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Everything posted by mbd39

  1. I see what looks like a brown treasure chest and I'm guessing it's an under water location.
  2. I notice Bronzeshield's picks tend to be really obscure. I'm going to need another clue lol.
  3. I've dealt with some annoying enemies but the swooping bats take the cake. I don't know how to consistently deal with the swooping without getting killed.
  4. It looks so damn familiar. My next guess is Wardner.
  5. Galaga came in the mail today. I really like this port. I even like the way the enemy formations have choppy Space Invaders style movement rather than the smoother movement of the arcade version.
  6. 1221 FNM got way better when they stopped trying to be the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
  7. My first guess is Kolibri for the 32X, probably wrong.
  8. Bayou Billy handled this in a smart way. You fight the main villain's two much stronger henchmen right after you fight him.
  9. I've noticed that for some people SMB2 is their favorite Mario game (or the "only good" Mario game) because it's so different from the others.
  10. You're so insanely powered up by the end of Super Metroid that completing the final area is more of a formality. It's the opposite of the original Metroid where the final boss fight is pretty hard.
  11. I'd never even heard of this. It's never mentioned in histories of video games.
  12. My guess is you had a hard time choosing between this or deathless first level of Ikari Warriors.
  13. I love Galaga but was forced to play on emulator this week. I wonder if I'd do better on real hardware with no lag. I did notice some improvement after disabling vsync on my emulator. I want the cart now though. Really fun game.
  14. I recommend getting in the habit of mashing with your index finger for shooters or anything that requires a lot of fast mashing. Even that can become tiring. Sometimes I have to alternate between index finger and thumb depending on the game.
  15. Galaga shouldn't be killing your thumb. Mash with your index finger.
  16. If you can get over the shitty controls there's always 2 player NARC.
  17. I really like Galaga, but apparently I suck nuts at it. I haven't even been able to get 100k let alone over 200k. I also suck at hitting all the enemies in the challenging stages. Haven't started Commando yet.
  18. There's even a baseball cap, sunglasses and mullet combo. It doesn't get any better than that.
  19. Time Gal? I dunno. Looks like a laserdisc/FMV game.
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