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Everything posted by MiamiSlice

  1. I really really really hope these N64 posters come to the USA My Nintendo Gotta be the best 3 posters I've ever seen. The nostalgia hits so hard for me.
  2. @Reed Rothchild I was so disappointed with WMD. No cross play and the online multiplayer is dead on Switch.
  3. I just bought Boomerang Fu with my gold coins, also on sale for $1.99. Gonna play it with the kids. And did I mention I picked up Gunman Clive HD collection a while back? That’s a nice one.
  4. The past couple weeks have been about chasing down specific items for the collection. Got this not-mint Link's Awakening DX in a private deal for $120. This is a title I've wanted for years but never pulled the trigger on. Also picked up some of the My Nintendo Rewards I was missing and Bomber Crew in trades. Buy 2 get 1 free deal from Target netted me some Switch games to enjoy with the kids. Finally received No More Heroes 1 & 2 CE's and also picked up some key titles. I might not keep the last one though. The Chrono Cross announcement for Switch had me scrambling to pick up a strategy guide. Managed to find this in a bundle for an OK price but it's in bad shape. Also picked up some random DS games in a different bundle. Also picked this up in a trade! One of those games I should have picked up back in the day but never did.
  5. I used to run two accounts on two separate devices to accumulate enough points. I auto-battle my way through all the FE Heroes main stories chapters and play Animal Crossing and Super Mario Run daily to earn as many points as I can. Between two accounts I had enough points to claim 1 of everything. As of right now I'm back to zero but since they've re-opened physical rewards I'm going to start accumulating again.
  6. This is wonderful news! I was finally able to get the last item I needed (the 2022 calendar) and they finally added the Switch game card case which was previously only released in other regions! I had just enough points to order both, so I'm back to having a full set... until the next items come along. I really need to get around to updating the guide... will do it soon!
  7. Did some ironing and even a bit of gluing. Both of these boxes were in bad shape. Now they look somewhat decent. Before: The box under the ironing pad: After: This one had flaps that were splitting and some pretty big tears: Even after ironing it I had to apply some wood glue in the tears and between the layers of cardboard that were separating in order to seal it up. Result: I also managed to iron the cover art and manual for a DS game where the cover art was wavy and the manual had creases. Turned out great. No pictures though.
  8. Various new pickups: Mexico exclusive cover variant of FIFA 07 Finally landed a Konami GB Collection volume at a good price Finally got the Densha De Go Switch controller at retail price from Amazon JP (excuse the messy desk) Got a loose Dr Mario x Puzzle League cart to make this CIB This lamp was a gift from my mom, she got it for me at Target And here's various other pickups including Game & Watch Gallery 2 from @Naked Warrior!
  9. Got this pile of DS games from eBay for $104.84 with tax and shipping: I don't think it was a good haul though, some of the games have wavy cover art or creased manuals. And everything needs cleaning. Oh well, can't win em all.
  10. I guess we will have to hope for an Asian English release? At best? I'm still salty that there's no Cuphead physical. Seems like a missed opportunity. There better be! I will be very disappointed if I can't have 1 2 3 stacked nicely side by side.
  11. XB2 is probably my favorite Switch game. Obsessed. Have you tried XB1? I feel like people either prefer 1 or 2. 1 is very good. And Torna is its own game, I've heard some people say Torna's battle system is better than 2, but I haven't played Torna yet. XB3 preview doesn't tell us anything about gameplay. It's just cool characters, big landscapes, something about flutes. But for me I am extremely hyped and now motivated to finish the other games in the series.
  12. This whole Bitfinex hack update still has me rolling. These two were hiding in plain sight all along. It's like a massive cosmic joke. I need a few weeks to process this whole thing.
  13. Love the discussion but maybe this should be in an Arceus thread?
  14. Seen this set of Korean Wii games from someone who is looking to sell but I have no idea what to offer… zero sales info I can find. Any ideas?
  15. I would check what games are on the unmarked carts, list everything out and then auction the whole lot.
  16. And it’s chock full of pointless stuff
  17. That's awesome. I've got my name in some digital games but never anything physical. But I did manage to get my son's name in Battle Axe as an NPC.
  18. Have been away from this thread for a while but croagunk is back so why not. Acquired a bunch of strategy guides today, Secret of Mana guide from @3rdStrongestMole and the rest from a decent used game store that is about 20 minutes away from me. Funny enough when I was at the shop I told the owner that I think strategy guides are getting really popular and he tells me “you know MJR just did a video about them.” Of course. Also got this Arcade1Up from Nordstrom’s when it was 40% off. Pictured here without the riser. Love this thing. So happy to have a decent cab with spinner and trackball for playing games like Tempest and Centipede. And really impressed with games I hadn’t played before like Major Havoc… what a cool game.
  19. Here’s another recent haul, this one via Reddit. A gently used, complete pair of Classic Minis plus the carrying case and an extra 3rd party controller, all for $150 shipped. Since these are out of print I like to pick them up anywhere close to original retail price if I can.
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