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Everything posted by Link

  1. Yeah, this. Today Zelda 1 is a lot less accessible than SMB 1. It's relatively dense and cryptic. Nintendo uses unaltered graphics, sounds, and play events from the latter much more than the former, or than Metroid 1, etc.
  2. And I know this is a video game forum but the rules come from Asimov, not Inafune.
  3. Why not? If we're just talking about the real world, that rule doesn't actually exist, so no, it's not binding. But theoretically I don't see a reason AI should be subject to lesser safeguards.
  4. Even I would say so. OoT has been superseded at least twice over by now imo. It is simpler to grasp, it's a franchise basis and was more groundbreaking, so maybe it's a better representative than later games for some, but Hyrule Field is a real snooze fest.
  5. Hardly I was looking up the book and stumbled across this quick video. No route memorization required. Too small, and too light. I played a brief, very casual round, and the thing was rocking all over the place like it wanted to fall over.
  6. Also. Idk what your experience is with actual arcade cabs, but my experience is that Arcade1Up machines are worthless fucking garbage. So while I agree it's a tough game, if that is your only exposure to it, fuhgeddaboutit.
  7. I find this so interesting, because my feeling is the exact opposite, despite not being gud at games. I really like the challenge. I find it fun regardless. I'm not better than you, I think my top score ever is like 52K and typically land around 40... 20 on a bad day. But even here it's a little exciting rush nearing your record, and if it's good enough for a Gen X girl in a dark bar to make admiring noises over, idk what more I can ask (except for her not to turn out to be a horrible person). Anyway, yes it's tough. To be really good at higher levels I think needs the memorization skill required of Battletoads race levels, plus an extra dimension, and with different concepts of timing and watching. Mastering Pac-Man by Ken Uston is a good book. I can't find my copy right now but if I wanted to go real serious on the game, that would be my period reference text. As for holding up. I would tell never anybody they must love a certain game. But if you care about video game theory or history, or early 80s pop culture, I would put Pac-Man in the top 5 to pay attention to.
  8. Really doesn't hold up for me. I watched it about five years ago. My main takeaway was the Kevin Spacey character was really creepy and the movie did little to either condemn or redeem his behavior. I guess the plastic bag bit seems deep to a teenager (which that character was, to be fair). A wikipedia read brings me back a bit, but I still have no need to see it a third time.
  9. I don't disagree with either of you, but I think Splain is saying that it's only valued because other people want it. And museum level is very high up that scale.
  10. Battle Royale! Hell yeah, that game is awesome. Hm I think I have to seek out one of these: The game was ported to Pac-Man Museum for a digital release (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Windows) in 2014. The game is included in the compilation title Pac-Man Museum+ (Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch) released in 2022. A direct sequel, Pac-Man Battle Royale Chompionship, was released in June 2022. Edit: that last one is still arcade cab only for now
  11. https://www.gpb.org/news/2024/04/25/georgia-political-campaigns-start-deploy-ai-humans-still-needed-press-the-flesh "We have an ethical responsibility to make sure that we help our clients build deeper human relationships with voters,” he added. “Because at the end of the day, the most important person in any election is the voter. It is their community, it is their government. So following that ethical principle, that responsibility we have, our goal is to make sure that our clients are willing to sign off on anything that truly reflects their view, their voice, and gives them a better ability to build a deeper relationship with voters." Wow, that's quite the spin on ethics. The tidbit of the process that is vetting by a candidate will go by the wayside pretty quickly. And then the whole concept of a human candidate can be tossed. To say nothing of how many poisoners of the well there are. Without them I might think government by AI could be better if it reflects the actual popular will of the people. But they are here and not going away soon.
  12. I tried sous vide last week. I've heard about this method a lot (like, on TV) but I was put off by the bag thing. I don't have a vacuum sealer, and ziplock bags don't seem like they could be in boiling water. But I was still interested in trying it. For some reason, I looked it up on SeriousEats, and "freezer bag" made something click. A few days later, I went in the freezer for a salmon fillet and noticed they were individually sealed, and decided here was a chance. I took the fish out, patted it dry, added seasoning and butter, put it back in the bag. I folded the top down and put it in the water, using a binder clip to secure it to the edge of the pot (and keep the non-sealed bag upright). No pictures, but it came out good... later I'll have to run a taste test to compare this with baking or grilling.
  13. Frying. Deep frying. Baking. Grilling. Barbecue. Preserving (canning, dehydration, salt/sugar/smoke/vinegar). Knifework. What techniques do you like? want advice on? just tried? wanna brag about?
  14. Sounds great. At that price does it deal with deductions or income streams besides just W-2 wages/salary? Do you need to know about deductions or does it tell you? I might spend $5-10K on a construction contract for my multi-unit home, would it find credits for something like that? Green energy installs?
  15. Well. Thank you for sharing LoZ appreciation with me. I didn't know you were much of a Zelda fan, besides OoT. The Mario Maker 2DS was a Black Friday price drop AND limited edition special at a moment I was ready to get a current (if aging) handheld - mainly for Mario Maker. I wanted in on the action, but didn't want to put money into a Wii U. And it has a pixel Mario graphic. The Zelda one has colors but no other branding on the machine. And I've had little interest in LoZ Game Boy games generally. (I was quite annoyed to discover that you could only download in the portable SMM, not upload courses - that's bullshit!)
  16. I can't find my Super Mario Maker edition 2DS been missing for a while. Is 2DS fully as backwards compatible as a 3DS is? Should I get a NES or Zelda edition 3DS? Ack!
  17. I see. I was hoping the client was a flat fee, which would apparently be a benefit for me. If xelement5x pays $100 and I paid $340 for TurboTax online (over $400 H&R block, probably because I went to their office and used their accountant) AND I owed a lot - that would be a significant difference. If it's like I was imagining. Not that I can see why it would be to Intuit's advantage. btw, you guys know these mf'n companies lobby congress to keep the tax code complicated?
  18. Well, dang it, I thought I had pictures of this, but I can't find them. Or another piece in the freezer, I don't. Not surprising, since this was better. I made my shepherd's pie at the same time I did the meat loaf. So here is a picture of the last slice of meat loaf. Picture it with peas and carrots and corn mixed in, different seasoning, and topped with mashed potato like frosting. Then I put the whole pan in the toaster over to give the potato a little bit of crisp and browning. This would be a cake slice of that. https://www.thewholesomedish.com/the-best-classic-shepherds-pie/ It was a cottage pie, since I used beef rather than lamb. I was doing meat loaf at the same time. Red meat is not a staple for me and there's a lot of other stuff too, like celery. And imo you (I) can barely tell the difference between ground beef and ground lamb, especially with all the seasoning. (I do make sure to get lamb for kefta.) Anyway: This was very good. These are both surprisingly moist. Meat loaf at home growing up was dry and I thought that's just what it was like. But this is still juicy after baking the meat, then going in the toaster. Still juicy out of the freezer and microwaved for 1:30. It's the broth. I don't have much occasion to eat a hunk of meat, unless it's on a bun with cheese and LTO, (and yes, there are meat loaf sandwiches, so that might get me to repeat this) ...but if you want to make meat loaf or shepherd's pie I recommend the above recipe. This is apparently the meat loaf recipe I used, I don't remember making that mix at all, lol. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/219171/classic-meatloaf/
  19. Hmm. I was gonna give the CashApp thing another try, but if that doesn't go, I'll look at this. You buy the program for that cost, and it has all the forms easy to find and fill out? Then does it e-file and ACH transfer? For free or an additional price?
  20. Let me tell you about a little TV show called "The Simpsons"
  21. I managed to DIY this time. I owed quite a bit because of my summer gig (3 days of festival bartending) and stock market stuff which I never touch. Those seemed to cost me an extra $500 on 1500 income and 2000 on 16k respectively. Hardly seems worth it. Mortgage interest deductions made no difference at all. I had trouble with Cashapp that supposedly files for free. Something went screwy with my credentials, and the only way they would let me fix it was to get their credit card or do some other procedure that would take 10 days, starting on the 9th. The call center worker did not understand why this was a problem. I ended up doing TurboTax. Cost $314, which is less than I paid for H&R last year but more than the accountant I used before that - I quit her because she never sends documents for my own records and kind of seems like a crackhead in busy season - but damn if she didn't get me much better results. I guess I should go back to her next year. Gotta get on the shit early but documents never seem to arrive before or while I feel motivated. American tax system sucks.
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