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Posts posted by BortLicensePlate

  1. 21 minutes ago, MegaMan52 said:

    Haven't seen @Nostalgic Machine in almost a year. I remember he made the Mega Man 2 is overrated topic on NintendoAge (which I appreciated) and we talked a little, but then he left, then came back, and then NintendoAge...well, you know. I know he joined Video Game Sage and remember him posting last year, but haven't seen him in quite a while.

    I also remember Bert/Nert and Loxx...didn't really get along with the latter on NintendoAge.

    I'm still here mang 😁 just changed my name

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  2. 1 minute ago, DoctorEncore said:

    I think it looks cool too! They just recently doubled the games for season one and increased the price a bit. I'll be preordering for sure.

    Awesome! Yeah I'm planning on putting an order in. Double the games is great, hopefully the update will show a lot of the games they're offering 

    • Like 1
  3. 23 hours ago, Tabonga said:

    The studio portion did give us one of the oddest song titles in rock: 

    "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

    Three of their more overlooked albums (IMHO) are Obscured By Clouds, Atom Heart Mother (a lot of not so good music but it does have its high points) and the soundtrack to More (which includes one of my favorite songs of theirs).



    Big fan of Atom Heart Mother. I need to spend some more time with obscured by clouds, for whatever reason I haven't given it much of a shake yet. Their library is pretty vast 

    • Like 2
  4. 18 hours ago, SailorScoutMandy said:

    Crocheting. I've been doing it for over ten years now and I think I make really nice items now. I'm always trying something new to expand my skill, there is so much to learn. 

    pics or it didn't happen

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, mbd39 said:

    Animals is amazing. Probably Roger's best lyrics and vocals, and Dave's best guitar work.

    It was a toss up between Animals and Wish You Were Here. But I think I've listened to Animals the most, I could pop that in on repeat all day, such a great album

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, CasualCart said:

    There's a lot of love for Pink Floyd in here. I've never been able to get into their music, and it makes me feel like I must be missing something. 

    @Reed Rothchild @JamesRobot @BortLicensePlate @Webhead123 do you guys have good memories/nostalgia tied to Pink Floyd songs or are you drawn to them from a purely musical standpoint?


    I think for me the coolest thing about Pink Floyd is how their songs are very theatrical and dramatic. Like they how they are able to tell a story, with twists and turns, but a lot of the time with very few lyrics, more instrumentation. I also like how laid back a lot of the music is, its perfect for putting in the background and doing some work. 

    I did listen to them a lot in high school with my friends, so there is some nostalgia and memories tied to it, but those experiences just add to it. It's still great music regardless.

    • Like 3
  7. I remember being super hyped at launch for this thing. I had an Xbox 360 so I didnt get one right away. But I just remember there being a lot of interesting ideas at launch. Anyone remember the sixaxis controller and being able to throw enemies in heavenly sword and controlling them with the motion? Or that card game eye of judgement that used the playstation eye? Or lair where you could control a dragon with six axis?

    I know motion controls were a fad at this point but there was some really dumb, awesome stuff that came out of it.

    Also Im pretty sure a lot of these gimmicks didn't work particularly well but they had a lot of charm to them.

  8. 9 hours ago, Teh_Lurv said:

    Nope, you don't get the trademark or copyright to the digital item. All you essentially own is the code in a blockchain, but not the actual contents. Really all it serves is a proof of authenticity. An artist could create a unique NFT of digital art, right-click copy the artwork, and spread exact copies of the image all over the Internet. In theory, that NFT of the digital art still has worth because it's "authentic".

    Interesting. Yeah I definitely don't fully understand it. But hey, some artists are making a killing on it so good for them

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