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Everything posted by AnimalHouse

  1. I wonder if anyone tried selling an NFT of the Mona Lisa painting or one of the recent nes games sold over a million bucks?
  2. On OpenSea website > Create and sell your NFTs. If I am reading this correctly. I can take a photo of any of my graded games, upload it, add a title, description and sell it without having to sell the physical thing. How is this not fraud?
  3. I would be more focused on whether it has a h-seam on the back or not. If it does, look at the condition and get it. Back in the day, before security cameras was top notch. Retailers used anti-theft devices, such as magnetic stickers. If you walk into any major retailer today. Any electronic device, movie or game not locked away. Chances are there will be a magnetic sticker on it.
  4. Not mine, someone's collection I spotted a while ago. I can't imagine the time it took to acquire everything, the money spent but its interesting to look at from time to time.
  5. Honestly, I think this add-on service is a waste of money. In my gaming room, I have a bookshelf that I use to store my wata cases in numerical order. When I look at my collection, I want to see the #s and not the deep badge icon.
  6. I was searching for Wata 10.0 if one existed, when I discovered this listing.
  7. Its hard ot say because the game is so scarce. Unless everyone starts coming out of the woodwork and post there MM GameBoys. Like they did with SMB. Your probably right though. Even if the buyer put all his cost into the MM game, he got Blaster Master and Batman for free. Must be nice making pure profit on games.
  8. When searching video game sold $ off sites that scrap data from Heritage. Does the $ include tax, shipping and percent from type of payment used or just the sold $ w/ bp?
  9. I look this up from Heritage, it reads Mega Man III 9.6 A+ sold $26,400, item #28109, 5 months ago.
  10. Thats exactly what happened! Some dingleling came along and flashed 10 grand and the seller sold them. The buyer got a fantastic deal: Mega Man III, Batman the video game and Blaster Master. The buyer can squeeze as much as 30 grand off Mega Man III alone once its graded. I didn't realize backdoor deals are so rampant. I was hoping to see a bidding war at auction.
  11. In the future, anything more than a grand, go w/ Warpzone. How often do you write them? My last order took 6 months on a 45 business days stretch. I stop sending them games until they get there act together with the new overlord or try someone new like P1 or wait for CGC.
  12. You can thank China for that. They hold the leash, and they know it. Which brings me to my next point I am going to make. There are other countries that can do what Chinese manufacturers are doing. Until the world makes the painfully short term switch, there on China's time and they ain't budging.
  13. Did anyone see a sealed Mega Man III GameBoy auction on ebay? I saw it yesterday but forgot to add it on my watchlist. Now its missing and I can't find it. Anyone?
  14. LMAO dn't rub it in. Thanks to tidaldreams, I started having second thoughts and went over the photo with the hole and backed out at the last second.
  15. The number of watchers are up 113 to 124. I thought the mark was on the cellophane, not underneath it. As for other imperfections, I see tiny dents on the back top left corner and back bottom right corner. I'm thinking grade wise at least an 9. The problem with games that are rare like this, pple get emotional and overbid its actual value. I know when to back off. No doubt there will be a bidding war. If it doesn't work out. There are plenty of fish in the sea lol or other games to buy I mean.
  16. I thought sealed was supposed to be $85. Wtf did wata change the price again?
  17. Did you not see what the 9.2 A+ and 9.6 A+ went for? I could say the same for the bidders who paid $5500 for Pokémon Red Wata 6.0 A or $988 for Pokémon Blue VGA 40 Bronze. That's what credit cards are for. Sell other assets, pay the card issuer back and your set. Oh I expect the price to jump $25,000 - $30,000 before its over.
  18. I can't believe how cheap these games used to be. IIRC I paid $200 for Dr Mario and $400 Marvel Super Heroes from ebay a year ago. I wish I paid $45 for T2, that game is so hard to find these days. Same goes for MM and SMB2&3.
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