the crowd. So saying "PS1" is just an easy way to portray information and communicate. And words, abbreviations, etc. are all about communicating and understanding each other.
  14. We specifically bought bundle packs so that we could share with VGS participants for an eventual game night if the game was selected.
  15. Gotcha covered - thanks! I have 2 copies left if anyone else plans to join tonight. Firehazard has some extras also.
  16. That's ok - it happens! Do you plan on joining tonight, and if so, do you need a copy of the game from us?
  17. I don't understand - are you missing tonight? (ok if so), or are you asking for a copy of the game?
  18. Heyo, just wanted to say WOW and congratulations to you all for amazingly getting a third of the way there already!!!! Keep up the great work but most importantly, have fun!
  19. Since it does look like Tabletop Simulator will be chosen for tonight, if you need a copy of the game, and have legitimate plans to join us tonight, please ping me as soon as possible so we can get you hooked up! @Mega Tank @fox @darkchylde28 or anyone else!
  20. Before it derails too much, just remember what Casual was asking for here and hoping not to get too much in the weeds on debates about specific examples and such.
  21. I actually kinda like Metroidvania and Roguelike. I did think of a good one that definitely relates to me. I spend a lot of time with video game preservation and documentation, and part of that process involves preserving the data to a digital format. I don't really like the terminology at all, but I've had to concede somewhat because in most places it is referred to as "dumping" or "ripping" a game. I don't love it because those are more "scene" like terms, and carry along connotations of piracy / warez / etc., but they've just stuck for whatever reason. I contribute a lot to redump.org, and we often refer to the process as "dumping" there. It's simply not something I can change at this point, so I've had to concede.
  22. One that I don't really mind, but always catches me off-guard, is 'paddles.' I understand where it comes from, but they've always been 'controllers' to me. Every now and then I'll hear someone talk about SNES paddles, and it takes my brain a moment to figure out what they are talking about. Also, I've never understand why saying SNES (snesss) really bothers people so much. It's just a shorthand that some people use, and it's obvious what they're talking about, technicalities aside. I've heard (ness) and (sness) many times and it just doesn't bother me at all.
  23. I've seen plenty of arguments / debates on all of these items over the years. For some reason, shmup never bothered me. Metroidvania is another one I use often because it's well understood what that vibe is going for, so it makes sense to me. PSX is one that I didn't really care for and personally refer to it as PS1, but I've had to concede that obviously it's well known what people mean when they say PSX. They're not referring to the PSX [PS2] unit (usually, and depending on the context), they're referring to original PlayStation. As long as it's clear what people are talking about, there's no reason to get too upset about things.
  24. As far as I know he is fine and just not really active here on VGS. He wasn't really all that active to begin with (here on VGS that is) and probably has just moved on to other things in terms of where he spends his time.
  25. Finished up Alan Wake tonight! I enjoyed the game quite a bit! It is an interesting story and I like the dark/light themes and gameplay mechanics. Also when things like schoolbusses and tractors come to life and attack you it’s entertaining and challenging hah! There are two “extra” episodes that I’ll finish up soon, but I’ve finished the main game which is split into 6 chapters / “episodes.” All in all, I enjoyed it and am glad I finally got around to this one!
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