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Everything posted by Krunch

  1. I never even realized this was more suggested as a side thing with all I wrote. I still stand by it. But really if you run normal + teams both at once I still think it retains a good social dynamic. Could be measured with the sum of a team's in-game points, to differentiate it from the normal leaderboard of contest points. That's fun for shit like Gradius, Gradius 2 and other great shooters. And pinball games like Pinball.
  2. Thanks. But I think Skinny's tapewom's sixth sense can tell I wasn't fully engaged this year. I mostly am just coming in late on the Sunday, which to my credit used to be always a complete no-go, but still isn't really the way I like to approach. My sub-optimal hardware situation has had a hampering effect. I'm the type where if I start underperforming mid-season I basically knuckledrag for the rest and then give it the college try in the tournament. I'm going to essentially sell off my Powerpak (CF cards are basically obsolete and annoyingly difficult to find locally) and fund an Everdrive with it. @docile tapeworm Teams idea is kinda interesting to try, it'd be a radical switch-up but it might be a nice change for a season. It would maybe take the pressure off a little bit moreso I mean the real-life pressure for people, not so much the challenge, the challenge is still there. But what's a more interesting prospect, 2 teams, or many teams? 2 teams affords people less individual pressure and is easier to build rules for. It's epic in the sense that even having a genre beast on your team in a given week doesn't guarantee it when it doesn't do much for the average. 3 teams technically can do all this too while dispersing the "credit" more prosperously. Teams made of 4 or 5, maybe would feel like a deeper social dynamic, I personally would enjoy being on a team like this, you have to rise to the challenge a little more and there's a tighter-knit working together. You can specialize your team a bit still - for example if we were to do small teams don't pick Krunch if you want your team to win Shooter Genre. There's a glaring problem which is that you would need commitment with multiple teams and so then what happens with people who just want to play every once in a while, or just happen to play in a random contest for a game they dig? Only thing I could think of so far is having a Neutral team where you put points from non-team contestants. I think it'd be a big upset if that goddamn Neutral team won it
  3. Edited in my last score. Second week in a row I got edged out of a contest point!
  4. This is a cool game, when I did my first paring down of collection it made the cut and all subsequent ones so I still got it. Like other Romstar releases I like the chunkiness of the sprites and the sound. Anyway I always found it pretty damn hard I'm not surprised people are struggling so far, YOU especially who is reading this seem to be really really struggling.
  5. This is a crazy good game. I'm definitely gonna be tracking down a Famicom cart to get some 4 player AVS action on
  6. My bad! Thanks for the clarification! I actually did much better in my first game anyway and took an insurance pic. In the second they had a killer run with the top nets, and we were without a bottom net to score on for the last minute of first half. The CPU partner got most of the baskets I just block. Been playin lots of Pokemon Unite lately
  7. Okay so I beat the second team by 9 (they were US Navy both times) so I got that right? So can I now keep playing on this run and try to play another basketball game and get a better score? I have the run still live Might as well give it another shot anyways.
  8. Bradbury is my vote, it was a no-brainer. Stoked to be in da club!
  9. Lol did Dio write that story himself? Cause it really seemed like he wrote that story himself @PII I dont like shmups, can hardly play em, so i didnt like GL but yeah its pretty good, everyone seemed to like it during one contest week. Most fun I had with it was doing a quick flip on a local CIB that was there forever years back when it "spiked" to $50
  10. Lol! No wonder it's so inconsistent. Hard strategy to criticize, seems like the games sold well, lots of em have a few different prints. I only really like Spelunker i found, havent tried em all lode runner might be ok or Raid on Bungleing Bay. battle of olympus I got no time for.
  11. I gotta say I'm psyched to try Holy Diver being a rock fan too. Righteous pick
  12. Ha its always more than meets the eye eh, and even though I know this I choose to cling to the clunky paradigm of sorting things by publisher. I'm a CIB collector, and it looks really good
  13. Oh interesting so the other 3 Irem published games are later cause they were out of the game for a few years. That's funny too cause I really like Spelunker but when acquiring the Broderbund set i found they didnt really do it for me (never tried Softball, i still have one). Buncha dirty punk thieves
  14. Oh and I didnt see the part where you said it's Irem, I was totally fooled because it was floaty like some other games (bad dudes, karnov). Publishers is more helpful in general collecting, do publishers still have some oversight in how a game is made? Like how a producer of a movie can have influence over what the movie becomes? I figure most producer influence is based on "compromises" and then creates bad results so maybe there's a through line there among the different libraries of different publishers.
  15. Nah I screwed myself by not prepping my hardware better earlier in the season, so lots of contests where I dont have the game or access on the Switch (sadly theres a lot of overlap between the switch collection and my own) and without em I play without controller on computer, it's a detriment for platformers especially and I'm actually pretty tolerant of Data East games so this is an ouch. I'll be able to switch back to my PC soon so ill improve cause I got a USB adapter that hooks up a real nes controller (cant without emu plus for mac though). I did good in VPD cause I had experience. What was the other one, Mario 3? if so same deal. Not necessarily that great at KNRN by comparison but its less popular too.
  16. 37,100 The best thing about Data East games is that ledges and edges are just suggestions
  17. I do also have this window for what it's worth. Hmm... better put up a better shot this week.
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