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On 1/20/2023 at 8:55 PM, Tabonga said:

Doesn't make sense but it looks a bit odd to me. 

It's good that you think so because there are a ton of things wrong with that photo!

The first clue that this is a paste-up is of course the joke itself.  And he doesn't appear to be actually holding anything up either.  There is a brown shape sticking up just above the top of the truck bed apparently between the guy's legs.  A box?  No, just a couple of thin shapes placed to suggest that something is behind the close leg and in front of the far leg.  So why would someone do that?  Well, for one it helps to provide the illusion that there is actually someone in the back of the truck.  And for two it helps to create the illusion that the legs which have been photoshopped in are in separate planes of space as they should be rather than being in the same plane as is  typically the case with photoshopped pics.  There is another thin brown strip further forward in/on the truck bed that looks to be in the same plane as the other side of the truck bed on account of the fact that it does not have other objects (legs) providing the illusion that it is in front of something in the bed and behind something else that is also in the bed.  See how that works?  

But again, why would those shapes be placed there?  It has to do with the guy allegedly in the back of the truck being pasted in from at least 4 different pieces.  Take a closer look.  The pants on the guy's far leg go up over the butt, but wait a sec. The guy's shirt is also going down over the butt, but it promptly changes to the same color as the pants when it reaches the butt.  That's a sloppy paste-up.  Now look at the close leg.  The guy is wearing pants right?  So why is the close leg bare from the knee down?  Maybe one-leg-cut-off-one-leg-not-cut-off-pants is a style I missed out on somewhere along the line but I don't think so.  It's a different leg.  Now you know why the black smudge is there.  It's to cover up this 3-way intersectional abomination.  If it wasn't there, you might notice that the "far" leg is going over the shirt and appears to be in the same plane as the "other" close leg, or worse, in front of it.  Someone will say: "he just has his shirt tucked in, in back and hanging out in front.  Wrong.  Do shirts change color on the back precisely at the point at which they cover the butt to perfectly match the color of the pants?  No, they do not.  

As I said, there are a ton of things wrong with this picture, so I'll just point out a couple additional oddities.   Look at the "bicep" of the guy's close arm.  That area is "ghosty" and looks to be made of taffy that someone pulled on until it stretched thin.  If his arm really looks like that he should be getting paid to be a zombie in some movie.  Another bad paste up.  The area along the front of the shirt is "ghosty" and weird looking as well.  Weird enough that I don't even feel like commenting beyond pointing out that stuff like that makes the final cut just to see if anyone is paying attention.

Then there is the "other guy" in the rosy colored shirt.  I say "other guy" because it is in all likelihood just a partial torso taken from a different picture of the same person that the one in the bed of the truck was taken from.  This is also a typical shameless tactic in paste-ups.  The less obvious thing wrong with it is that it's much too small compared to the other bodies in this photo.  It looks to be in a plane much further back than it is-another typical problem found in these kinds of pics.  The more obvious thing wrong is this: The torsos arm is pressed up against the torso and the hand is on the truck, meaning the rest of the body should be right next to the other side of the truck as well but it isn't because there is no rest of the body, just a partial torso.  Look at the ground on the other side of the truck.  You should see some feet there, but of course, there aren't any.

It's only a meme, the point of which is to be funny which it is; but you'd be surprised how common it is for photos like this one to show up in other places as well, and how common it is for Frankenstein stuff like this to fly.  Are we too dumb to figure out what we're looking at?  I don't think so.  I think we're all just conditioned from birth to believe uncritically in what we're shown even if it is a false reality hidden in plane sight. 

Screen Shot 2023-01-27 at 10.06.43 AM.png

Screen Shot 2023-01-27 at 9.14.10 AM.png

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22 minutes ago, Link said:






Years ago at a wedding reception, my wife's grandparents were getting ready to leave and her Grandma asked her Grandpa how many beers he had drank.  He response was, "I don't know Rose.  I was drinking them, not counting them."  I always loved that response.  

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2 hours ago, TDIRunner said:

Years ago at a wedding reception, my wife's grandparents were getting ready to leave and her Grandma asked her Grandpa how many beers he had drank.  He response was, "I don't know Rose.  I was drinking them, not counting them."  I always loved that response.  

Once, years and years ago on the 4th of July, my brother in law brought himself a 6 pack of his favorite bottled beer to enjoy while we were setting off fireworks.  My sister in law comes along, snags one out of the pack, sits down next to him with the pack in between them, and begins to drink her beer.  Some time goes by (I'm not sure how much, as I was the one doing all the prep and execution for the fireworks show), my sister in law finishes her beer, then reaches her hand over to grab another one without looking, finds nothing, feels around, still finds nothing, then turns to see an empty pack and my brother in law sitting slumped a little with a partially empty bottle in his hands.  Apparently, she'd pulled the second beer out of the pack when sitting down, so she turns sideways and goes, "Sidney, how many beers did you drink?"  My brother in law turns his head to look at her, then looks back at his hand, starts trying to figure out the math and finally goes, "...two...?"  My sister in law, not impressed, points at the empty case and goes, "Well, you had one, then I had one, and now there aren't any, so try again."  My brother in law looks at her again, looks at his hand again, gets this look of absolute concentration on his face, starts flicking his fingers like he's counting, looks back at here again and goes, "...three...?"  🤣

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1 hour ago, BlackVega said:

YYYYYYYYYY I don't get it???

It's making fun of "tuner" culture where somebody adding a gawky, out of place spoiler to their car seem to believe that it somehow makes it 30x faster than it was before.  While not displayed directly here, there's a bit of a parallel with this practice with car folks and people who RGB the heck out of their PCs--both just serve to change the look of their respective machines, but don't actually add anything to the functionality, although the people who go gaga over such things seem to believe they do.

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10 hours ago, Tulpa said:

My apologies if this song is stuck in your head now.



(Who am I kidding, sorry not sorry.)


Considering that the roads of England meander a bit, I'm spitballing that "500 miles" would have been from Leith, Scotland to the English Channel.  Another 500 miles from there would likely as far as Spain, North Italy or West Austria.  There are some serious mountains in that area, so the straight line distance, point-to-point, gets the picture across.  The dudes saying he'd walk all of the United Kingdom and 1/3 of Europe?!  Weak.  He should be willing to at least cover all of the EU (even if that wasn't a thing back then.)

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