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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. You might want to browse the library supply companies for their offerings - here are just a couple of things I pulled up: https://www.demco.com/magazine-file-holders-assorted-colors https://www.demco.com/demco-reg-clear-choice-magazine-savers
  2. This is not available as a physical release but looks good: http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/review/59068/ruined-king-a-league-of-legends-story-switch-review There was a nice collector's edition released - the scalpers are already trying to make money on it but there are a limited number of copies still available from the publisher:
  3. AOC has the clout to start (i.e. organize) soup kitchens by recruiting her fellow travellers to fund it. Even Al Capone managed to run soup kitchens. (They were actually very popular (and successful in that they actually fed the poor.)) Or any number of charitable endeavors - god knows there are many long running successful private models out there. That might actually have a real benefit - probably not what we want though is it? Stop putting words in my mouth - I never proposed capitol punishment for minor crimes (I actually generally am not in favor of capitol punishment except in rare cases). But to not to try to stop this activity is just the first step of a long walk off a short pier to anarachy (but perhaps that is what some people want). Exactly what segment of society do you think these activities hurts the most? (And sure it is "ok" if the big bad capitalist takes it in the shorts* on shoplifiting - but that disregard for anything resembling order spreads to other crimes -which are generally perpetrated against those in geographical proximity to the perpetrators. Who are also likely in dire straits.) (You also seem to "know" a lot about my life history - whatever you "know" seems to drastically wrong though.) ----------------------------------------- So some clown mugs you (or yours) for your wallet and causes you long lasting brain damage are you going to be so phlegmatic about it that it is ok since they likely needed the money/credit cards more than you? *Until what is likely a marginal operation to begin with shuts the doors and no longer serves the community (and likely many of the workers live in that community - so we have the added bonus of putting them in desperate straits too). One hell of an effective plan. Does the term "food wasteland" ring any bells?
  4. Cloud Cuckoo Land is a place like no other. Why doesn't AOC open up a soup kitchen?
  5. Somtimes (albeit rarely) words just fail me: https://nypost.com/2022/01/26/second-shocking-video-of-shoplifting-at-rite-aid-emerges/?utm_medium=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPTwitter&utm_campaign=SocialFlow
  6. The jack manufacturer is no doubt responsible too. Maybe the car manufacturer for failing to put a quick release mechanism on the catalytic converter.
  7. Another case of poetic justice. https://www.wral.com/sheriff-man-killed-while-trying-to-steal-catalytic-converter-near-zebulon/20100729/ One of the first things my old man taught me about vehicles was never to get under one when held up by just a jack(s).
  8. On a federal level CBD is legal - but state (and sometimes local) laws are all over the place on it. https://tanasi.com/blog/is-cbd-legal-in-all-50-states/
  9. When Colorado legalized pot Nebraska law enforcement began shaking down cars with Colorado plates going into Nebraska on the flimsiest of pretexts in order to search the cars for it since it was (and still is) illegal there. Idaho pulls the same crap.
  10. It looks really good - the only downside I see is that you only have 4 characters - the more the merrier IMHO in these games.
  11. So many games so little time - another switch physical release:
  12. A golf game with a different spin (coming out on switch physical):
  13. https://news.yahoo.com/polar-bear-twin-cubs-active-041607928.html
  14. https://news.yahoo.com/man-faces-20-years-prison-031215935.html
  15. Between the catch and release illegals and the personal recognizance bonds it makes you wonder how many scoundrels, scofflaws, footpads, jacklegs and much worse are running around on the streets preying on the rest of us there are.
  16. You just couldn't make this story up: https://www.sunjournal.com/2022/01/21/police-northern-maine-couple-arrested-after-bogus-money-used-at-the-county-jail/
  17. Crunch them up and put them on caesar salad.
  18. Two guys try to stiff the Irish government: https://news.yahoo.com/two-men-propped-dead-mans-043035385.html
  19. I missed it too - just noticed that you can still order it.
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