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Everything posted by cartman

  1. Aren't they doing that already? I'm sure there could've been more version with improvements but they are drawing the line somewhere. Altough the 3DS gen had variations released so they seem to have drawn it nowhere in that case.
  2. If i assume a practise like this ofcourse the same would go for all companies so it would be equal.
  3. It would've changed what constituted a developed & releasable system by accounting those incremental updates so the timeframe would've been different but the actual "act" of having to do a certain type of work, that would've remained the same.
  4. I'm not talking about what people are willing to do but whether they're getting a lesser version. Yes, they are. Yeah i guess someone would complain that a generation is too damn long then but i'm not arguing that case i'm arguing another one.
  5. It would still improve it's just that the previous incarnations wouldn't exist. So PS2 would've started at Slim for example.
  6. Maybe transparent is the wrong word. But i think they could wait 2,3 extra years before a console is released maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing?
  7. I'm not saying it should never improve i'm saying there should be better transparency in how a generation is unfolding.
  8. No i don't feel that's the same thing. With a phone it's pretty much set what a generation is and when a new starts, sure you may get 1-3 versions to choose from but they're all there from the start. When Samsung releases it's 11/20 version that will be IT it won't be no fucking 11.1, 11.2 and all this other shit.
  9. No maybe not like that but they know that in a year they most likely will.
  10. 1. That's not a valid argument. That's a person-to-person transaction mitigating the loss rather then the company not having created it - they still have. Regardless of what you do with it. 2. This also is not related to the company itself but the audience. The company peactise has remained the same either way. My suggestion is that they stop fucking around and release the system that should be IT immediately. They don't really have a reason not to. They know very well at this point that they'll be able to improve the system and what those improvements will be but they deliberatrly hold back so as to syphoon cash out of the customers.
  11. It's semantics. You get less out of your buy and your support that is the bottom line here.
  12. I think it's unfair when you buy a console and then 1-2 years later they release an updated version that's more silent/better graphics/less loud/smaller/larger or whatever it is. Without the early buyers there'd be no fucking console to speak of because nobody is buying anything and yet those people get the shortest stick. Not only did they make the console float by the actual buys but also paid the most for getting it so only. It's not even that an improvement happens organically but the companies have actively put in practise pulling this shit over and over again.
  13. Maybe there was some type of turn the items in-program then, with or without refund. I really don't know the specifics. But that's what i heard that Nintendo was rounding up and trashing these things.
  14. That's awesome that they're still around. I would assume they were supposed to get trashed after their run as per policy, just like the signs. Nintendo wanted it that way.
  15. You guys think all of them still exist? I've seen a NES/SNES/GB housing no way that shit wasn't dismantled & trashed after it ran out it's course.
  16. Yes ofcourse they shouldn't have the right to deny someone having an opinion.
  17. Yes but no congregation should have to sanction it and have those people take part in their institution either.
  18. Mosques, churches, everything. Yes i do think they should. Just as christians can't own monopoly over a legitimate marriage while say muslims or hindus aren't included, so too should religious institution not hold monopoly over marriage vs atheists and gays. And if those latter groups don't coincide with the behaviour and stances of an interest group (wich they quite often obviously don't) then they should take their business and go fucking elsewhere.
  19. So what is the solution? Should a person be entitled to belong to a organization and enforce his lifestyle upon them that doesn't seem right to me.
  20. I see. But then the fight should be taken there i think. Also, isn't the secular marriage that's available basically the same as what i said? So why not just go there instead if it already exists.
  21. So create a partnership contract then and equate it with whatever tax benefits married couples get. And if religious institutions don't want to sanction gay marriage then let them not do it.
  22. I mean those founding fathers lived 100's of fucking years ago should it really be gospel what they said? They should get a honorary mention as for their historical impact and pioneering the nation but they are not sacred, just normal people. That goes with everything. If you invent a guitar it doesn't mean nobody else will perform it better than you, or that it won't become completely obsolete. A legendary athlete and cultural icon will eventually be outdone by someone coming after him that's just the way it is. You can't just stop time but like i said you can still honor the past.
  23. So what are the angles here with all this shit? Whose political ambitions advance, and in what way? Has Iran increased their influence over there/globally after is that how it is?
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