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Everything posted by koifish

  1. Oh, I was confused because I was seemingly able to go to any stage from the start, and I thought that since the game had no save battery, you'd have to get them all in one go. I didn't realize that levels past 16 required you to enter a password. So I guess the real victory screen comes from beating level 50, which implies having finished the previous levels. I had never tried loading a later level, so I didn't know the passwords were there.
  2. I'm afraid to ask if Hyper Lode Runner requires you to beat all 50 levels in one sitting to see the victory screen...
  3. That's good, I'm glad you'll be able to finish it off. If it makes you feel better, the game was originally designed for multiple playthroughs, so you got the "true effect" of playing As for cart dumper, I'd recommend one if you're a big GB fan. I get a lot of mileage out of backing up my saves. I use a bennvenn joey joebag 3, which works well enough, though I am having trouble dumping a GBA cart save at the moment. That's a story for another thread though. It works well enough with other things I've tried, including GB Camera, which is useful for getting pictures off and saving things you want to send. For example, this pic of a friend of mine. bgb00032.bmp
  4. So you can't progress again? That sucks. If you happen to have a cart dumper of some kind, then I'd love for you to dump the save and send it over, I'm curious if it's something that is in multiple carts or if it could even be that specific cartridge that's causing the problem.
  5. You know, we never updated the requirements for Brain Drain from my finding last year that there were 250 levels total.
  6. You're correct that only a small set of monsters appear to learn teleport (weirdly enough, ones I swear I never saw in my playthrough last year). That said, I bet that a Game Boy game, especially Final Fantasy Legend, isn't going to check very carefully for whether or not the skill you just cheated onto a character is actually a valid one for that character. But then having just tried it, BGB told me that the cheats on that page were invalid, so maybe they aren't as easy of an "in" as one might think. Makes me wonder now if anybody has gameshark codes in a cheatbook somewhere in their attic.
  7. Ah, I almost wish you had been able to dump the save first, I was curious about how someone might try and fix that situation in case it happened to others who played through the game. Maybe if you can recreate the error reliably, then let me know how you did it, and I'll try it on my end at some point and see if my teleport idea doesn't work. Alternatively, @Gloves, you seem to have a lot of love for FF Legends, do you know anything about the error that Gaia encountered and/or how to resolve it? Would Teleport skill take the player out of a softlock spot and to an area of the dungeon from which they could escape?
  8. You're right. I mixed up the original with the WSC remake as well as with the later games, which all had multi saves. The only thing I can think of here is, and let me know, @Splain, if this would be against the rules to you, but what if you looked for either a legit method or a gameshark cheat that would either return you to a specific game location (ie. an overworld entrance) or find one to try and give one of your characters the ability "Teleport" which "returns you to previous dungeon floors" ? I'm not sure how that latter one works, but the way I see it, if you're stuck because of a glitch and there's no way out, then using a benign cheat to get you back into the game wouldn't be a problem. I just can't promise that a method for that exists. Edit: A quick search found this, a link to a code to apparently give you any ability you want based on the right code being entered. https://www.gamegenie.com/cheats/gameshark/gbcolor/final_fantasy_legends.html Looks to be for gameshark. I can't confirm that it would work, but this could potentially be used to give one of your characters teleport. Maybe that would save your run.
  9. That's pretty bizarre, Gaia. I will say, I have seen my own game-breaking glitches in the Final Fantasy Legend series (I had once a cartridge which shut itself off randomly, then reloaded with nonsensical party stuck at the first world map with no way to get to any location), but I can't say I've ever seen that happen. Sorry to see you run into bad luck like that. My only advice I can give for the future is to always rotate saves. IIRC FF Legends allows you to have three save files, so what I do is save in slot 1, then in slot 2, then in slot 3, and then overwrite in that order. That way, you at worst lose two saves worth of progress. I'm only disappointed that I can't help you with your problem here. I've never seen that before, and I struggle to find resources online for errors in FF Legend, so you may not have much luck, sorry to say. That really sucks, sorry to see it happen.
  10. It may be the age of the article. Leaks have been coming out over weeks and months, with this being dubbed "gigaleak 3" where I've seen it. The package is a small bevy of game boy games which were apparently finished and sent in for approval by nintendo, and for whatever reason they were never officially released (most of them seem to be that anyway, though I saw a few that definitely were released, so not sure what that's about). Some of the more interesting titles are ones that were localized for release in different markets but never saw release, such as daikatana for GBC localized for US release (the key difference from casual boot-up is that no Euro languages are available from the boot menu). Most interesting to me is the presence of some games that were apparently finished but cancelled, such as a release of Tomato Head Adventures on GBC (I believe that game was developed on GBC and then moved to GBA) or, perhaps the crown jewel of them all, the finished and release-ready Pokemon Picross, a game which was demoed at SpaceWorld 97 alongside the famous gold and silver betas, but apparently cancelled, despite the game apparently being completely finished. You should definitely take a look if you can. It's an interesting pack of stuff.
  11. The game of harmony is complete. I didn't know this game existed and honestly, I never thought I would see a fusion of asteroids and puzzle game. Though the tether action reminded me of another space shooting game whose name escapes me (anybody remember the arcade game I'm thinking of? You had two ships bound by a tether with elastic physics between them). Sometimes I really enjoyed the game. It was fun to figure out its systems. Other times it made me want to pull my hair out. Such a frustrating game when things go wrong! One big problem with it is that the game is just very obviously not meant to run on game boy. It runs smoothly only on the most simplistic of stages, and very quickly you run into framerates so thick you could slice em and fry em for dinner. I found the best option was to play it like driving on a crowded snowy highway. Read the patterns and put your inputs in, expecting what will happen well before you see it (because by the time you see it you're already too late). I'm thankful that they give you continues to keep going from only a few levels back. I would like to try it another time for score challenge, but moreover I want to find out next time if there are ports with less difficulties running. It feels like a game that is from a Euro PC originally, so I will have to look sometime in the future when I have more of an agency to explore such things. Anyway, I give it high marks. Very fun game, even with the stressful later levels. This game makes me feel like I'm curing cancer. The way that the incorrect balls going together causes new balls to appear and how you work to stop them from spreading made me think of that. It's a cool game, happy to have played it.
  12. But on the other hand, that also means that their perfect super bowl record would be no more.
  13. Still playing through extra bases. I thought it seemed familiar, turns out it is just a rebranding of famista, aka family stadium, the Namco baseball series that has run since the 80s and has shown up on practically everything, including wonderswan, where I have the very similar version, Wonder Stadium. I really like how the exciting music starts when you have men on base. I also like that I can apparently win on Mercy rule if I'm up, say, 17-3 at the start of the 7th inning. I find the score lines match what I often see in the Japanese league; Those games regularly see 10-20 runs per game (between both teams). Last week for example, I saw a game end tied at 10-10. So in that way, the games on gb feel really accurate! @Splain Was curious if you had seen the newest game boy leaks from the "gigaleak". There are a lot of interesting things, and I was curious if any of them would potentially work their way into future annual contests.
  14. "I beat Cleveland easily" hits too close to home for this NE OH boy
  15. It's not too bad really, but I'll tell y'all what it is. You'd probably stumble upon it through regular play after a while anyway. bgb00059.bmp bgb00060.bmp
  16. Looks like I never noticed the password on the first match. I got it this time, so now I can continue. On that matter, Bases Loaded is complete. It was a tough game, I had to beat 5 teams in a row, each getting more and more difficult. The last two teams were basically all stocking players with batting averages in the 300s. The ending is funny, the team captain goes up to the Majors captain, gives him a handshake (though it looks kind of...questionable) and then comes back to his teammates and they all cheer, with the captain jumping up in the air and CONGRATULATIONS on screen. The player chars being really small and short compared to the adult (and frankly, American-looking) major league players makes much more sense when you consider that the original JP release was called "Baseball Kids", so it's a fantasy ending where you and your group of friends successfully defeat professional players. Under the English release name, it isn't as clear, which makes it look like a bunch of cartoon people just beat a bunch of giants. It was probably the toughest baseball game I've yet played on GB. The one issue with it is that there's a trick to basically always strike the opponent out, but I'd rather keep it to myself unless people want to know. Even when you know it, the trick still won't help you batting, and sometimes it seems to just not work anyway. Tricky game for sure! At this rate, I'm gonna be the new GB baseball king on this board
  17. Can anybody confirm that Extra Bases has some indication that you are doing it right? I won a game and it just sent me back to the menu screen. Am I supposed to set a password that isn't 0000 perhaps?
  18. I didn't mean games that were only on disc, but games that were on multiple platforms, some cart and some disc. Being able to get a quick-loading version will often make the difference there.
  19. This is part of what makes me avoid certain disc-based ports of games. If I know I can get a cart version then I'll do it, because most of the time it will be better for loading. IIRC 32X and N64 are the saviors of this for things like NBA Jam and its many variants.
  20. Going to take a break from playing Bases Loaded to play Extra Bases, it feels a bit more forgiving and also has some fun music to encourage you.
  21. I'm working to finish College Slam, I have made it to the semi-finals, and will comment on my feelings once I am finished with it. Update: College Slam is complete. I said I'd say my thoughts on the game, and they are: "Wow, what a nice surprise!". There are a lot of ways that a sports game can go; Some are fantastic, some are just painful. This game was firmly in the former camp, because lo and behold, it's just NBA Jam in a College paintjob! Yes, it's almost identical to NBA Jam Tournament Edition on GB, which is not only way better than NBA Jam on GB, but is just a fun, solid b-ball game all around. This one gives you five players to choose from for your two-man team, and you can play representing numerous college teams. The modes are multi-faceted, and whether you like this or not, the game is much shorter to clear than NBA Jam TE was, at only four matches to win the tournament vs. 27 for TE. Yeah, so for a game called "College Slam", which could have been amazing or terrible, this one was, well, a slam dunk. Definitely worth looking into for your GB sports collection. Only caveat is, again, you have to hold start button for turbo, which means you're going to use a really awkward grip to hold the system. If you're used to midway ports on GB though, then you can manage. Overall, I was definitely pleased. Might have to check out the other system versions too.
  22. I finally did it! I beat R-Type. At least, I think I did. Stage 4 was really hard, I had to grind the pattern down a lot. Once I finally got it figured out, however, it turns out that the wall boss is just "sit in this room for X seconds and don't die." And as with every other boss, there is a trick to trivialize it. I won't spoil unless someone wants a write-up though. Anyway, stages 5 and 6 were maybe made on the assumption that you deserved a reward after stage 4, or maybe they just didn't know how hard stage 4 would be for the end user by comparison. Either way, the last two were a breeze by comparison. I only lost one life between the two of them. At the end I got a message about my ensuring only a short peace, because the evil empire is still out there. Then it said "prepare for the ultimate challenge" and prompted the classic hard mode repeat, aka the Salty Runback of Classic Games. What I'm wondering is, do I get a different ending if I beat hard mode? Or is it just a repeat message? I feel like I can do it without much hardship now that I finally got stage 4 down, but then again I'm not sure if I have the fortitude.
  23. Follow-up, I can get to the boss of stage 4 but it's really tough. I keep getting smashed by the moving walls. I can get to stage 4 without dying though, so I just have to write out the best path next time for the stage 4 maze so that I can get through and not die. It's really a test of your maneuverability though. We'll see what happens.
  24. Well it may have just missed the list for the already-excluded utility games like the infogenius titles. @splain, what's the bingo? I don't remember seeing anything like that.
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