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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I'm definitely of the belief that any ending to a game still counts as beating it. For example, in the original Wario Land, I don't see any reason to require the best ending. Even if you get the bird house ending (I think that's the worst ending), you've still completed the main part of the game and the final end boss. That should count in my book. But of course, there can and should be exceptions. I don't think it's unreasonable to not count the "joke" ending of Wario not getting out of bed. I also wouldn't count games that end half way through if you are playing on easy (like Magical Chase). While I'm 100% against games penalizing you for playing on easy, if the developers choose to cut you off at the half way point, then you should have to play on normal to be able to beat the game. These are just my opinions and I'm not overly attached to any of them. If the general consensus disagrees, the person running the contest, can set the rules as they see fit and I certainly won't lose any sleep over it.
  2. I finished Donkey Kong tonight. I don't believe I've ever finished this game before. The last two worlds were very unfamiliar. The last few worlds are also pretty frustrating. It's still an amazing game.
  3. COLLECT - Imports 100 I don't have pictures of 100 imports, because with the systems that are region free, I mix the imports in with my US games and pulling each of those out would take some time. I have a lot PAL Master System that are mixed in with my US games. I also have several PAL imports mix into my PS4 and Switch collection since they look nearly identical to the US games. However, I track the region of each game when I log it, and I can confirm that I own 159 import games. The split is 83 import games from Japan and 76 import games from PAL regions. I also have an assortment of import consoles and accessories (mostly PS1 and PC Engine).
  4. PLAY - Completions: PlayStation 2 Participant
  5. PLAY - Completions: PlayStation Participant
  6. COLLECT - Systems: Sega 32X 50 This represents 50% of the US Sega 32X set.
  7. COLLECT - Systems: Sega Master System 50
  8. COLLECT - Systems: Microsoft XBox 360 50
  9. COLLECT - Systems: Atari Jaguar CD 50 This represents 50% of the US Jaguar CD set.
  10. COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Switch 50
  11. I have a few more to request. COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo NES 50
  12. I liked it a lot when I was younger, but I've sort of lost interest in it. If I heard it on the radio, I would probably listen to it, but it's not part of my 14 hour playlist that I typically listen to while driving.
  13. It's also worth mentioning that since backwards compatibility is the exception, not the rule, the removal of PS2 functionality was very unlikely to have much of a negative impact on PS3 sales when the decision was made. And we now know today that it had no impact.
  14. Are both of those models capable of playing PS2 discs? If they are, and they are working properly, they are worth considerably more than what you paid for them. However, based on your other recent posts, I'm thinking you weren't aware of the differences in the many versions of the PS3. So I'm just going to guess that you didn't find any models capable of playing PS2 discs. Fortunately, those are still good deals for any model of PS3 assuming it works properly. I keep mentioning "if it works properly" because that generation of gaming consoles (specifically PS3 and 360) was arguably the least reliable generation of gaming consoles of all time.
  15. That's sort of like a lottery winner telling others to play the lottery to become rich. Just because it happened to one person, doesn't mean it isn't extremely unlikely to happen. A PS3 that can play PS2 and is in fully working condition is extremely uncommon. Also, finding one in fully working condition for a reasonable price is even less likely. I'm not saying it didn't happen to you, but the PS3 is not an ideal suggestion for someone wanting to play PS2 through HDMI.
  16. I think you mean the 4 minute mile. 5 minute mile is pretty easy.
  17. I agree that it doesn't seem strange to me. This is very common in the speed running community. Once someone breaks a barrier, many others follow suit soon afterwards. The realization that something that was once thought impossible, is actually possible can be a huge motivator.
  18. You can go into your account on LRG's website and look at your orders. Within each order, you can check the status of each item. From there, you should be able to determine which specific item is holding up the order.,
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