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Posts posted by SoleGoose

  1. After years of no releases, I'm sorry to spam the forums with two releases in one day. The Spook-o'-tron regular release is now available! You can find it here: http://www.solegooseproductions.com/?page_id=434. If you have any questions please let me know. Everything from the KS campaign has shipped, save for the test cart tier and Sergio (sorry buddy!). IF you have not received your reward tier, please check your KS PMs. I have emailed each and every backer asking for more info, and I need you to verify that. Thanks all for your patience, and have a happy Halloween!



    • Like 7
    • Thanks 1
  2. Yeah, I wandered around for days, testing and trying everything. Such a good game, but that one was pretty obtuse. And then I learned about Famicom games like Makai Island... Not sure how I stumbled upon the hint for that last puzzle, but I'm sure glad that I did!

  3. 2 minutes ago, dewisp02 said:

    Yeah. I got a pm through facebook letting me know about this site.

    Does anyone know if the backup of NA will include our collections information?  I am hoping it will so I can pull the info instead of having to build it out again. 

    Not I, said the Goose. Smarter people may know.


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  4. 32 minutes ago, MeganJoanne said:

    Final Fantasy Adventure. Long time ago I would have wandered for hours, days if I had to, stumped and irritated but would have eventually figured out whatever clue or riddle that had me perplexed, repeatedly trying the many different things or even the same things over and over and wondering what I was doing wrong and then some to figure out how to do something, nowadays, I lack the patience, "Palm trees and an 8"... Gamefaqs'd it... wow, really, good one... I had to do this to make a cave entrance show that will lead me to Medusa. At level 20 now and getting ready to look for Medusa so that I can make her cry, or something... I need her tears.

    In the days before the internets that riddle had me stumped for days!


  5. 1 minute ago, BreaKBeatZ said:


    The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road - Solid RPG with beautiful graphics. It finds a good balance between hardcore and casual RPGs, and probably sold poorly because no one cares about the Wizard of Oz branding.



    I wanted to like this one, I was super excited to have finally tracked down a copy (thanks Corey!), but the controls are the absolute worst in my mind. Having to use the stylus to control a trackball versus easy d-pad navigation? Having to tap the screen for any basic menu command? Hard pass all around. Hopefully someone hacks it to be playable in a normal fashion down the line because it really looks great otherwise.


  6. 11 hours ago, doner24 said:

    My favorite JRPG’s in order:

    Lufia 2

    Chrono Trigger

    Lunar Silver Star Story

    Breath of Fire 2


    Dragon Warrior 3

    Dragon Warrior 4

    Phantasy Star 4

    Lunar Eternal Blue 

    Secret of Evermore


    I just cannot seem to get into Lunar: Eternal Blue. Everyone commenting about how good it is makes me want to keep at it though.


  7. Ok, so it looks like previous supporters and Bandcamp followers were given the early info. It was not much sooner, and the band genuinely did not believe that they would sell out so fast. There is a smaller, second wave that will go up for sale at some point, and if interested I would sign up for the Bandcamp page now. We're crossing streams with game and music collectors, so be fast with that F5 button 🙂 !

    • Like 1
  8. 59 minutes ago, Scrobins said:

    That’s kind of bullshit though. It’s one thing to set some aside for your devoted fans or completely run out in the first few minutes because demand is that high, but another thing to say “we’re going to sell these at this time” then turn around and say “oh nevermind we completely sold out and won’t offer any copies at our stated launch time because we sold them all backstage.”

    Looking into it now. I don't have any control over sales but I have messaged the band to see what went on, or what can be done. Thanks for your patience, and sorry about any frustrations.


    27 minutes ago, RH said:

    Wait, is this the Zao from the late-90s, early-00s?

    I freaking use to love Zao in college!


    Same one! They've been around for a long time.

  9. I hear lots of love for the 3DS, but no one ever talks about it. I got the system very late, and missed the boat on what to get. So, from a player's perspective, what makes the system so great? What are the must haves? What is worth time?

  10. 17 minutes ago, empire said:

    What didn't you like? I thought 9 had a good story, 1 was a bit more "figure it out yourself". 11 has a cool story and some awesome characters.

    It didn't seem like IX had much of a story, and when it did there was so much time between events that nothing really held it together. What was there was nothing new, and as a whole the game felt like an excuse to have a bunch of side quests. I put close to forty hours into it earlier this year and eventually just put it down out of boredom.

  11. I'm happy to be able to share the next effort of The 6502 Collective: Zao Reformat/Reboot. This is a music album, featuring the pioneering metal band Zao. Believe it or not, the cart plays CD/MP3 quality audio through the NES! This requires that the audio resistor mod be made to a toaster, or a simple PCB can be inserted into the unused expansion port on the bottom of a front loading NES (bundled with every cart).*  That last piece of tech is what makes this all possible, since without it the instructions for use would be a whole lot more complicated to explain to people. The expansion board was designed by InfiniteNESLives (no @? where you at Paul!?) last year, and this might be the first project that truly puts it to use. A special version of the GTROM board was designed by @Memblers, which is the other half to this technological puzzle. The cart has also been tested on the AVS, no modifications needed.

    Besides music there are the standard stereo-like controls to control the album and accompanying lyrics.

    Just to note, the band is handling all sales and such, I do not have anything to do with that. If you have any questions reach out to them on social media. They've been great to work and their communication is superb.

    *The expansion chip can be inserted without any damage to your original NES, it only involves taking it apart, inserting the board, and putting it back together. Alternatively, if you don't feel like doing that, you can cut off that bottom piece under the removable cover and quickly insert the board.



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  12. Neurovoider arrived today! I was hesitant to order from Red Art Games. No one had spoken up as to whether or not they had ordered from them before, their communication/clarity of purchase was poor, and the tracking info they sent went straight to a 404. BUT it is here, so they're real! Might have to spring for Xeodrifter now, though I have it on the 3DS eShop and I'd probably prefer to play with the hinged screen, we'll see.

  13. I'd say too that with Switch collecting I try to do my research beforehand and only pick up the games that I truly think that I'll enjoy. If I am picking something up it is usually a limited release type deal since the AAA stuff will come down eventually and I'm not that into it anyways (Octopath being the one first party game that I have out of ~20). I'm also avoiding all collector's editions (my brief step into 3DS buying burned me out on those pretty quick), which keeps the obsessive urge to have everything down and prices more reasonable. It keeps it more fun though.

  14. 2 hours ago, attakid101 said:

    just picked up the Radiant Historia remake for my 3DS. Love it so far.

    Awesome to hear! I was super excited for the remake, bought it day one, but I did not enjoy it. They imported a lot of the conventions of modern games whereas the original adhered to earlier styles of gameplay. I played it for a few hours and then turned it off and popped the original in. The changes bugged me, but that could largely be due to the fact that they changed what I was used to. If you don't have that baggage I'm sure you'll have a great time (or if you don't mind modern conventions then it'll probably be a great time as well). There is just so much depth to the game; great narrative, engaging battles, you name it!

  15. The DS was probably my favorite to collect for. I got the system new in college, and had a good collection of games, but once prices started to tank then it became really fun. Picking up games at GameStop for $4-10 a pop knowing that they would shoot up was rewarding. I'd drive all over the Portland area checking stores, and even years later it was still easy to find diamonds in the rough since stores seemed to not be as aggressive with handheld prices. The sheer amount of RPGs meant that there was always something else to find, and play for that matter. I only have seventy something games for the system, but outside of maybe five I would say that the rest are still of interest, meaning that they are playable.

    That is probably the last system that I will collect for like that, which is a sad passing. I mostly buy Switch these days, and not much of it at that, but they're all new and it isn't a hunt. NES homebrews too have fallen into the categories of either having to buy new, or with the old ones that I am missing they are well outside my budget. Both are still fun, but nothing like what collecting for the DS was like. I tried to reignite things with the 3DS, but stores never seem to have used games for the system in stock, and when they do the prices are much higher by comparison (still managed to grab Cave Story with the lenticular cover for $12 though!). All the more reason to play the games that I have on the shelf rather than spend time driving around town looking for stuff that is not there. If there is something that I really want to play or put on the shelf, buying it off of a member here or eBay is much easier, and nearly as rewarding.

  16. 2 hours ago, Fleck586 said:

    It seems to. I don't know if you knew this, but they invented a way to turn volume up and down where if you don't want to hear something, you don't have to. It's an amazing invention. Lol!

    In all seriousness, why would that be the nail in the coffin for you? I'm really enjoying the game.

    A personal preference, I don't like talkies, I just want to sit and read at my leisure. Besides putting the voices in my head (like movies do to books), they also rush you along. No stopping if someone comes into the room, no taking your time to figure out what they mean. The problem with the volume thing is that if main parts of the story are voice only, you miss things. I'm trying to get into them, really I am (starting with Eternal Blue a couple of weeks ago), but it's tough to sit through. There are too many other games I could find to enjoy if I'm not going to enjoy a central element of a game's design. That list gets somewhat harder with modern consoles, which is why I ask ahead of time before wasting the money. Even with the DS there is a large pile that I'm afraid I will never get to due to picking up any and every RPG I could find.

    Shoot, Ni No Kuni has been translated for the DS, forgot about that! Done.


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