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The 2023 Backlog Challenge

Reed Rothchild

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4 hours ago, Sumez said:

In the case of Ion Fury, the issue isn't so much the length of stages, but the fact that every single encounter can potentially begin with an enemy one-shotting you with hitscan weapons before you even see them.

Yeah, one thing I can appreciate about the original Build trilogy is that they mostly toned down the hitscan enemies knowing how frustrating of a design they can be. That's not to say they didn't have their own obnoxious, run-ending foes...like the dynamite zombies in Shadow Warrior or any enemy equipped with rockets. There's also the perpetual threat that the player represents to themselves when using similar weapons. Collision detection and map/object boundaries can be deceptive. Yeesh!

Edited by Webhead123
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7 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

I can already tell Ion Fury is gonna land at a 5/10, at best.  Had a lot more fun with Dusk.  Will share full thoughts once I finish.

I'll be curious to hear your thoughts. I quite enjoyed Dusk and can appreciate the smartness of a lot of its design. I've never liked the feel of the Quake engine and it's imitators as much as the Doom or Build engines though and that was the only part of Dusk that I had personal quibbles with. But that's such a minor and completely petty nitpick that I don't dare hold it against the game.

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Been a little less busy recently on the gaming front, but I've managed to work my way through a couple more games:

  • Witch n Wiz (NES)—8/10—A Catrap-inspired puzzle game, this game is absolutley oozing with fun ideas and personality. Each new idea is used in ten-ish stages, with the first four or five being introductions to the mechanic. I won't spoil any mechanics here, but they're all well done. However, because there are so many different mechanics, most of the stages were significantly easier than older puzzle games with fewer mechanics.

    I also went back and forth on what to rate this game. If this came out during the NES's lifetime, it'd be a 9 all day. However, I've seen most of these mechanics in other puzzle games, and I wouldn't be shocked if they've all been done before. That's why I ended up going with an 8. However, that doesn't keep it from being a fantastic time. I highly recommend it, especially for those who are looking for a beginner friendly place to start in this genre.
  • Star Versus (NES)—6/10—This game is significantly harder to describe. It's...like a more complicated Asteroids with a hint of Geometry Wars thrown in. Your spaceship has swords for close combat, can strafe, has two types of weapons, a shield, and tank controls. I would have liked to see larger numbers of enemies that take fewer hits (like Asteroids or Geometry Wars) and a simpler and smoother control scheme. In my opinion, fitting all that functionality on a NES controller was too ambitious. Enemies also take multiple hits, sometimes over ten, which makes it difficult to kill them effeciently without getting shot full of holes yourself. Beating the high score of 10,000 isn't terribly difficult, but it got me hooked long enough to try for a six-digit score, which takes some doing. Thankfully, the OST is awesome.

    I will say that I never tried the two player mode, which is both a competitive 1v1 mode and the main selling point of the game. I could see how the control scheme could shine more there.
  • Senran Kagura Bon Appetit Full Course (Vita)—7/10—A tittilating rhythm game that manages to capture a lot of the personality of the Senran Kagura series and gets a lot right. It's a surprisingly well executed 6-button (in Easy and Normal) or 8-button (Hard) rhythm game that looks and plays similarly to the Taiko Drum Master games.

    For me, the 31-song OST has a few low five-star songs, but no certifiable bangers. Nothing that I'm going to be putting on repeat or seeking out years or decades later. Songs with lyrics sound like well produced, generic anime songs. Instrumentals tend to go for a vareity of genres, but they don't do any genre particularly well.

    There's also the standard Senran Kagura content: plenty of nearly AO-rated cutscenes, outfits, pictures, and themes and a crazy storyline of granting whoever wins the cooking contest one wish. One girl ends up wishing for a refrigerator. The effort put into the story may be a little lacking compared to the mainline games, but it's certainly a much better effort than Peach Ball.

    However, this game commits the cardinal sin of music games: framerate drops. While rare, they do tend to happen when there's too much going on in the cooking montage. They also only last a second or two, but they're enough to cause you to miss notes or not hit notes perfectly.

    Overall, its a game that's not broken and definitely shows effort on the part of the developers, but doesn't necessarily shine in a genre with lots of heavy hitters and better offerings.
Edited by Philosoraptor
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Beyond Good and Evil is done


Since I recently finished my goals for the SNES and DS/3DS, I thought it might be time to go back to finish another console. I doubt I'll reach my overall goal of 50 games, but maybe I can at least hit some of my console specific goals.

This was such a fun, shorter than expected experience. I loved the variety of gameplay styles and mechanics and how they naturally fit into the story. Light action, light stealth, light aerial combat, light racing, light Pokemon Snap, light puzzle solving all meld for a full, well-rounded adventure.  Great music on top of that. I was enjoying the story, but did feel like it was a bit truncated at the end to possibly set up a sequel (and we all know how that's going, I think). Overall, it was a blast and I wish it was maybe one level longer.

After I beat it, I went and looked at the sequel trailer announcement as the alpha gameplay footage that Ubisoft released in 2017 and boy does that sound like a totally different game.  Honestly, it sounds more like Starfield than the genre-blending, character and environment focused game I played. It looked like a good game, but not one that fit the title. Space pirates is a much different story than planetary espionage.  Dozens of dense planets in a game that takes 100+hrs seems antithetical to the core of this. Maybe someone realized that and rebuilt it to match the core and that's causing the radio silence (like Metroid Prime 4).

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I ended up beating Super Robot Taisen and Ghost Sweeper Mikami over the weekend...

  • Super Robot Taisen—7.5/10—A short, but respectable SRPG. At thirteen chapters, getting through this game took me somewhere between eight and ten hours over a couple of days. The story is bare bones, the enemy AI is pretty simple, and stages are large and usually contain 10-25 enemies, including reinforcements. There are also a few defensive towers in every stage, which heal you if you occupy them. One unique aspect of this game is you can recruit almost any unit from the enemies' side to fight for you (I'm assuming aside from the final boss). The reason I ended up giving it a lower score is it can easily be cheesed right from the beginning, and the oversight ended up being large enough that it took all the strategy aspects out of the game. I didn't factor it into my final score, but it's also worth pointing out that the translation patch I used was kind of buggy. It would struggle to reorient the screen on your units after your enemies' turn, but moving your cursor does fix it. 
  • Ghost Sweeper Mikami—8/10—I was surprised by this one. It has a really fair difficulty curve, interesting stages, and varied normal and special attacks at your disposal. The standout stage has you riding on the back of a cat across the rooftops in Tokyo. It, however, only has seven stages and is quite linear. The whole thing might take an hour at most to get through.

    On a related note, what would y'all consider to be too short for a platformer? Like, where would it start impacting the score of the game in y'all's minds?


...but I'm really making this post to complain about Goemon's Great Adventure on the N64. I didn't even finish it. I didn't even get past the first area. Holy balls.

So, this game lacks a tutorial. One of the very first obstacles you encounter in the game are floating rails, which Goemon spins around like a gymnist. After spending 20 minutes trying to figure out how to launch myself in the correct direction, I read the manual, which didn't help. I ended up having to google it, and it turned out to be unintuitive. It didn't end up mattering where Goemon was as he swung around the pole; you just had to hold a direction on the control stick and press A. Strike 1. Jumping in this game is also very poorly implemented. Goemon's gravity in this game is similar to Fox's in Smash. Even with a double jump, his airtime is akin to a sumo wrestler's. Fine. Well, it would be fine if Goemon didn't have a nasty habit of also eating button inputs, especially double jumps. I died dozens of times to failed double jumps, and got hit dozens more. One of the worst is at the top of the last stage in the first area. After ten solid minutes of mind-numbing platforming, you come to a pit with a swing. There is an enemy that WILL time his shots to exactly when you need to jump on the swing and your double jump WILL not work. I got past it once in ten tries. Strike 2. Finally, at the end of the stage, after a relatively easy boss fight, you get to have a long, poorly-implemented giant robot battle. Die enough, and you get to do the whole stage again. Strike 3. I put about five hours into this game, and the most fun I had was running around the Edo period town. That's not what I'd call a good thing for a platformer. Good gawd. 2/10 Literally, the only reason it's getting a two is because the music was pretty good and the Edo town was cool. Otherwise, it's garbage. May God have mercy on the sould of whoever completes this game for the N64 completions thread.

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Editorials Team · Posted



  1. Elden Ring (10/10)
  2. Hades (9.5/10)
  3. Deathloop (9/10)
  4. Baba Is You (9/10)
  5. Doom Eternal (9/10)
  6. Gradius V (8.5/10)
  7. Control (8.5/10)
  8. Super Mario 3D World/Bowser's Fury (with the kids) (8.5/10)
  9. God of War (8.5/10)
  10. MGS: The Twin Snakes (8.5/10)
  11. Resident Evil 2 (8.5/10)
  12. Ori & the Will of the Wisps (8.5)
  13. Ghost of Tsushima (8/10)
  14. Sin & Punishment (8/10)
  15. Nier Automata (8/10)
  16. Dusk (8/10)
  17. Into the Breach (8/10)
  18. Nioh (8/10)
  19. Deus Ex (7.5/10)
  20. Hellblade (7.5/10)
  21. Dark Souls II (7.5/10)
  22. Ace Attorney 2 (7.5/10)
  23. Uncharted 4 (7.5/10)
  24. Eternal Darkness (7/10)
  25. Xenoblade (7/10)
  26. Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold (7/10)
  27. Yakuza Kiwami (7/10)
  28. Resident Evil 3 (7/10)
  29. Onimusha (7/10)
  30. What Remains of Edith Finch (6.5/10)
  31. Paper Mario (6.5/10)
  32. Everblue 2 (6.5/10)
  33. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order (6.5/10)
  34. Yoku's Island Express (6.5/10)
  35. Dear Esther (6/10)
  36. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II (6/10)
  37. Pilotwings 64 (6.0/10)
  38. Contra Shattered Soldier (6/10)
  39. Strife (6/10)
  40. A Short Hike (6/10)
  41. Mischief Makers (6/10)
  42. La Pucelle (5.5/10)
  43. Buck Bumble (5.5/10)
  44. Indigo Prophecy (5.5/10)
  45. Yoshi's Story (4.5/10)
  46. Winback (4/10)


  1. Shenmue (crap)
  2. Ion Fury (okay)
  3. House of Fata Morgana (too early to tell)
  4. Shadowgate (okay)

Not started

  1. Last of Us Part II
  2. Danganronpa
  3. Trails in the Sky
  4. Prey
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Editorials Team · Posted

So, some thoughts on Nioh.

  • Doing Sekiro, DS2, and Elden Ring in the last year kept me fresh, so I had a pretty easy time.  Nothing blocked me especially bad, and I was pretty levelled throughout the playthrough. Partially because I did lots of side missions, and partially because I lost very few souls.  Really I just had one death where I lost any substantial amount.
  • I was able to one shot a lot of the endgame bosses even, including Nobunaga.  And I never really had to stray from the axe and mid stance, other than trying to pursue titles.
  • I do love the titles, and pursuing permanent upgrades.
  • None of the levels are memorable.  I loved Elden Ring's world in comparison.
  • I literally never had a single magic spell.
  • Ninja stuff was also never upgraded, so was basically worthless.
  • I barely touched the DLC.  I was burnt out on the gameplay and couldn't do it for 30 more hours right now.
  • I'll probably save Nioh 2 for 2025.  Give myself a break and target DS3 and Bloodborne next year.
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Wilmot's Warehouse is done


It's a cozy little timewaster with great ambient music. Basically you're this little square that needs to manage an ever growing warehouse and deliver stuff under a strict time limit. After every 3 deliveries, you can have unlimited time to reorganize the place as you see fit. You can also earn various upgrades, like a dash or a robot helper, or open more floor space.  Ultimately, the goal is to unlock all 200 different items and it does take quite some doing to fit them all in a way that makes sense, but it's not overly difficult or stressful.  I learned of this from some streamers/YouTubers years ago, bought it and made it to 140/200 items and stopped. Getting to the last 60 required another warehouse revamp but it was smooth sailing from there. A great title for those that have that compulsion to organize things

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Administrator · Posted

I beat Kaycee's Mod, the DLC for Inscryption. Not particularly long, but it's basically exactly what I wanted when I beat the main game and said to myself "Man that first part was really engaging, I wish there was more of that". If you've not played Inscryption I highly suggest it, it's easily one of if not the best game I've played so far this year.

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Editorials Team · Posted



  1. Elden Ring (10/10)
  2. Hades (9.5/10)
  3. Deathloop (9/10)
  4. Baba Is You (9/10)
  5. Doom Eternal (9/10)
  6. Gradius V (8.5/10)
  7. Control (8.5/10)
  8. Super Mario 3D World/Bowser's Fury (with the kids) (8.5/10)
  9. God of War (8.5/10)
  10. MGS: The Twin Snakes (8.5/10)
  11. Resident Evil 2 (8.5/10)
  12. Ori & the Will of the Wisps (8.5)
  13. Ghost of Tsushima (8/10)
  14. Sin & Punishment (8/10)
  15. Nier Automata (8/10)
  16. Dusk (8/10)
  17. Into the Breach (8/10)
  18. Nioh (8/10)
  19. Deus Ex (7.5/10)
  20. Hellblade (7.5/10)
  21. Dark Souls II (7.5/10)
  22. Ace Attorney 2 (7.5/10)
  23. Uncharted 4 (7.5/10)
  24. Eternal Darkness (7/10)
  25. Xenoblade (7/10)
  26. Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold (7/10)
  27. Yakuza Kiwami (7/10)
  28. Resident Evil 3 (7/10)
  29. Onimusha (7/10)
  30. What Remains of Edith Finch (6.5/10)
  31. Paper Mario (6.5/10)
  32. Everblue 2 (6.5/10)
  33. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order (6.5/10)
  34. Yoku's Island Express (6.5/10)
  35. Dear Esther (6/10)
  36. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II (6/10)
  37. Pilotwings 64 (6.0/10)
  38. Contra Shattered Soldier (6/10)
  39. Strife (6/10)
  40. A Short Hike (6/10)
  41. Mischief Makers (6/10)
  42. La Pucelle (5.5/10)
  43. Buck Bumble (5.5/10)
  44. Indigo Prophecy (5.5/10)
  45. Shadowgate (5/10)
  46. Yoshi's Story (4.5/10)
  47. Winback (4/10)


  1. Shenmue (crap)
  2. Ion Fury (okay)
  3. House of Fata Morgana (too early to tell)

Not started

  1. Last of Us Part II
  2. Danganronpa
  3. Trails in the Sky
  4. Prey
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Maneater is done


This finishes my PS5 goals for the year and is a perfect example of why I decided to build in options for each console. When I started the year, I thought for sure I would try to grind out Returnal, maybe choose AC: Valhalla as my super long game (even though I knew TOTK was coming), and assumed I would be playing Bugsnax. Maneater was low on the priority list, but we're nearing the end of the year and I knew it would be pretty short. I hit a wall on Returnal in January and didn't feel like banging my head against it more.

Even though Maneater wasn't my first choice for PS5, it is still a fun game. Thankfully it's also short enough that the repetitiveness of its gameplay doesn't become a burden.  There's a mini-collect-a-thon aspect that gets my brain firing and the 100% in each area is easy to accomplish once you're leveled-up enough.  The combat took a little getting used to, and I probably wasn't handling some of the boss encounters right, but I had absolutely no problem taking down the final encounter.  There are different evolution bodies you can equip, but I stuck with the bone for extra damage and shield. There weren't any specific circumstances that caused you to switch for progression either, which was odd. The levels are all pretty short and it's a game you could easily just throw on for a few minutes to knock out a couple objectives or play for a couple hours.  Don't know if I would go for the DLC, but this was a good time.

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Editorials Team · Posted

Ion Fury

It was okay.  Pretty fun throughout,but never approaching any sort of greatness.  Had to save scum throughout, and the balancing was a mess.  Pro tip: use the crossbow's full charge alt fire against bosses.  Final boss was annoying as shit too.


  1. Elden Ring (10/10)
  2. Hades (9.5/10)
  3. Deathloop (9/10)
  4. Baba Is You (9/10)
  5. Doom Eternal (9/10)
  6. Jamestown+ (9/10)
  7. Gradius V (8.5/10)
  8. Control (8.5/10)
  9. Super Mario 3D World/Bowser's Fury (with the kids) (8.5/10)
  10. God of War (8.5/10)
  11. MGS: The Twin Snakes (8.5/10)
  12. Resident Evil 2 (8.5/10)
  13. Ori & the Will of the Wisps (8.5)
  14. Ghost of Tsushima (8/10)
  15. Sin & Punishment (8/10)
  16. Nier Automata (8/10)
  17. Dusk (8/10)
  18. Into the Breach (8/10)
  19. Nioh (8/10)
  20. Deus Ex (7.5/10)
  21. Hellblade (7.5/10)
  22. Dark Souls II (7.5/10)
  23. Ace Attorney 2 (7.5/10)
  24. Uncharted 4 (7.5/10)
  25. Eternal Darkness (7/10)
  26. Xenoblade (7/10)
  27. Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold (7/10)
  28. Yakuza Kiwami (7/10)
  29. Resident Evil 3 (7/10)
  30. Onimusha (7/10)
  31. What Remains of Edith Finch (6.5/10)
  32. Paper Mario (6.5/10)
  33. Everblue 2 (6.5/10)
  34. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order (6.5/10)
  35. Yoku's Island Express (6.5/10)
  36. Dear Esther (6/10)
  37. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II (6/10)
  38. Pilotwings 64 (6.0/10)
  39. Contra Shattered Soldier (6/10)
  40. Strife (6/10)
  41. A Short Hike (6/10)
  42. Ion Fury (6/10)
  43. Mischief Makers (6/10)
  44. La Pucelle (5.5/10)
  45. Buck Bumble (5.5/10)
  46. Indigo Prophecy (5.5/10)
  47. Shadowgate (5/10)
  48. Yoshi's Story (4.5/10)
  49. Winback (4/10)


  1. Shenmue (crap)
  2. House of Fata Morgana (too early to tell)

Not started

  1. Last of Us Part II
  2. Danganronpa
  3. Trails in the Sky
  4. Prey
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I finished Super Mario 64. Man, what a game. I don’t think I can say anything that’s not been said before. I never once got tired of playing and enjoyed it thoroughly through the end. Such great levels. The Wing Cap stars were the only two that messed with me, I expected some of 100 coin ones too but they did not. Such an amazing game despite the camera causing a few unnecessary deaths. This one feels great to have off the backlog. 10/10. 


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Trails in the Sky 3rd Chapter Evolution (Vita) - Beaten 29/9

If the second TITS game turned you off from all its re-use of locations, characters and other such assets, the third will likely be even more off-putting. The entirety of this game takes place in a strange alternate-reality world, employed primarily as the vessel for a compilation of disjointed Trails in the Sky bits and pieces. Almost like a set of B-sides that didn't make it into the main story of the first two games.


TITS3 does have a story of its own, but it is an excuse plot used mainly to delve into one character's backstory, and the majority of the game doesn't revolve around it. At its core, you're working your way through "floors" of this arbitrary world, where most of them are remixed versions of places you have been in the previous games. Throughout each floor you'll find several magical doorways, which lead to memory segments, classified by the game as either "short", "long", or "minigames". But don't be deceived, all of them are in fact extremely long cut-scenes, often focusing on one or two of the series' established characters, telling a small story from their life, completely unrelated to the main plot of the game.

These stories aren't particularly bad, but most of them are also so small-scale and irrelevant that they are rarely very interesting either, but each can easily end up eating an hour or your time or more.
This gives the game a serious pacing challenge, because most of the time you just want to move through the dungeon, fighting enemies and bosses to progress, but if you don't explore one of the doors ever so often, they are gonna pile up and kill the pace even more when you eventually decide to sit through a number of them in a row, in order to not miss out on any part of the game. Technically, I don't think you need to do even a single one of them, but ultimately they are the game's core content in terms of storytelling.

I'm not sure exactly how much the original version of this game differs from the previous ones in terms of gameplay, because I played the "Evolution" remake on PS Vita (backed out of playing the PC version, because I really need a game of this type to be handheld to make any progress in it).
This version looks and feels a bit smoother than the PSP games did, and now nearly every single line of dialogue is voiced. To my surprise, I think that actually adds a lot of character to the game which was very welcome, even if I don't understand Japanese.
And reportedly it has a bunch of tweaks to how it plays, but unless a lot of these improvements were also in the original release, it means I enjoy the remake hell a lot more. Magic and attacks are balanced a little different, so attack magic doesn't render everything else useless by comparison, and this also gives support magic a lot more relevance. But the most important difference is that not only does the combat suffer from less waiting, there is also a speed-up button to ensure simply entering a battle isn't as devastating a waste of time as it was in the previous games. You can even attack enemies in the overworld now to make it easier to give you an advantage, and even earn bonus EXP.
It's a fun metagame which made combat feel like a much more intended part of the core game experience to me this time around, but had the drawback that it means you'll be able to win every single regular encounter without enemies even taking a single action, which doesn't feel super involving.

All of the bosses also fall very quickly with little to no strategy needed, but at least towards the end of the game there are a couple which do require a specific approach in order to have a better winning chance. I think it's positive that enemies are less bloated with HP this time around however, since some bosses in TITS2 especially really did feel unnecessarily drawn out. In hindsight I would have enjoyed this game more on a higher difficulty level, but given my experiences with the previous games it's not something I dared dedicating myself to.


My take is pretty much the same as everyone else told me up-front. The game is not an essential part of the "Trails in the Sky" story arc which was concluded with the previous game, so it can easily be skipped. It's not a bad game though, and there are a few story bits that clearly tie into some of the next chapters of the overarching series (namely Trails from Zero and probably Trails of Cold Steel as well), which keeps me engaged and curious to dive into the next game - eager to finally explore some new places and meet new characters.
If you're just going through all the Trails games for the story however, I think the gameplay and story is so segregated in this game that you'd get a just as fine experience out of just looking up the most important memory segments on YouTube and watching them there before moving on to the Crossbell Arc.


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Editorials Team · Posted
21 hours ago, Sumez said:

You guys think Reed is close to his goal, but what you haven't noticed is that he hasn't even started Trails in the Sky 1 yet.

Yeah, between TiTs, and the length of the two visual novels, we'll see if I can do it.  My 4K TV also suffered an unfortunate accident, so I don't plan on getting to the PS4 games for a little while either.  We'll see what sort of deals are offered with the upcoming prime day.

Shenmue will be deprioritized from the remaining group, so I'm not going to be too worked up if I don't get to it.  From what I've played it's aged like sour milk.

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Administrator · Posted
2 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Yeah, between TiTs, and the length of the two visual novels, we'll see if I can do it.  My 4K TV also suffered an unfortunate accident, so I don't plan on getting to the PS4 games for a little while either.  We'll see what sort of deals are offered with the upcoming prime day.

Shenmue will be deprioritized from the remaining group, so I'm not going to be too worked up if I don't get to it.  From what I've played it's aged like sour milk.

Do you have a Vita? Could play the ps4 games on that via remote play. 

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Editorials Team · Posted
1 minute ago, Gloves said:

Do you have a Vita? Could play the ps4 games on that via remote play. 

No.  We do have a number of 2K TVs, so, push come to shove I could probably just suck it up and do it that way.  I hear Last of Us Part II looks amazing though, so I feel like I owe it to myself to do it in 4K.  We'll see.

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