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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. One of the reasons I consider myself an accidental collector at best - more a person who really really liked playing video games and over the years (most in pretty prime years) have gathered a respectable batch by today's standards. I do admit to buying a lot of switch games but only buy ones I (hopefully) will actually play.
  2. I have some undersize props to go with it! Land of the Giants!
  3. Last time I wanted to show it off Mrs. Tabonga wouldn't let me.......
  4. They could just lie - I doubt virtually all visitors to their abodes would know the difference (and truth be told likely wouldn't care) - on line who the f is gonna know?
  5. So they are collecting for others rather than themselves? Like I said I really don't get the whole full set deal anyway....................
  6. Ward - the Beaver is in trouble again! https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/news/british-columbia-internet-outage-caused-by-beaver/
  7. I just got a notification that this is being shipped from Strictly LImited Games: I pre-ordered at the end of February - so this is pretty fast for Strictly Limited Games.
  8. I often wonder why collectors of full sets (which I only vaguely get in any event) worry about what other people think constitutes a full set - collect what you think is a full set for crying out loud.
  9. There was a companion book to that one: https://www.amazon.com/Barlowes-Guide-Fantasy-Douglas-Barlowe/dp/0061052388 Here is another one I have that I really like: https://www.amazon.com/Wanted-Criminals-Intergalactic-Security-Full-Color/dp/055301224X This is a really neat one - it has gotten terribly pricey but it was published under a different title which is a lot lot cheaper (which is in this video):
  10. Where is Davy Crockett when you need him? https://www.sunherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article262464297.html
  11. I will bet her customer service skills were just ace!
  12. I am just guessing she is not going to get even a neutral referral! https://www.kktv.com/2022/06/10/fired-little-caesars-pizza-employee-shoots-manager-who-wouldnt-rehire-her-police-say/
  13. I know what you mean since I like game maps a lot - I really prefer cloth but will grab paper ones since that is what most games came with - I do put them opened in vinyl sheet protectors though so they don't get folded and unfolded (which is not so good for the crease lines).
  14. According to their manufacture updates page they should be shipping soon. The unshipped titles are at the bottom of the list. https://www.strictlylimitedgames.com/manufacture-updates-2/
  15. And so it goes....... https://news.yahoo.com/u-midwest-may-summer-power-151312028.html
  16. Could be - in any event I find humorous historical events to be as entertaining as humorous current events......
  17. Oops!!!!! https://news.yahoo.com/driver-outruns-cops-one-most-210000189.html
  18. I used to read that strip in the daily newspaper in Minnesota when I was young.
  19. This is available for pre-order at Strictly Limited: There is another edition like this with two books - but those are in really limited supply.
  20. The whole kit and caboodle! https://news.yahoo.com/louisiana-mans-video-kitten-ambush-180858717.html
  21. More good news: https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/19/us/blackouts-summer-heat-extreme-weather/index.html
  22. Who doesn't like a masked booby? https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/state/north-carolina/article262299812.html
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