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Everything posted by T-Pac

  1. T-Pac

    T-Pac Arcade

    Terra Cresta [Nintendo Entertainment System - 1990] This was my least favorite shoot-em-up that I've covered so far, but at least it inspired one of my favorite drawings of the series... [T-Pac]
  2. I always say "Pok-EE-mon" like a true, ignorant American. Wouldn't want to give anyone the false impression that I was cultured or something... [T-Pac]
  3. Finished reading The Tipping Point (2000) by Malcom Gladwell. [T-Pac]
  4. I don't have any of my own to share, but I've gotta say - it's so cool that you held on to these. [T-Pac]
  5. Neat - I probably would've loved that game as a kid, since the GBA was my first game system, and I grew up watching Kim Possible. [T-Pac]
  6. I usually like to go all-black or all-white. Dark mode or Ghost mode. [T-Pac]
  7. I'm probably in the minority here, but I prefer a series to only have a few entries, no matter how good it is. I just got the full set of 6 Famicom Rockman games over the holidays, but instead of being excited to play them all, I'm just overwhelmed that there are so many of them haha. [T-Pac]
  8. T-Pac

    T-Pac Arcade

    I can see your point with Jungle Hunt. I prefer the vine swinging controls in Pitfall, but I like how you get to chain-swing in Jungle Hunt. [T-Pac]
  9. Me, either. But I think I was only missing 4 or 5 of them on my best run, so I came pretty close haha. [T-Pac]
  10. 06/40 - Pitfall [Atari 2600 - 1982] Finished: 2024/01/30 Caveats: My high-score was 100,648. [T-Pac]
  11. T-Pac

    T-Pac Arcade

    Pitfall [Atari 2600 - 1982] I didn't get the hype for this game when I first tried it a few years ago. But now that I sunk my teeth into it - I love it. [T-Pac]
  12. Oh - neat! My sister and I had this game as kids. I really liked it, but the mechanics felt a little clunky compared to the other Mario games I was familiar with. [T-Pac] Did you play the whole game with that red tint??? My eyes hurt just thinking about that haha, but I guess you must acclimate to it after a while. [T-Pac] Whoa - that's impressive, dude! [T-Pac]
  13. @DarkKobold I know people like to hate on the packaging for SMS games, but that looks soooo nice all-together as a set. How did you approach games released in different formats for different regions? (Just dipped my toes into the Master System myself, and I had to get a German copy of Transbot since the US release was exclusively in card format and I only have a cartridge-reader.) [T-Pac]
  14. This is gonna sound blunt, but ... ... when a poll lays out specific ranking criteria and you vote without following it, you’ve just invalidated the results. There’s nothing stopping you from using your own ranking system in a different context, though. Just not in the Game Debates. [T-Pac]
  15. 05/40 - Ordyne [NEC PC Engine - 1989] Finished: 2024/01/27 Caveats: I used turbo fire for my playthrough. I also practiced the final level with save-states, then went back and beat the whole game without them. [T-Pac]
  16. T-Pac

    T-Pac Arcade

    Ordyne [NEC PC Engine - 1989] For whatever reason, I wanted to mimic those chapter-page illustrations from Dragon Ball with this one. Also - I wonder if Ordyne could be considered a proto cute-em-up (although Twinbee predates it by a few years...). [T-Pac]
  17. Contributing my favorite NES game ... Abadox is clear! (It's been too long since I've played this one - I forgot some of my strategies and got nervous on a few of those levels haha.) [T-Pac]
  18. T-Pac

    T-Pac Arcade

    This definitely wasn't my first pass at playing Adventure Island haha - but I get what you mean. That being said - playing each round over and over until I memorized it is exactly how I went through the game. I just did it with breaks in-between when I got tired - hence my admiration for clearing it in a single sitting, no matter how familiar you might be with the game. Yeah - when I use save-states, I generally try to implement them in a way that still forces me to "learn the game" rather than just brute-force through it. That way I get a relatively genuine feel for it, as well as the satisfaction of learning its ins-and-outs, but without spending months on a single game like you mentioned. This is definitely a compromise I've had to make with myself... To me - the satisfaction of having experienced / finished more of the games in my library, but with less time devoted to each ... outweighs the satisfaction of mastering just a small handful by spending so much time with them that I don't get around to the rest. That's not to say there's anything wrong with either approach - it's just a matter of what your own goals are. I don't care if you wouldn't consider that impressive or difficult - I think it's incredible and you should be proud of the accomplishment, dude! [T-Pac]
  19. Likewise. Princess Mononoke is easily one of my top 5 films of all time. [T-Pac]
  20. Interesting to hear these different opinions on how heavily our gaming hobby weighs into our identities. My classic gaming, my art, and my faith are pretty much the core facets that define who I am. It used to bother me that I had such a "nerdy" hobby, but I've since embraced it haha. [T-Pac]
  21. CQ Podcast: "Don't collect posters for concerts you didn't even go to." Me: "Don't collect carts for competitions you didn't even compete in." NWC (gray) is the equivalent of some random kid's little-league baseball trophy. (*runs away as Nintendo fans grab their pitchforks and torches*) [T-Pac]
  22. Wow - I can't believe I didn't think about classic American monster stuff and European fantasy stuff for "Western-style" games. Popeye is a no-brainer, too - although I'm surprised it didn't rank a little higher. [T-Pac]
  23. Great read @GPX - and thanks for the shout-out! I love your breakdown of how gaming evolved from the 80s through today. And those PAL Super Nintendo boxes are soooo nice. [T-Pac]
  24. 04/40 - Sonic the Hedgehog [Sega Genesis - 1991] Finished: 2024/01/21 Caveats: I used save-states at the Secret Zones and level checkpoints. Collected all the Chaos Emeralds to get the best ending. [T-Pac]
  25. T-Pac

    T-Pac Arcade

    Sonic the Hedgehog [Sega Genesis - 1991] Time to spend the rest of my life drawing "Sonic OC"s and eating disfigured Sonic ice cream... [T-Pac]
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