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Everything posted by Kguillemette

  1. This guy is adorable! I wish he were in plushy form.
  2. #32 Clutch- Mob Goes Wild If The Company Band was featured, one had to know the Clutch was going to find its way on here eventually. Once those opening chords start up, I knew I was in for a good time. Jean Paul Gaster is also among my favorite drummers. For those who don't know, my career is that of a chef. Back in my early 20s I did an internship at Hotel Fort Des Moines way out in Iowa. I made quick friends with the Sous Chef at the restaurant they placed me at. He was an old school metal head. His journey into metal was finding an old cassette of Metallica's Metal Up Your Ass as a young teenager, taking it home and listening to it and it changing his life. Long story short, we would take turns with the radio at work, driving everyone crazy of course. According to our Mexican Salad Chef Javier, our "Musica es El Diablo." He would show me Slayer, I would show him Opeth. He would show me Testament, I would show him Soilwork. One day he showed me Clutch. That's when I discovered I liked blues. He played the Blast Tyrant album and that changed my life. Part Southern rock, part stoner metal, but just ever so groovy. They may not be the type of band to share a stage with dudes covered in corpse paint, but their lack of image and disinterest in having a brand for themselves makes them pretty damn metal in my eyes!
  3. Looking forward to it! As far as I'm concerned, we can just merge the threads. You are the pumpkin king around here after all! I look forward to seeing the entries.
  4. My daughter trying to show me up! Haha
  5. It is a bit early, but I gotta carve it when I can. Tonight just happened to be family activity day! Edit: oh wait, you're in FL, right? Yes, its safe to say I'm not suffering heat like you are!
  6. #33 Van Halen- Hot For Teacher How did Eddie become the GOAT? Having a brother that can lock in a double bass herta groove perfect for shredding over certainly helps! This song is legendary! Back in my 80s cover band days, we came so close to being able to add this to the set list. The thing holding us back was I just didn't have the gas to get through the whole song. The second solo where Alex plays the ride bell I always tighten and cramp up and lose my ability to play loose. I still do. One day I'll be able to play the whole thing. It's like the Ninja Gaiden of metal. I can't finish it, but boy do I never get tired of trying!
  7. Bowser's nose broke off, but I'm still pretty happy with it. What did everyone else come up with? @JamesRobot
  8. Kguillemette


    That's a whole lot of games I will never play. I guess I never will need to worry about frog dick when it comes to those consoles!
  9. What are those sides? I see watercress, but are those leeks under there? Looks beautiful
  10. You can probably tell from my last name that my heritage is Quebec! Sherbrooke folks are a proud bunch!
  11. #34 Ozzy Osborn- Crazy Train I do have a bit of a story for this song. When I was early into my drumming journey, I managed to land a spot in a new band with a couple very experienced musicians. The bass player modeled his playing like Les Claypool, and the guitar player modeled himself after Eddie Van Halen(at least when they jammed.) Now I was and largely am self taught, so complicated fills and grooves were just not part of my wheel house. But I could keep time and that was good enough for them to hire me. One time at practice, Kent the bass player started playing that opening bassline to Crazy Train, and Johnny the guitar player just played the song like they had been playing it together for years, which I'm sure they did. I just kept the time and they seemed pretty happy with the result. Over the course of the next week leading up to our next band practice, I practiced and learned Crazy Train obsessively. Every fill, every groove, every note. I printed sheet music and everything. When band practice finally came around, Crazy Train was the first song I wanted to play. Less than a minute into the song Johnny stopped playing and just looked at me. When I asked him what was wrong, he replied that he just stopped to listen to me and didn't know I had that in me. It was one of the best complements I'd received in my life and one of my proudest moments as an aspiring musician.
  12. I'm not sure if you are joking or not, but I just googled that and immediately want to play it.
  13. I'd still with old games I've played before. With precious free time for gaming, I can't miss what I've never had a chance to do. Plus I don't think I could ever live in a world where I wasn't allowed to play Tetris or Pac Man.
  14. First game was OG Super Mario Bros. There's a picture of me somewhere in front of the TV looking all proud of myself. Middle was Ratchet and Clank- Up your Arsenal. Dr. Nefarious was one of the tougher final bosses I managed to clear! LAWRENCE!!!!!! Most recently was Kirby Avalance. I just Buzzsawed my way through it last week. King Dedede was no match for my Puyo Puyo skills!
  15. Always when in an unfamiliar area or when I have limited time to find my destination. And then rarely when I know my area well. I also enjoy exploring so sometimes I will give myself extra time to take and learn side streets or back roads.
  16. #35 Cadaveria- Spell As much as I enjoy the over the top 13 minutes epics that Cadaveria fronted when she was with Opera IX, she really found a great sound when she went solo. She went for a much more traditional metal sound here with a touch of prog and MDM and just makes for a very fun listen. Oh and witchcraft. We need to have all the songs about Witchcraft. I highly recommend at least her first album, The Shadow's Madame. It's very approachable, enjoyable, and well put together.
  17. This guy is so adorable! I love that smile!
  18. #36 Danzig- Mother Yes it is an outright classic. Slow bluesy riff with Danzig's trademark vocal style. Everyone has heard this and nobody dislikes it. Anytime it comes on it a group full of people there is always someone who starts singing along(me).
  19. #37 Ghost- Dance Macabre There isn't much to be said about Ghost. They are among the most successful metal bands today and for good reason. Tobias Forge is a master of melody and harmony. He takes Gothic crooning to whole new heights seen through the eyes of a made up satanic character. Each song is so warm and welcoming while at parts so dark and heavy. Choosing just one song as my favorite was near impossible, but Dance Macacre is probably the one I go back to the most. Everyone reading this list is probably already a big Ghost fan. If not, fire up a music streaming channel of choice and give them a listen. It won't be regretted!
  20. Gotta respect that opinion. It's hard to believe this is on the same album
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