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Everything posted by Gentlegamer

  1. I still have my original, complete with many of the figures painted and used extensively for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.
  2. Chrono Trigger is the one JRPG I recommend to people who don't like RPGs. 10/10
  3. I also reject this implication, that the present view is the product of "progress." It can just as well be a product of regress. Pretending we are smarter, more insightful than the past is the height of arrogance.
  4. I understand the meaning of the idiom, but I reject the implications in this case. It is our tastes that age, and the fault is in them. If a game is well received at release, then poorly after time, it "aged poorly," the implication is we had poor taste then and good taste now. Similarly, when a game is poorly received at release but well received now, it is a "hidden gem," implying we had poor taste then, and good taste now. The fallacy is that "now," whatever time that is, we have good taste... simply because it is the taste we have "now." This is nothing more than chronological snobbery, the belief that what appeals to contemporary taste is good and the blindness that the contemporary taste is just one "fashion" among many that will itself fade away. I prefer to deal with more concrete standards of criticism. Therefore, "aged poorly" as a category of criticism has no weight in itself, and I reject it wholly as a standard and even as a useful idiom.
  5. None of these are examples of the media aging. Games (books, films, music) don't age. You do.
  6. RE Director's Cut is on my Halloween game list this year, first time playing.
  7. Classic Suicide: a bump of every soda at the fountain
  8. Games, first time Resident Evil: Director's Cut (PlayStation) Resident Evil 4 (GameCube) Silent Hill 2 Enhanced (PC) Dead Space MediEvil 2 (resume playthrough, Playstation) Illbleed (Dreamcast) D2 (Dreamcast) Games, played many times Castlevania (NES) Castlevania III (NES) Dracula X - Rondo of Blood (PC Engine) Ghouls 'n Ghosts (Genesis) Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts (Super NES) Splatterhouse (Turbografx-16) Devil's Crush (Turbografx-16) Demon's Souls (PlayStation 3) It's unlikely I will finish all of the above, but it's my tentative list I want to get to, with priority on the first time games. Reading, by author Howard Phillip Lovecraft (short stories and novellas) Pickman's Model The Shadow Out of Time At the Mountains of Madness The Call of Cthulhu The Dunwich Horror The Whisperer in Darkness The Shadow Over Innsmouth The Case of Charles Dexter Ward Arthur Machen The White People and Other Weird Stories (collection) Algernon Blackwood Ancient Sorceries and Other Weird Stories (collection) Edgar Allen Poe The Raven The Cask of Amontillado The Tell-Tale Heart Film The Silence of the Lambs Se7en From Hell
  9. The Battle of Olympus Willow Golden Axe Warrior Darksiders 1
  10. I recall someone trying to pump up Isolated Warrior on NA. Don't know if it worked.
  11. I would recommend Brutal DOOM, even for first time, it's such an awesome upgrade.
  12. In high school, some kid installed DOOM on a hidden directory on all the machines in the computer lab.
  13. He also retrieved them to play on the NES Marathon one year as the finale, it was rad.
  14. Check with the folks at https://www.vintagecomputing.com/
  15. Of course I do, and Digitpress before that. You were the voice crying out in the wilderness, calling out BS in the collector arena for years.
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