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Everything posted by koifish

  1. sorry I haven't updated earlier, I've been sick for the last week or so. Gonna try and come back this weekend and contribute again.
  2. I think the "no reusing developers" I suggested for "ultra lunatic" would be good. Might be too extreme though!
  3. That picture reminds me of this old video (may be loud) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlt23AXoT3g
  4. Ambient to me would be something peaceful and quiet, like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwUUWgSwJlU
  5. Yeah, in one way it's really fascinating, the literal encoding of data into music. On the other hand, it's the kind of sound that only appeals to a certain crowd of chip-eaters (and I don't mean crisps! ). Also, it proves that ANYTHING can become nostalgic. ANYTHING. Like how the smell of cheap cigarettes and hot blacktop makes me nostalgic for my high school summer days spent trolling the local flea market for game sales.
  6. Well the enemies being hard to see isn't a big issue, as you can pause and hit select to see all of them. Their AI is one thing you absolutely have to master, controlling their movement is basically essential to setting up certain sections for completion. The passwords will help, but it's less the getting to the stage and more the challenge of figuring out the technique. Pretty much every stage or every other stage will be a "normal" layout but will then have one little section where you have to figure out a new trick in order to get the last pieces. I think it's great fun, but I can also say that it's one tough cookie. Good luck when you play it! It helps that there's little reason to fear game overs, unless for some reason you want to top the scoreboard (which won't be a realistic goal anyway until you've cleared every stage, or just spend hours and hours playing easy levels over and over again, since the game is like SMB1 in that nothing stops you from squatting in one area and maxing the points counter). I can't believe anybody managed to get 100k on that version of defender. I assume you did it on super game boy too? It was all but unplayable when I tried on a GB Color. Still, man, you're really kicking ass this year. I don't think anybody will ever match your total at this rate!
  7. Pretty good. It's not the game, so I couldn't put it in, but this is the loading sound for manic miner, the game I posted for my bad music on list 1. Prepare yourself, it's like the Dial-Up tone achieved a new, more ultimate power. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MZYuGUCrkoU
  8. Gonna have to use a cheat device or something to auto-clear level 50 and see what happens. You could be the first person to ever share with the world the ending screen of flipull! Just think, it's like unearthing an Egyptian tomb...full of gym socks. Not particularly notable but definitely valuable to game archeologists.
  9. Oh and I'm stuck on a level in lode runner again, but I did finally make it to double digits, even if it's only stage 11.
  10. Not at all, it was very informative. I've definitely learned some weird words via trying out various japan-only games. The thing that always disheartens me a little is that everybody I know who made it over "the hump" was someone who spent some years living in japan. Dunno if I'm going to get that chance, so it's the book trials for me. Related to saga 2, I was idly browsing eBay the other day and stumbled upon some guidebooks that square put out for the game back in its release day. The interesting point was that it appears they made two books, one that was the 基礎データ編 "basic data guide" and one that was the 完全クリア編 "perfect clear guide", and I found myself trying to figure out what the difference was, or why you'd sell two separate guidebooks if one has way more info than the other (by that naming you might think so anyway). Unfortunately I couldn't find a lot of inside photos and I couldn't find nor read well any explanatory pages. Complicating the matter further is that the basic data guide has two versions, one that matches the perfect clear guide in format, and one that is hard-cover with a CD included. I am curious why I can't find a matching version for the perfect clear guide. I also don't seem to find any images of what the differences are between the two versions of the basic data guide, beyond the cover and the CD anyway. Such are the language trials and tribulations of knowing exactly how much you don't know I guess.
  11. Nice work on FF Legend. I see you played through in Japanese, interesting how "see you again" is written there in the original as well. I always wonder about why things like that are done in certain games. I try to play JP games, especially RPGs, but they trip me up with how much I end up rushing for a dictionary. Vocab is the eternal killer next to grammar. I felt the same way about saga 2 when I tried it last year. It's kind of different, and I'm not sure I like it as much. The recruiting is something I definitely missed, it was useful to pick players and mix and match them as you went. I have heard FF Legend 3 described as a weird game for the series, that it's actually just too similar to other RPGs. I've heard there is a remake on the DS that changes things about it, but I haven't looked into that. Anyway, did it take you long to get to the point of playing games in Japanese?
  12. waiting for somebody to choose The Great and Mighty Poo song from Conker's Bad Fur Day. I always found that song too gross to enjoy even as humor, but I'm sure it's up there for somebody.
  13. Hi All. Please see below for list of interests. Game & Watch -Gold Cliff -Mario's Cement Factory (table top) GBA -original Nintendo GBA link cables, OEM, not 3rd party, not Chinese clones DS -DSi XL stylus (brown) Books I like to collect and read Japanese game books as part of studying the language. If you have any to sell, please let me know.
  14. Haven't played this in years, was a great creation. Another team has recently been working on remaking Goldeneye in Unreal 4, however they got a C&D. Fortunately, they seem to have known that someone would come after them for the tangled licensing of that game (in this case, MGM) and so they immediately announced they would be stripping all the bond elements out and releasing anyway. I'm looking forward to it. Hoping also that they add VR support. I think Goldeneye and Perfect Dark would be perfect games to remake in VR.
  15. Big fan of Panasonic-made eneloop batteries and chargers. I own them and a pack of Sanyo, and the Panasonic ones had higher-quality charger and higher-quality C- and D-Battery adapters. Speaking for the "AA and AAA" packs sold on amazon that come with everything in a tidy little case.
  16. I've become aware recently of people finding GBA SP and PSP systems whose batteries had swollen and had become unusable. Sometimes this also involved bending the battery cover out of shape, requiring a new replacement of that as well. Off the top of my head, I can think of about eight game devices I own with lithium-ion batteries, between those that are behind a screw cover (GBA SP and Micro, DS and DSi, 3DS) and those that are internal and hidden within (Vita, Switch, DualShock3 controllers). I also own eight backup batteries which I've purchased from Nintendo over the years as official replacements (back in the day when I first heard about PSP batteries failing and needing to be replaced, I got concerned about my favored handhelds and so I started buying up replacement batteries for them). I also own one or two sealed systems that I bought either for collecting, or as a backup unit for "someday" when my original hardware fails to the point that I decide to sell it for parts and move on. So after all that background, I get to the meat of the question: How do I best ensure the lifespan and continued proper operation of these batteries? I have four kinds: Internal for handhelds which are inside of an easily accessed battery compartment Internal for newer handhelds and controllers which are only accessible through partial disassembly of the unit Spares, not installed in a device, kept in either original packaging or in aftermarket storage (electrostatic-safe containers with silica gel packs) Unused batteries stored inside of original sale packaging (installed in sealed consoles) I want them to last as long as possible and to not expand or rupture or anything else nasty. What should I do? Thanks to all the battery experts who read and reply with pro tips.
  17. I remember years ago using a VBA offshoot that allowed local link cable emulation on one PC. Now I believe they have netplay inside other VBA releases or over retroarch, but I don't know how they work. Anybody have experience with this? We'd probably need to do a test run at some point too.
  18. something I've wanted to do for a very long time now is to play four-player of GBA Mario Bros. and four-player of Zelda 4 Swords. Specifically I want to beat the final hero dungeon with 4 players since I've never done it successfully before. Anybody up for that kind of gaming? I copied my game saves to my PC from my carts, so I'm ready to go on that front.
  19. This is the one game that makes me wish I had a switch and that I was willing to pay for online.
  20. I'm up for it, free most nights and weekends if we plan ahead.
  21. Long title sums it up. I want to ask about a problem I'm having with a Game & Watch unit. I got a Mario's Cement Factory Table Top recently, that was sold as "part or not working". I figured it might be fun, so I picked it up. The first easy fix was of the battery contacts; They were corroded to the point that they were non-conductive. Once I fixed that it was trivial to get power on. That's where it gets more complicated. I have found that the LCD is not lighting up correctly (or rather, "not" lighting up. Small technicality. Most G&W are a clear LCD that turns specific sections black with electric charge in order to create the characters you see on screen. The color screens of the table top series work in reverse; The background is colored images of the characters, and the LCD, instead of being clear and turning black, is always black and instead turns the LCD sections OFF where the characters are, so that instead of showing black characters, it hides the LCD there to reveal the full-color drawings that are behind the LCD). Digression aside, the LCD is not lighting up as it should. It should be that you see all the backgrounds and Mario, plus the status of your cement mixers. In mine, the wrong parts light up. Sometimes you see four marios, or you see one cement truck but not the other, or you can see the PM in the clock but not the actual time. I suspect that because I fixed the power delivery more or less, that the problem must then be something with either the crystal or the mainboard. I think the crystal is "fine" because otherwise I wouldn't be able to get it to light up the various spots (I swear I once accidentally got it to appear normally, but that may have been my eyes fooling me). My suspicion is that maybe the connection between crystal and mainboard is wrong. I don't know if that's a solid hunch though, so I'm asking if anybody here knows anything about Game & Watch Table Top units, and if my hunch could be right or if I need to pursue another option (or just admit defeat if it's irreparable). But as I said, I don't know if this is the right forum. Do we have a forum for this? Let me know and I'll ask for a move or delete. Thanks all.
  22. Oh yeah, I guess those do count, don't they? I just don't think about them I guess. They exist, but I forget they do. Strange as I've listened to enough of the SSH concerts to think you'd remember them...ah well, I made it through this time. Maybe next time.
  23. This was tough today because I don't actually know that many remixes. I usually don't listen to them. I guess next time I will look up more OCRemix pages.
  24. Just an amusing thought on this point: What I've been finding with Hyper Lode Runner is that it's the total opposite. You're basically always moving to keep ahead of the bad guys, with the exception of the sections that are designed to twist your brain around. I don't know if it's just because I've never played Lode Runner before, but these puzzles are tough as nails! I can't believe a puzzle game this hard exists on Game Boy, other than Brain Drain anyway. The level of thinking you have to do around it is so much I've nearly wanted to quit a few times already, and I'm not even to level 10 yet. Incredible stuff. I might need to go back to Extra Bases just to get a break from Lode Runner at this rate!
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