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Courier Kickstarter is live!


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I'm almost finished with the game and while I think it's a beautiful game and enjoy the atmosphere/humor, the gameplay is pretty meh. The combat is alright, "puzzle" elements and "discovery" elements are pretty good. I absolutely hate the hacking mini-game, it never fails to piss me off and each one of them takes me 50+ attempts. The timing windows are really tight and half the time I can't tell if I clicked too early, too late, hit the dpad twice, or what the hell killed me. It's by far the worst part of the game and probably makes up 50% of the gameplay, in my experience.

Frustrated to all hell. Despite being a pretty short game, I've had to put it down several times because I got annoyed at a hacking part, noticed I was pissed off and not enjoying myself, and figured I needed to take a break. I'm going to finish it out of habit, but not because I can't wait to get back to it.

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