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Silent Hill

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Everything posted by Silent Hill

  1. Hmmm. I was looking for some actual proof. Proof is in the videos. The guy who was shot in the arm had a pistol, and illegally as he's a felon. Also, I don't think "stop" is the right term here, they were trying to kill him. Hence the skateboard attack to the head and the armed felon rushing, with gun in hand, not holstered. And this armed felon has not been charged with anything, which is unreal. (Good video link here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8674391/Third-injured-Kenosha-shooting-victim-social-justice-activist.html) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2RJ-iv2VyQ https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/27/us/kyle-rittenhouse-kenosha-shooting-video.html It's 100% self-defense. He fled from each confrontation before being forced to defend himself. He even stopped to try and give medical aid to the first guy he shot, before the other crowd started chasing again with intent to greatly harm/kill him.
  2. At first, sure. Many cases start with a charge that becomes fluid throughout the investigation. They're still investigating, so he hasn't been convicted of first degree murder, they issued the warrant to bring him into custody. We'll see if the charges stick, change or get dropped as the investigation continues. Going by the videos, he was being attacked when he fired shots. If he just wanted an excuse to harm/kill someone, then the people who attacked him, and the person who threw a molotov at him, also just wanted an excuse to harm/kill someone. They're all "mixed up" people.
  3. If you think Billy Bootlicker wasn't excited to break out his assault rifle in public and mow some "lefties" down then idk what to tell you. "Billy Bootlicker" was acting in self defense, not "mowing some lefties down". Not sure why you're not processing information correctly. Destroying property? My bad, throw out the justice system and execute them in the street! Big difference between executing innocent people in the street and defending yourself from violent attackers. Sorry, forgot CNN was fake news. Carry on. A video is far more trustworthy than whatever CNN, or any other MSM network feels like writing.
  4. "Peaceful protest" - that's delusional Kenosha is getting demolished right now, and I just explained what the video shows, which wasn't a peaceful protest by any stretch. I'll rely on the video rather than the CNN article you shared.
  5. I watched the videos on IG, and it seems to be self-defense. One of the shooters was on the ground, being attacked by multiple people when he started shooting, at least one of the attackers who was shot had a gun. The other shooter was running away from a crowd when someone threw a molotov at him as he was chasing, he was then shot.
  6. I reacted more on the picture of the policy than Trump’s tweet. Like I said earlier, the political gear ban didn’t bother me so I wasn’t thinking of it from Trump’s angle. Totally agree about the Media and people’s reactions, including my own at times.
  7. It’s expected because he’s an arrogant loudmouth, of course. I’d be shocked if he corrects himself. If anything the tweet will just disappear.
  8. I definitely agree the tweet was over the top, but to be expected. I don’t think Goodyear should take an additional hit for banning political gear. Even more so now that it seems that the picture wasn’t legit.
  9. I have been my whole career and I agree. Just going from the picture I saw that’s related to Trump’s reaction.
  10. Goodyear seems to have been tanking well before this incident, so I’m sure those plans are already in motion. Though yes, it doesn’t seem like Trump helped them out with that tweet. I am not condoning his reaction.
  11. I don’t care about the ban on political items, but allowing BLM while banning Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter isn’t something I agree with, plus BLM clearly implies political affiliation. Goodyear can do whatever they want, but I bet many employees aren’t thrilled about it.
  12. Sounds like Goodyear will lose that contract! I can’t side with Goodyear on this one, that dress code is absurd.
  13. Yes that is all True. Who was arguing the opposite? “Them” or “The Democrats”? Like Fox news says? Can you show me an instance of where a Democrat politician was saying “yes, vandalize, riot and dont wear a mask! Its Ok with us!” Would Mayor Durkan's comment on CHAZ being a "block party atmosphere" and "summer of love" suffice? While she didn't flat out say "go ahead and vandalize, riot and don't wear a mask", we all know what was happening in that area and how laws were not followed and protocols were not taken into consideration. Or maybe Mayor De Blasio cracking down on patrons of businesses for not following protocol, but not taking the same approach to the protesters. They weren't even contact tracing back to the protests, perhaps to exclude them as a culprit for the spike in infections.
  14. Everyone should be viewed equally as a risk if not following protocols, whether you're in Walmart or in the streets protesting. For people who break the law while protesting, they should be held accountable. Innocent protesters following the law should not be arrested.
  15. You know both of these statements sound crazy right? Some of the other stuff you wrote on the post I disagree with, but can see how a conservative can get to that perspective. These two though sound looney though. What exactly are the "looney" parts of these statements? Joe Biden is clearly aiming for the minority vote, and Biden has said quite a few racist remarks during the campaign, more than Trump has to my knowledge. Biden is playing that angle to defeat Trump, not because he truly wants to help minorities, IMO. (Biden's political history also reflects areas of not striving to help minorities) For COVID, even you said earlier that "The republicans have failed to respond to Corona virus and are the direct cause of tens of thousands of deaths.", which to me sounds like Democratic leaders have had more success in curbing COVID in their states. But that's not the case when looking at deaths per 100k people by state.
  16. Biden had a childhood stutter, and I can pretty easily recognize most of his "odd" word choices to be ways to step around words that are about to cause a problem. Trump just talks with a 3rd grade vocabulary and the affect of a reality show TV host. (5th grade is way too generous) The level of cognitive dissonance with Trump supporters saying how awful Biden is, is just wild. This is the same crew that blurts out that you have "Trump Derangement Syndrome" if you bring any complaints against Trump for any of the MANY bad or idiotic things he has said or done, but somehow they see no issue with continuously beating a drum about how mentally unfit Joe Biden is. It's frankly pretty disturbing when I see otherwise highly intelligent people succumb to it. There's plenty of ammo to argue which one has a greater mental decline, but we're also seeing their "blooper reels" more often than not. Personally, I think the issue for people against Biden is that he's clearly in decline, especially since he was much more coherent in the past. Trump has always been a loud-mouth moneybags businessman, so at least he's consistent(?). For age, Joe Biden would be the oldest president in history, so he gets the "too old" box checked by many. Outside of their gaffs, Biden's political history with equal rights is troubling, and he's clearly pivoting just to side with the "Trump is racist" and BLM folks, but Joe is just as racist, if not more so IMO (Joe has recently made much more racist comments than Trump, at least from what I've seen on the "blooper reels"). Throw in "Heels Up Harris", and it amplifies the resistance against the party for some people. I think the biggest thing swaying voters over to Trump is him condemning the rioting/looting, while the Democrat leaders of the biggest cities impacted seem to just be letting it ride out. When adding COVID to it, I think the folks on lockdown/following protocols see the protestors/rioters getting a free pass around restrictions and it pushes them farther to the right. In addition, everyone on the left loves to blame Trump/Republicans for COVID spread, but clearly anti-Trump folks/Democrats are just as susceptible and are contracting the virus. The woman who blamed Trump for her father's COVID death during the DNC is just despicable, and people recognize that Democrats are pulling all the bullshit strings to get Trump out. Paying someone to use their father's death for political gain by smearing Trump is disgusting. Like Reed said earlier, they're aiming to get Trump out at all costs, but if elected, they won't do anything to help "heal" the nation.
  17. I was referring to Biden/Harris’ past, not the entire Democratic Party‘s past. Not sure how far you want to go when comparing the pasts of the Democrat and Republican parties. After looking at his plan, he’s either truly trying to push for equality now, after a very long history of negatively impacting it, or he’s blowing smoke to win votes. I guess time will tell.
  18. So now that we know low income housing will disappear and the Central Park 5 will be sentenced to death under Trump if re-elected, what's Biden/Harris going to do for the minority communities? Let's look at what they've done in the past and try to align with their future policies.
  19. The key in the statue is the officer intended to commit physical harm, which is a felony thus why the DA felt comfortable adding 2nd degree. It will be cut and dry for 1 officer... the others not so much. Probably still hard to prove he intended to commit physical harm. The location of his knee is/was an approved tactic for Minneapolis PD (not saying it should have been applied for that long once George was properly restrained)
  20. Yeah just reinforces everything IMO. Just like everything in life in our judicial system.... if you were apart of it they consider you guilty. Now will two or three of them get found not guilty, maybe, but I’m sure at sometime or another they will find out the cop who actually killed him had past history with him that was the driver to his action. Can’t tell me you don’t remember someone face that worked with a year at a club.... It'd still be hard to prove intent, even if they knew of each other (which I don't recall hearing any comments from anyone on scene about their knowledge of each other). That plus the fact that it'll be hard to even prove that Chauvin knew he was killing George with that knee (especially with conflicting autopsy reports around cause of death). The fact that the cops were not aggressive to start, tried to deescalate many times, and George was complaining about not being able to breathe before asking to lay down on the ground isn't going to help the charges stick either.
  21. You openly write off plenty of racist things, especially when dealing with systemic racism (if you believe it existed) So its basically the same. What other things are less racist that have been chastized? While I don't agree with the notion of systemic racism in 2020, it doesn't make me a hypocrite for calling out someone else's racist comment(s). For an example of something less racist than Biden's comment, I'd venture that Aunt Jemima on a syrup bottle would (or should) offend less people today than his comment. But since he's not Trump, it's all water under the bridge! Knowing what country your relatives are from is a huge source of pride in the latino community. A lot of Guatemalans take offense if you call them Mexican, etc. I would bet a significant amount of Black people, have no idea what country in Africa (or Jamaica, Haiti etc.) their ancestors came from. 99% of Latinos can name the country, if not the city/state. Interesting you feel that way, but I don't think that was Biden's thought process when he made that comment. Im not trying to defend what he said, but compared to Trump, Biden looks like Lyndon Johnson. Looks like you just defended his comment above, but regardless, he's said much worse things throughout his entire career. His actions shouldn't be forgotten either. Since you “know” how Biden “really” feels, It should be a no Brainer who is the better choice as president for Black people. The democratic party, or The republicans- Aka the Lee Atwater party. Definitely not the Democrats, especially with Biden/Harris' track record when it comes to helping black communities.
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