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Everything posted by Razzie.P

  1. There’re are plenty for me, but off the top of my head – God Of War 2018 (PS4) – I played and finished it, but was mostly bored to tears. I never really saw a reason to strategically fight, as button mashing seems to have gotten me through it just fine. But the thing that really bored me was the groan inducing “walk n’ talk” type of non-gameplay that they pulled from Last of Us and Uncharted 4. Far, far too much of the game was just “let’s walk forward or paddle on a boat while listening to dialog” Inside – Played through this one multiple times (PC and again on PS4) and just it just never clicked with me. It seems like long stretches of just holding right on the control pad admiring the pretty aesthetic. And the twist at the end had me rolling with laughter, so the intended emotional response was lost on me, I suppose. Sonic, the whole damn franchise, it seems. Tried them in real time on Sega Genesis, thought they were crap. Heard nothing but good things about Mania, so I picked it up, thought it was crap, too. It’s all about speed… but nope… slow down and collect those rings, I suppose. But go fast! But slow down. WTF, game? Breath of the Wild. I only played this for a few hours, and plan to come back to in with high hopes that it just hooks me in and I absolutely love it. But the weapon breakage and short , “few minute long” dungeon things let me wanting to play something else whenever I booted it up.
  2. Just started Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom today. Well, kind of.. I got it at launch and played it for a couple of hours, but got distracted by something else and didn't go back. So I guess I re-started Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom today.
  3. Hydlide on the NES. I got this game based on the cover, and was absolutely determined to like it despite the fact I had no idea what the heck to do. I enjoyed trying, I suppose, but I never got very far. This game and Impossible Mission (Atari 7800) were the only 2 games from my childhood that I wanted to finish, but simply couldn't. I now know that Impossible Mission had a reason, but not sure what Hydlide's excuse was.
  4. Somewhat of a copy n' paste from another forum, but interested in hearing some thoughts on this game. I’m never played any of these games in real time, so I was excited to check this one out. I passed on getting it at launch, though, due to all the “issues” that were mentioned, and when the development team apologized and said they’re working on fixes, it got moved to “wait and see.” Well, it’s now been fixed and is on sale on the eShop, so I figured it’s time. And…. I thought it was “ok.” Had a couple of really cool moments, and I plan to replay it a couple of times to see if it clicks, since it only took about an hour to finish (looked at the stats, and it shows my "end game" playtime was 49 minutes). I like a nice, short game that invites replay for new paths, high scores, etc, but seems like it should have had some difficultly to make you “earn it.” This was a straight shot from front to end on my first go. Over the years, so many people have told me about the game’s story and deep lore, that I think I may be missing something entirely. I saw none of that. Included manual, maybe? It must have won me over a bit, though, as I’m already looking forward to playing the next remake and Orta (which I believe I have, it or may be on Game Pass), so there’s that. Your thoughts on the game? Love/hate/indifference for the original, remake, gameplay, lore, etc?
  5. Same here. I tried one, and can't imagine going back. Since that first, I've picked up nearly 10 more, for a few of my spare NES consoles, and to upgrade friends' machines.
  6. Blades of Steel - NES I saw the title, no pics in a Sears (I think) catalog as a kid, and thought it was gonna be something that involves swords. I was a huge fan of ninjas, sword n' sorcery, medieval stories, etc, so something with swords was right up my alley! So I asked my grandma for Blades of Steel for my BDay. Boy, was I surprised when it arrived... I grew up in the Appalachian Mountains. We had no idea what the heck hockey was about. But, I gave it a chance and absolutely loved it. 3 decades and some change later, I'm a huge Hockey fan, and that little mistake started it all.
  7. Same here, expected arrival date is Monday. I had an original NT Mini, but since I always used my AVS more for HD NES, I ended up selling it to a friend who was pretty bummed they couldn't get one. But for some reason, as silly as it sounds, I'm more excited about the Noir than I was the original, so looking forward to it.
  8. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door I like most Mario games, but this one was really something special for me. Hell, the "whodunnit" train section alone was more amazing to me than most entire games.
  9. I decided to hold off a bit on the new consoles (I usually buy these things at launch) but man, reading about DS is killing me. If I haven't already cracked by then, I'm sure Ratchet and Clank will be the one that causes me to click a "buy now" button. I'm too weak to not buy this plus R&C.
  10. I haven't played it yet, but I got this for Christmas last year and my first thought was "this could be the best cover I've ever seen on a video game" Looking at it now, I dunno. But I do guess I need to make it a point to play it soon
  11. It's been a lot of years, but I remember being simply amazed by the ending to Planescape: Torment on the PC. The game may have multiple endings, I dunno -- but the one I got basically wrapped it all up with a "you can't can't change the nature of things, so here we go again" theme that has stuck with me more than any other game ending I can think of. But yeah, the previously mentioned "Conker's Bad Fur Day" had an amazing ending as well.
  12. Same here. I get that it's "no Thousand Year Door," as the critics like to say, but most things aren't --- I thought it was amazing from front to end. Sadly though, games like that tend to leave a bit of a hole when they're finished, so no matter what I try next, it never seems to satisfy that part of me that keeps thinking "I wish I was still back in that world..." The last game that impressed me though, would probably be Unravel on PS4. I don't think I've ever used "magical" to describe a game before, but Unravel changed that. That game was special. It's magical.
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