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Sony Project Q -- New Handheld

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Editorials Team · Posted

So... like a Vita, but not a standalone console with its own library of games.

Or like a Switch, but where you are tethered to you console, and instead of $300 it's $500 + whatever this is gonna run for?

Or a Wii U...

We shall see.  I seriously doubt I get this.

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Project Q is a device with an 8-inch screen that lets you play PlayStation 5 games using Sony’s Remote Play system, streaming them from your PS5 over Wi-Fi “when you’re away from your TV,” in the words of the press release. It looks like a DualSense controller chopped in half and attached to either end of a Switch’s midsection.

Here’s what it’s not: a true handheld console, or a cloud gaming device. The games are run locally on your PS5, and with no cellular connection, Project Q won’t work on the move, unless the plane or train you’re on happens to have an extremely robust Wi-Fi connection or you invest in a 5G hub on a good network. (Sony says Project Q requires “at least 5 Mbps” to use, with “a better play experience” needing at least 15 Mbps.) The games must be installed on the PS5, too, which rules out using Project Q with the cloud gaming service that’s part of Sony’s PlayStation Plus subscription offering.

So the questions are: What does Project Q bring to the table? And why is Sony investing in Remote Play with a dedicated device now, 17 years in?

The point of Project Q, presumably, is that it will offer the ideal, no-compromise Remote Play solution around the home, with the greatest ease of use. But what it won’t do is offer any more than that, and it is duplicating work other devices you already own can do.

So, based upon everything I've heard so far, I suspect this will not be a "hit" and I don't mean "big hit" I just suspect this is going to be ill received, especially since rumor is it will be anywhere between $200-300.

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From that description can’t you already do that with a phone with their remote play app? Sure, the screen isn’t as big but at least it’s free and you can use different controllers.

I really don’t understand who this is for. Valve and Nintendo must be laughing at this attempt.

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