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Everything posted by guillavoie

  1. They'd grade your mother if you asked them to, so yes, they'd grade this signed MTPO. But signature are usually considered as 'flaws' in the grading business, so it would hurt the grade you'd get. Not saying that this piece can have a market on its own with a certificated signature of Mike Tyson.
  2. I think the skateboard gives you milk when you already have a skateboard, but I"m not sure if I remember this correctly, so please, do it again so we know!
  3. I think you're making good points and we're taking good notes of all players' input to adjust our ruling for games, so thanks for giving your opinion. Though, as a fan of occasional 1-life ruling myself, I will counter argue to you that there's not much more 'mechanics to dive into' in many games playing them with 1 life VS many lives. The only thing standing apart in many cases is the possibility to burn your extra lives at the best spot(s), which means just repeating a sequence that you'd be trying to do more tightly in a 1-life setting. But the point that 1-life is less fair to newcomers is definitely something to consider in the future. Edit : Michael beat me to my point! I'd add that one of the VERY useful feature of 1-life ruling is to reduce the time a single run can take, which is a big plus in many games, AND it get rid of all the loopholes possible with getting extra lives, be it with scoring marks or picking 1up in stages.
  4. I'm joining the Super Metroid train right away guys! Let's quickly recruit all SM fans to dominate this thread! Though in truth, SNES as so many 'best game ever' materials that it makes it 'Super' hard to just pick one.
  5. Gotta throw a HUGE thanks at @CasualCart that provided us with a wonderful set of cartoons to work with. You're a pro man! The joke actually started from the first drawing of Korckle in the staff section. Cart did a Kickle alike mascot because I told him that Kickle was our (un)official mascot in the contest. I showed it to Jimbo, because well, that Korckle guy was great art, and the fact that 1st of April was literally the next day made us think of making a stunt out of it. Believe it or not, I got a hold of Cart by like 16h00 today, and an hour later he already crafted 4 additional Korckle cartoons! Crazy good stuff! Then Jimbo went on with his usual Kickle doodling that we all love. I personally thought the last one with Kickle kicking Korckle was absolutely hilarious, HAHA!
  6. Haha, I won't lie, I'm glad you believed us! But now you're relieved so it is all the better!
  7. YOU REALLY WANT IT MAN, HUH? Okay, I'm gonna skip the part where I tell you why you suck at life and just straight get rid of all this. You and your little cocksucking offensive Kickle gives me no choice. Here we go... We're gonna trash that motherfucker Korckle! April Fool's Day!!!
  8. Dude, just STOP IT NOW! I'm warning you, you're one inch away of getting temp ban from the forum, and perma ban from the contest, whatever you care or not. This is your only and final warning!!!
  9. Okay, I can't believe I have to say this cause last time I checked we're not a kindergarten, but please dude, no more Kickle post, cool?
  10. I wished you could just take this like an adult honestly, but now that we have an upgrade for contest artist I'm sort of neutral. Maybe he's better at video games than you too, lol!
  11. You know what Jimbo, this kind of 'humor' is exactly why the VGS Staff (and a lot of participants) wish that the contest threads would be less NSFW, so thank you for proving our point. Some people log in at work and we aren't all working at booze store.
  12. Well, at least Korckle is not infringing copyrighted material, lol. Don't take it too hard man.
  13. I have a little guy here from VGS Graphics Team that wants to meet you all! Say hello to Korckle!
  14. You definitely should and honestly, after beating a boss on expert, try to get a S rank. It is not that far ahead once you can beat it. Another thing I thought was super cool to do is the pacifist run of the run & gun stages. Also beating Hilda Berg with only the tiny plane bullets was quite rad, a long fight! The bosses I had the most trouble getting an S rank on are the Frogs, the Bird, but especially the Robot.Damn god Robot! The game is known to be frustrating, but I have been quite chill for the most part of it, even going for S ranks. But I must admit that I lost my marbles against the Robot. He is the only boss that made me go 'punch my couch' and 'swearing out loud' angry. And I had the most disheartening run on him trying for the S rank, like thinking I got it but I was 1 second over to get it, or being at like 2-3 bullets to S rank him but I get hit just before the knockout. After the Robot all the other bosses were fine by me.
  15. You would have probably been able to beat a lot of the later bosses on expert as the frogs are actually really hard on expert, much harder than maybe 50 % of the later bosses. I've seen some people exploiting both weapons on videos, but I never bother to check what was that all about. Sounds like a pain to switch between weapons all the time to squeeze in more hits. I bought the game digitally sometimes in December 2019, should I have the patched version per default?
  16. Haha, yeah it can get frustrating per moment, but you're really aware of your improvement in short period of time which helps with motivation. I think it is a cool accomplishment, hence why I felt like posting about it. But man, seeing the crazy stuff some guys pull on videos, it makes you feel like you're not good at all, LOL. One guy played the entire game controlling both characters at the same time, one controller per hand. The fastest time records are something to watch too.
  17. Yesterday I finally achieved a goal I really wanted to complete at Cuphead, and I thought that I could share this with the community. My goal was to get the best rank at every bosses on expert (S rank) and getting all achievements in the game : I'm super happy that I attained my goal, but now I feel a bit empty as I loved playing Cuphead, even if it was quite a ride. I thought for sure that I'll be over it once I get that last S rank, but I'm already looking at some times to trim on the list, haha! So i thought about starting this thread so we can discuss about Cuphead and post our checklist cards. Maybe seeing some lower times on your cards will give me some extra motivation to beat some bosses/stages faster! Who knows? But the main thing is, that game is absolutely marvelous. I enjoyed thoroughly playing it, for so many reasons. The graphics alone are one of the most brilliant idea for a video game I've seen in a long time, and the game is not only intensely fun to play and master, it is addictive as hell! Any Cuphead fans out there?
  18. Surprise surprise! Prize giveaway time! It wasn't planned, but Lady @MeganJoanne hit me up this morning with a picture of a Star Force cross-stitch, and since the contest is going so well so far, I thought another giveaway wouldn't hurt too much the contest's wallet! Take good note that while the prize giveaways are being done shortly after the end of a contest, the shipping will be delayed for an undetermined period of time because of the pandemic. We will notified any recipients on the waiting list once their prizes are likely to get out. So here is the mighty Star Force Spaceship at stake : Here are the participants : 1 = @skinnygrinny 2 = @Gloves 3 = @ookii_risu 4 = @bertsampson 5 = @8bitdontquit 6 = @Gaia Gensouki 7 = @arnpoly 8 = @mbd39 9 = @VegaVegas 10 = @ninjistar 11 = @nesmaster14 12 = @Bearcat-Doug 13 = @JamesRobot 14 = @Bubbapauls 15 = @Ausden 16 = @Richardhead 17 = @SuperJimtendo 18 = @Krunch Congratulation to Richardhead for winning the Star Force Spaceship cross-stitch! Way to go Champ, just in time to boost your motivation for the Adventure Island contest (I'm secretly rooting for you this week man... oh wait a minute, I shouldn't say that here). Thanks to everyone for playing and making the contest well and alive!
  19. Congratulation to @skinnygrinny for taking the win this week! You earn an extended period of shooter champion bragging rights, plus a dining date with Cleopatra (you lucky bastard!) But the win was a total close call, as skinny probably felt @Gloves hot breath behind him as the clock hit 11pm! Gloves was only 10 minutes late of topping skinny's score, crazy stuff! The good news for you Doug is that the 'you' of an alternate universe set 10 minutes earlier than ours won the contest, and the skinny of that alternate universe is like 'OMG, I can't believed I got top at the last minute by that Canadian bastard. I wish I lived in that alternate universe set 10 minutes later!'. Honorable mention to @ookii_risu for breaking the 500k mark, and as always, thanks to everyone playing and posting in the contest threads!
  20. Losing track of days is one of the social symptoms of the coronavirus pandemic, you should get tested man!
  21. Skinny still holds the lead with a 1.5 million score, but is it me or it smells like sniping in here? I expect some late scores from both glovsies and skinny, and let's not forget that bert the human cyborg hasn't posted a score yet!
  22. Special request to have Kickle somewhere in there, that would be awesome to see a CasualCart rendition of our contest (un)official mascot..
  23. You did awesomely well for a game you hate, half a million points is a great landmark for Star Force. Good job Tonya !
  24. And the irony is that they're probably wearing masks that will not really prevent them from catching the virus, they'd need to stop breathing altogether.
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