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Everything posted by Estil

  1. How's this for stupid, a Congressman (Jamaal Bowman; no not the baseball card set/series) fooled the fire department! You know Curious George got sent to jail for fooling the fire department...and he didn't even mean to!
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Perry He apparently drowned in his own hot tub...what a sad and way too young way to go :,(
  3. Of all the crazy things a Congressman could do, Jamaal Bowman (no not the baseball card set) fooled the fire department! Maybe he'll go to jail like Curious George, and poor George didn't even mean to!
  4. Here's a fun fact for ya (or for you anti-Trumpers perhaps not-so-fun fact)...the Speaker of the House does NOT have to be one of the Representatives! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speaker_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives I can't imagine they'd actually be crazy enough to do that though...I mean if they can't agree on any of those other guys...
  5. Estil


    I would but my mean apt only lets me have one kitty... :,(
  6. Estil


    I want to live in this kind of house...
  7. Estil


    You know how in my other main hobby you hear horror stories of kids from the 50s/60s whose moms threw out their baseball cards and they had Mickey Mantles and big rookie cards and such? Well we had that in video games! They traded off their old system/games for cheap to put towards the new system...who knows if there games in those trade-ins like Cowboy Kid (I let that one go cheap way back when; how stupid of me!!) or MegaMan X3 or Harvest Moon or Crono Trigger or whatnot!!
  8. Estil


    Video game consoles are like people though...it's what's inside that counts!
  9. Estil


    Well there's people that try to build as nice a collection of NES games or SNES games or whatnot...so why the heck not PS5? Though I'd think most would want to do the previous gens first...
  10. Estil


    What I mean is that these are hobbies where you try to make as nice a collection as you can. In the case of video games, it doesn't really count if they're just digital downloads. Just like how having pictures of baseball cards saved on my computer doesn't count for anything.
  11. Estil


    No not at all. Not on this one.
  12. Estil


    Well that's beyond stupid...don't people like to collect video games anymore? I mean it's supposed to be a hobby, like baseball cards or coins or stamps and such right?
  13. Estil


    I bet Kentucky Wesleyan students would love these!
  14. *reads Wiki article* I guess in some ways that makes sense (while I've always been a big fan of the show's spinoff, Family Matters, I don't think I ever watched Perfect Strangers) though his favorite of all of God's creatures are sheep! For the record my usual attire is t-shirt (my current one reads "BEST CAT DAD EVER" ) and shorts or sweatpants. I seldom go anywhere besides the grocery store or grandma's so I don't really have much reason to wear anything else...
  15. Well I meant the ABBA girls in their prime but sure, I'll live/hang out with them as they are now! And who are you calling Urkel?
  16. This is nothing like that at all.
  17. I forget, does each month's Playmate get to be on the cover or the centerfold...or both at the same time? That must be quite an honor as Wikipedia sees fit to recognize all of them with their own articles!
  18. Could you guys picture me in a sitcom like that getting to live with the ABBA girls and all those wacky adventures?
  19. Not to be confused with this Step By Step of course...
  20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzanne_Somers I personally remember her better from the 90s sitcom Step by Step (not to be confused with the New Kids on the Block song) but this was obviously her real claim to fame: I'd love to be in a Three's Company kind of deal with the ABBA girls
  21. In the eyes of the Ranger...the unsuspecting stranger...had better know the truth of wrong from right.
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