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Everything posted by doner24

  1. I should say, a reasonable limit sell on AMC. Not a moon lander.
  2. Excited to see how next week plays out. I increased my position in AMC and bought some GME for fun, but nothing serious. It’s all on house money, so inclined to let it ride for awhile, but have a partial limit sell set on the AMC as of now.
  3. I increased my position. Still lots of shorts, even if they were able to hedge their potential losses today. To the tomorrow and I’ll try to dump bags with the bigs along the way!
  4. What the heck is gonna happen tomorrow if all places let them buy freely? I might increase my position in AMC, GameStop has too much risk at the bottom for me to mess with anymore...I think.
  5. I mean, the reality is that there is basically no chance AMC goes to 0. So the risk side of the play isn’t $8.80 per share.
  6. Ha, I deserve that. But it is much less than what I’ve been throwing around this week.
  7. I bought back into AMC earlier when it was $8.80. Just want to see what happens if they are allowed to be openly traded again on platforms like RH. Not a huge position, 500 shares for funsies.
  8. Totally wrong on what may cause the demise of AMC IMO. Huge TV’s have been cheap for years. The biggest thing they may change things, is the push to release movies via streaming platforms.
  9. This is such bullshit (not unexpected though). I got out on AMC at $13.40, was in at $8.56. Got the rest of my NAKD out at 300% gains from my buy in, and took small loss on both BB and SNDL. Will look to get back in at some point if they open trading back up for everyone. I use TD and haven’t been throttled yet.
  10. I’m hoping some big activists are joining the movement.
  11. I held, the nerds are raging and I believe in them. I took a huge profit on NAKD yesterday, so I’m playing on house money for all the meme stocks now.
  12. I’m ready for another fun day tomorrow. Holding tight on the NAKD, AMC and BB plays from earlier this week and added SNDL.
  13. So.....big money coming directly after Reddit and discord? Unreal how they stack the deck in their favor.
  14. NAKD has been my biggest winner today. Running like crazy after hours.
  15. Fun few days, can’t wait to see the rest of the week. In the words of Chamath, “I’m glad to be on the right side of history” Some advice for those new to this. Don’t be afraid to cash out 25-35% on the way up. At worst you will have some fun money if it crashes, at best you will have your tax liability covered if it booms.
  16. BB has some long term potential IMO, not the same as AMC or GME. I’m staying away from EXPR.
  17. Easy 10 for me. Even though I’m mostly tired of the radio hits, the rest of the catalog is incredible, spanning from rock, to blues to folksy Americana. Incredible musicianship, and judging by the videos I’ve seen the live performances were incredible too.
  18. Love the Dresden series. Bought the last book and haven’t read it yet. I am 3 books through the Codex Alera series and really dig it too. Read Aeronauts Windlass when it came out and really liked that one too, especially the cat.
  19. 2/10 - I hugely dislike Bono’s voice, and find little redeeming about the music, unlike a band like Rush, where even though I don’t like Geddy’s voice, I respect the music. Edge’s guitar playing is awful, all the wah wah pedal stuff is garbage. Just watch the guitar documentary with him, Jimmy Page and Jack White to see a fish out of water.
  20. Congrats on the achievement, sounds like it was a beast!
  21. Finish up the N64 CIB set. Need about 40 boxes and 6 manuals. Find the last SNES box I need. Finish the SNES million seller set. Only need 1 more CIB and need to trade out a couple manuals for the proper manual code. Track down the last 25 Gamepro issues I need.
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