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Posts posted by SoleGoose

  1. On 10/24/2019 at 10:30 PM, Fleck586 said:

    I was trying to decide between Astral Chain and Ni No Kuni and it was Ni No Kuni that sucked me in for now. 

    Does Ni No Kuni have mandatory voice acting? I assume it does, but figured that I'd check before crossing it off entirely.

  2. GOG does tend to make me feel like I need to get rid of all fo these PC discs that I've picked up over the last decade. If I ever did want to play any of them, I imagine that a digital deal would be easier than trying to load a disc. Then again, they're not worth much, so I guess I'll keep them and maybe play them.

    What type of setup do you all use for older PC games? In my held I see 90's era PC desks and high backed office chairs. This is probably why I don't play PC games.

  3. 6 minutes ago, RH said:

    I understand that.  Not quite related, but if you ever have a desire to play the classic Daggerfall, you can't directly buy it but buy anything by Betheseda and they include that, and one other Elder Scrolls game for free.

    Under one of there Bethesda deals, I bought the cheapest game offered ($1.99, I think) and was able to finally check out Daggerfall.  The other games were just a bonus.

    I don't know about other "hidden" titles, but I'm sure there are others like that as well.

    I usually go on there to find some weird or obscure game, classics or indies. I haven't played a mainstream PC game since KoToR in '03 since I don't like gaming on a PC. Every once in a great while there is something that I want to see, usually to study something specific in it.

  4. I rarely buy (or play) PC games as it is,, but if I do it has to be DRM free since I play most things on an older computer that does not go online. GOG is great for that. I won't do Steam at all for that reason. I even had to buy a PC game off Amazon once since their version was DRM free while Steam's was not (GOG didn't have it). There are too many games to play as it is, I can be picky and not really miss out.

    I do enjoy GOG's bi-daily emails. I'll look through them and at least see what is going on, even if I never buy anything. Keeps me up on the PC gaming scene (maybe?).

  5. 17 minutes ago, Gaia Gensouki said:

    I've heard somewhere that Super Mario Bros. was originally intended to be the perfect cartridge game you could make on stock Famicom/NES hardware. Because after that Nintendo released the Famicom Disk System which introduced additional hardware performance. And not to mention the many MMCs that would alter be used. So from a modern perspective you could probably just list most MMC games, but back then SMB was state-of-the-art.

    Btw. @SoleGoose How did you come across Chaos World? It's such a rare and elusive game.


    Yeah, by graphically impressive I meant graphically impressive in a subjective sense, not a technical one. There are a lot of MMC games that aren't impressive in any way from the player's perspective. SMB1 has very good use of color and well defined objects.

    I don't recall how I found out about Chaos World, either perusing files or ROMHacking.net. I'm always looking for new titles that I have not heard about (especially RPGs), often as the result of random image searches, and I keep files of interesting things that I find. Always looking for influences or ways to make a better game.

  6. Radiant Historia is an amazing RPG for the DS. Probably my favorite game for the system, top 5-10 of all time. Nostalgia is also good, although a tad easy. I sunk 60-80 hours into each and didn't regret a minute. Thanks for the list, it reminds me of some that I need to check out or finish playing. I hated Black Sigil, but need to give it a fourth or fifth go; it has to get better, right?


  7. 1 hour ago, DoctorEncore said:

    I've been eyeing this since release but there are just so many quality games these days I haven't even bought it.

    I was skeptical since it was billed as "like the 16-bit games of yore" but also got slammed by everyone that reviewed it. I personally thought it was great (thanks BridgeMute for the sale). Very much like 16-bit games in terms of mechanics, but also modern in its way. Probably the first Switch game that I'll replay.


  8. Link's Awakening or LoZ, depending if I'm in a "masterful design" or "free exploration" mood. The openness of them causes them to win out over FFIV or FFVI. I need to give Radiant Historia another try since #5 might be poised to jump up in the list due to having both elements (and not that accursed remake).

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  9. That Axelay demo is great. I had one fellow ask me "can you just do this?" and that was a hard NO. Too smart for me.


    CV3 is one that I need to play and fully appreciate. Impressive doesn't have to mean not said before, but also is it still impressive even after the hype? You bet for CV3, and many others. Thanks for posting images!

  10. I am 100% NOT doing that thread again!

    I did decide to port over the OP from the old Currently Available thread simply because it had the guidelines for what I wanted to do with it, including in limbo stuff. I'm updating the OP here, but also kind of holding out for someone else to take the reigns. *Cough, cough*

  11. I know that this question has been asked and answered a lot over the years, but in your mind what are the most graphically impressive games for the NES? We've seen the rise of faux retro games, played and replayed the classics, and maybe found some oddities along the way, so perhaps your opinion has changed. I was really surprised by some of that stuff in the new "Pushing the Limits of the NES thread," so it's time to re-examine. Maybe it is not even one game, but a whole family of games. Capcom does it for me in that regard (Mega Man, Disney games, Little Nemo), whereas Square and Konami are too messy/detailed. Is it the colors, the presence of detail (or lack thereof), or composition of levels that do it for you? What about perspective? The NES was great for platformers, but what about overhead views? I found some images today that blew me away and that I had not see before (Chaos World). And then there are sub-screens like the map from Little Samson, or the stylized feel of Castlevania III. Enough from me, what say ye all?

    *Images are MORE than welcome. I have none, although I guess that this would be a good test to see how easy it is to upload images on VGS.

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  12. I'll go back for information in old threads, but I'm done contributing to the site. There aren't a lot of hard feelings, but I'm not interested in building what the owners view as a commodity to be used, bought, or sold; that's not a community to me. The new site itself only interests me insofar as if it will carry over all of the data from the old site. The one exception is where I owe someone else a post, like Kevin with The Assembly Line updates. I'm not even sure if I'll post about new games that I'm working on or selling over there (the test for that will be coming very soon 😉 ).

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