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Everything posted by Richardhead

  1. Just so it’s not a Sunday surprise. I have already done better than @PII’s score. Just didn’t take a picture because I know I can do even better than that. I know that 3 people with “reserved” spots on page one haven’t posted yet. So I expect my score to get 3rd or fourth this week Want me to spill the beans aboot what clicked in my brain while I was playing trying my damndest to get 100k?
  2. Welp….. it finally clicked in my brain. this game now hurts my hands more than any game we’ve played so far.
  3. Stumbled upon this little gem for you Star Wars nerds. Not sure how it happened, but it happened after the first level. Gives you 3 lives if you beat it. But no points.
  4. You’re not taking time off. You’ll play Tiny Toons week and get into top 5.
  5. I don’t know. Getting to 190k took a decent amount of time. I think this game is all about patience with just a bit of luck.
  6. Eh. We will see. Haven’t had much of a chance to play much the rest of the week. Got myself a “temporary” promotion at work. So I’ve been trying to figure all that shit out. I do have tomorrow off though. So I plan on playing again some more tonight and tomorrow.
  7. I love VAGS political talk so much. This is fun. I’d like to thank Glovsie, my baby mama and her babies mama!
  8. Alright @avatar! you threw me a curve ball with the poll. There are so many other people I would vote for other than The Trumpster. But, I still voted Trump. I think there are so many people out there that would do this country proper. Bit since I said I’d vote Trump in the comments, that’s what I’m sticking with
  9. I’m just here to fuck up your algorithm. Anyone ever tell you you’re crazy ?
  10. White, black, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, Native American, and whatever race else I forgot. They literally don’t give a shit about us as people. Until we all get behind that, we will all be stuck in the rut we are currently in. That includes the whole world. Not just the good ol’ US OF A.
  11. The world is already burning. When we vote “for the lesser of two evils” we are already fucked. So what’s it matter who is president? Not a single one of these people care about us. can we get a poll?
  12. Can’t believe all the snipe hate. Fine. score updated. Hope this brings Doug back to play more this week. We can battle it out for 3rd or 4th place
  13. I’ve got a score higher than Doug. Can’t say it’ll hold up though.
  14. Are you sure? I have a better score that I’ll post on Sunday night.
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