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Posts posted by SoleGoose

  1. 2 minutes ago, ookii_risu said:



    Looks really good visually, but it would drive me nuts dying every 60 seconds. That's why I couldn't play Half-Minute Hero (although it was really fun to watch during GDQ).


    I won't lie, I decided to play it just for the art style, as the gameplay sounded like it wouldn't be my cup of tea. However, I'm rather surprised by how much I like it. Accomplishing or finding one new things in that sixty seconds is very rewarding, and the sense of depth that I thought would be lacking is definitely there. Dropped 72 minutes into it last night before I couldn't stay awake any longer.


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  2. 7 hours ago, gauauu said:

    Yeah, and I don't want to sound too negative. I think it's really cool that they got published, and when it came down to it, I'd probably wish that I could do the same if I ever release a game. It just doesn't tickle my fancy the way real NES games do.


    Being honest and thoughtful isn't negative. If we can't do that then all conversation is just an ad 😛 . I think that wanting one thing as a gamer and another as a developer is probably to be expected when developing for old platforms that comparatively few have access to.

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  3. Pictures? I've got a whole write up! It's, uh, noob friendly we'll say, and I've been hesitant to share it due to that (i.e. I don't know what I'm doing, but it does work). I gave the info to a more technically minded fellow and he was going to turn it into a real write up, but it doesn't look like he finished it yet.

    *It looks like the fellow DID finish the VB to NES tutorial AND he even sent it to me to post on my site. This was back in June, and I didn't see it. I'm terrible. I'll be getting that guide up soon, just waiting to hear back from him.


  4. Capcom during the NES era, like Square during the SNES era, is the one that defines the greatness of the console for me. That being said, I never really got to play the last games that they released until recently. Is it just me, or do Mega Man VI and Rescue Rangers 2 feel rather poor in comparison to the games that went before them? Graphically and sound-wise they're great, gameplay is spot on, but game design is lacking. RR2 cuts out any form of level choice, and MM6 isn't even a challenge. Both feel very short. I haven't played Duck Tales 2, but these two at least feel underwhelming. Anyone else?

  5. 1 hour ago, dvertov said:

    Thanks @SoleGoose! I got my copy in the mail a few days ago and I’ve really been enjoying it. I’d like to try this out with a SNES controller... Do you have a SNES to NES adaptor you’d recommend?

    I have a few left (not many) from the campaign it looks like, and @KHAN Games might have some left over from the NEScape! campaign. Shoot me a PM if interested.

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  6. On 11/6/2019 at 6:27 PM, themisfit138 said:

    When did Aldi become a fancy store? There was one where I grew up since the early 90s. Aldi use to be the cheap store where retirees and people who couldn’t afford Kroger or IGA shopped. It had all the weird off brands and random items in bulk.   

    So I'm not the only one! I have memories of us making fun of kids who shopped there growing up, and thinking that it was the worst place ever (having maybe seen the inside through a window). A friend tipped me off to it a few years ago, and it's been a complete mental 180. Is this even the same store? Why so much brie and other delicacies? The questions abound...

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, toma said:

    They shut down in July. For some odd reason Indiegogo left the website up like some weird dead thing, but they don't process payments anymore.

    I meant the vegetable 😛 .


  8. On 10/24/2019 at 12:11 PM, gauauu said:


    I'm glad they were able to do it (seeing your game run on other platforms is always fun, and it will mean more sales for them, which is great), but conceptually, NES homebrew on the switch it isn't very interesting to me.  I don't know about this particular case, but the Steam versions of these things are usually just a bundled rom+emulator. That's not inherently any more compelling to me than using my existing emulators. (which is why I'll buy a homebrew ROM for $10 but won't buy the steam version for $10 unless the rom is easily extractable)

    Haunted Halloween is a well-made game, but what makes it interesting to me is that it's a NES game. The same game on the switch or xbox doesn't add any appeal for me.


    This is still getting me thinking. I want to be indignant and say "how dare you sir!" but it is 100% correct for me as a gamer. I really don't have any interest in playing homebrew games on the Switch due to the controller. I'll take an NES controller and a d-pad, along with a ROM and PowerPak, any day of the week (although I'd prefer a true cart).

    Steam versions I have zero interest in. Haven't played a PC game since 2003, and don't plan to anytime soon.

    That being said, those of us lugging around CRTs are probably in the minority, and getting our stuff to a new audience will tell whether they care about what we're doing or not.


  9. Not going to lie, I kept seeing #DeathStranding pop up on the trending sidebar on twitter and just thought it was some political thing (and therefore ignored it). I certainly wasn't expecting it to be a game.

  10. I must have done something right, because the wife brought home some black truffle triple cream brie tonight from Aldi. It has quickly become our favorite place to shop, whether for staples or for the special buys. I enjoy something about the whole seasonal nature of what they offer, and it feels like there is always something new as opposed to just the same old stuff that I see at other stores 52 weeks a year. Anybody else have some Aldi love to share? Any personal favorites? Do you swap quarters in the parking lot? Anybody waiting in line outside the door tomorrow for the wine Advent calendar?

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  11. One nice thing about the Switch is sleep mode, so if you are itching to play an RPG you can play it at your own pace. No searching for save points, and you can even switch it off in the middle of a large narrative section. I dislike that at times, because it often doesn't feel like I can get into a game as much, but it is darn convenient for those periods in between an afternoon binge session. A quick twenty minutes before bed eventually builds into a grand epic.

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